Ordinance 265 - Annual AppropriationsORDINANCE IIO. 265. AN ORDINANCE PROM )ITTO FOR END 7,TAKING TT7 AMOUNT OF TH77 ANITUAL APPROPRI- ATMI FOR TI F CITY OF KAI ISPFT.L, I"ONT NA, FOR TITLE FISCAI Y-UR ENDII10, CN TIIR "FIRST TTOI 7AY OF T,17AY 1913 AND FIXING THE SALARI?i°S OF THE OFFICERS CF TTTV CITY OF F,AI,ISPET1, IOITTANA, FFOIT TIP, FIRST 1101MAY IN TJAY 1912 To TI•IH FIRST MONDAY 11, YAY 1014. -----.—.---..-. - 000--- ..,..«.a... PF IT ORDAII17,I) BY T11 " CITY COT-11 L OF THt' CITY 0,7- ii1.7:I"P�I.i , YONTII A: ection 1. That there is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of thee_ City of Kalispell, lfontana, for the fisoa.l. year ending on the; first ltonda,y in Yay 1913, the following amounts to -wit: Water and Light Fund-------------------20,000.00 Street Fund ------- ,--------------------- 5o000.00 Interest and fond Fund----------------- 900.00 General Fund --------------------------- lo,0o0.0O Library Fund---------------- ----- 3,000.00 Park7und------------------------------ 2*000.00 Contingent Fund----------------- 8 Firemen's Disa.bi.li,�,ty Fund-------------- 200.00 Section 2. The Annual Lalaries of the several City Officers for the two years ending nn the fist Monday an Ya.y 1114 shall be paid r:aonth.ly from the Cc;ntingetn :a{und and shall not exceed t'he amounts as stated herein, and shall be as follows: City Engineer ------------------------- 1£�OO.00 Ass1 t Envineer E- Dray tsriar.-----_------1020.00 Street Comnisr,;i€;nor------------------- oo.00 City Attonney------------------------120O.0o City Clerk -------------------------- -, 1200.00 AssIt Clerk----------------„----- ---- 720.00: -anitor, City Hal ------------------ 840.00 City 1"reasurer-------------------- .,--100©.00 Chief of pol.ice--A-------------------1o80.O4 Three Patrolmen, each---------------1020.001 Police Judge------------------- ------ 780.00` ?ire Chief ------- ---------------, 120»001' Two 'Firemen, each--------------------a.0?0.00 I,ibrarian-----------------------------lO?C3,00✓ Janitor at library -------------------- 30MO d Health (officer------------------------ 360.00, ITRYOr ------------------------------ 200.00 Aldermen, eqch -------------------- 72.00 oec t ion 1 3. That the wages of the 7,riginecr, Fireman and Brakeman of the hauling Outfit and steam Roller shall be as follows - Engineer --------------------------- 4.1O per them Pireman --------------------------- 3.00 " it Brakeman-----®-----_-----2.�O " it Engineer, Steam Roller— ---------- 4.00 1; tt And th=it for overtime the above named shall receive compensation at the same rate. Attest-