Ordinance 269 - Sidewalk WidthITC . 269. M (YRDIAMU'r, MOTIM 298 K'�P N',TTC,72 0," 0-,13A1'171R, 13 nT' 1111' (Y", CITY 0" KAI , UP 1(,)11, TO V�IDTJ-1 or, CITY M,' ------------ M IT 0MATYU BY Un CITY C011TCIT. M' T— CITY Thut cection 298 of i\rticie G, of Cl]:°dl. "Yicev Of ale Qtj of 7V3i-Ve12 o,L' 1(;J1, be "S follows: -'f'Ie vi�71'tl- fJi the Ri"Mylks MAN the MON 0: Uhe City K Kminpell nre hereby estmisbel m �C'L� fronj M3 to Fourth EtropL, sixteen feet Li width mid on :ain 11treet n?rom Fourth Street nouth to Aicht PtreeL, treivo feet aidtn; lt,,)")i the nor-th o' t:io '�,'ont �orVmrn :Kdirund rin,t-of-wn-y line ;iorth to "ahe li'.its' feet PiraL Avrime �nrt frmi muth line of the ',o F-urtn Streot, 15 feet in width, A= Avenue Went f'T'0M s i tla 7nc of the Greut Tort 1lern Allroad rignt.or.my to !%CCet, 10 foo-a >xidth. RRHrovd sUmL WeLw CM AWL AWtItACS, and '.Vel,,t, 9 feet in width. rid, 0 ird nrld VarM 70,cz, betwomi 10rat Avame AQ md 'M� A-vernje e. t, 12 ff-ot -i'ith. "-ixtll L'tr et, bcL"'-"eell `;�ec-md ;'Verluc" wet' S 'feet ill width. irn-;t' '�'Vcc'nd' L airl c!nd �trceL, between ]qmL Avenue oust ind Birst Avenue WerL -nd Acland "vmae ',mist -^,n,! �-'�econ6 Neel Vieo,t, is fcot in 'jecond Avef',,oe ilr,� V-rL 000th I tnc o;- ''ort!,crn AnDromd riht-of-vuy to Vanrtll �)%root, 3 fc-,et in width. Virst Avenue L,ph 'md "est, scuth fvo-a rt"'i ""o cii'y i: i its wil oe 5 rest lit in i" conLer of parV�g, if widi : all Wer walks U) be six NO 41 WAT. 3M Any 0 19y. TVILAYOR A t L e c t "ity Clerk.