04-09-13 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD April 9, 2013 Present: Bette Albright, Andrea Davidson, Rebecca Bodnar, David Jones and Lisa Simmer Excused: Marshall Dressel & Chad Fincher Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting: May 14, 2013 — 4 p.m. Parks Department The group spent the first half hour of the meeting assembling the litter gift bags for the Arbor Day celebration at Elrod School. DNRC had donated a many great items for inclusion in the bags. 55 bags were assembled for the third graders. The meeting was officially called to order at 4:35 pm by Bette Albright. Agenda Topics: • Old Business Approval of March minutes • Current Business Spring Recycling Drive - April 13, 2013 Council Presentation — April 15, 2013 Arbor Day 2013 — April 26, 2013 Member Sean Conrad Old Business The group reviewed and unanimously approved the March meeting minutes. Current Business Spring Trees to Paper To Trees Recycling Drive — April 13, 2013 The group reviewed the preparations and tasks for the upcoming recycling drive. General consensus is that all preparations are in place and there should be adequate volunteer help. The weather outlook is not favorable and members were reminded to dress warmly. It was noted that there hasn't been a lot of advertising in the Daily Interlake, although there was an informative blurb. It is hoped more advertising will occur this week. Arbor Day Proclamation & Tree City USA Council Presentation — April 15, 2013 Members committed to attending the council meeting and split up duties accordingly. Arbor Day — April 26, 2013 Bette briefed the group on her meetings and discussions with Elrod School. David Jones informed the group that he is not able to attend however has found a DNRC replacement to speak to the children in his place. Bette asked for and received commitment for attendance for those members who can participate. Bette informed the group that she will contact The Elms apartment and speak to the manager and hopefully personally invite the woman mentioned in the recent article to the tree planting. Miscellaneous Business Sean Conrad informed the group that this would be his last meeting, as he had taken a Senior Planner position in Bainbridge Island, Washington. The group expressed thanks for all Sean has brought to the board and congratulations on his new job. The meeting adjourned at 4:52 pm Approved by Street Tree Committee: September loth, 2013.