Ordinance 257 - Submit to Electors - Railway LineM�
R7IS()j:TPjOj.T 110. 457.
,.,", 17 IEAS. the City Coic i 1, of tl"'e City of lla2lspr-11, ontnn
did on the 5t�!'i of '.,--irch , P-7P,, lc�iI2, mu-kp an,' enter order upon
the -,,.ppliccktion of the �Ttlltefi",h & POISOn Electric "Ri1WAY CO., to
su',,r,it to the qualified electors of the City of the question
of r-ran'Linr,,; to saio' "Iiltefish k: Polron .�:'lectric Railway Company, a
franchise perj-riitting,- said Compan',y tc) construct :;net operate
witilin the limits of the City of Y--Alispell, a Street Railway for a
period of 10drty years;
P,nd on this cf ! arch, 1912, the Pity Council of
the, City of Yalispell did Y,!�,ke nl enter rk o-r,6,er iipon the applicition
Of Vile 1� Injli�rj.y Coxap,-rny to submit- to the clectork-,
of the City of Kalispell the quotation of r-rr�nting to ^id Inter-C'rlban
WiNs, Mmymy a franchise permitting the foid haiMmy ComWmy to
cow,,Lruct x.nd operz,,.te witliir, the limitF,, of the City of Kalispell a
street rai2y,y for the period of t1hirty years;
And I,herenq, cach -,aid a.oplientions of the above nRmed companies
were �ecomp-.,inted by a proposed ordinance containing identical provisions
the exception of a slight difference in the proposed route, of the,
proposed rza.iiyfay to be i;uilt, both of s�,-aid ordintinceo propoezing,
i;lcyitical ru�utos fjtnrl stroet-, over a portion of their propc)sed line;.
And 1.flherer,,s, --?t a mcetin- of the City Council C)" the City'Of
Mlispell came months past, 11, P, INGinnis, the "re,-,,ic;eat of t�Ie Inter-
Urb"n Ari3wqy Oompqny appenred Wore the Ulty Ccuncil and st€,ited to awl
agreed rich the paid City, Council, th-at whenever Ihi Conpnny shoulri
apply to the City of Kalispell for a fro'ne":,ise fr,,r his propf-e-,eO rrt'ilrol-d
that spid frunchise so applied for P.,oulcl cont-nin a provision that "ts
one of t'he crorisitlear tiorts for the grnnnyM of said franchise said
Pay to Mile "'ity of Kn'l ispell jor t',,ie use of' the street
occupied by eRid ncilway, a wrtnin of th) net income
nxid net receipts of said RaiMmy for eyc'L -tnd every Year said -F'4iil'N9-Y
I operate it's said line.
,Pnd tlierv--.r, neitl-ber of s-,,id Vop"ed Vanchises or ordin,,nceo
of the Wove mentinned Compnnies wnitnirl M11Y ',,Uch provisicn; f�nd it
is the belief of the said City Coluncil ti,,,,,t 'both fni," PI'OPGOed orlinrinces
sllr;10[.d con--tLin w'2ch =€ provi,ion;