Ordinance 258 - Special Improvement District 123As L'A 71 "1 7J "7", E 2 Nl"] Ell .u12.... 1'0 . 12 'D D1,Sl'ucT (I Jvr,' jW',,T T�Jl JH()�� F, CIIP7 101CP IT'S AWA MIYAP !> TIM '=R!� 71TYRI 'T, W 04"1 N OZ FUROOO, Ad EV7 ; -0 PVP" rC iNG 170 SAM UACIAL =R35-7=1 YAY 211 1= V =20 K=DET: CWTV Till =MD W 31003, YWW, MO) PpUylpinc 11H Tic 12VQYCE "- W31117on In C'C" C�!`''T A_'1 ------- 00000 ------- ­ !3 IT � Al "" 161�1: C1 7, conm " : C1 :Y 0],' 0132110 1. Unit all, cost ond( erpnnsn o:' -�-�,kinc'. Lne ri icrove­1clits - -03 provided fn)r in 1>00210on iY a , I V, prnj1RWw13j nAopted vqqroved on 24 d Y o" Ouly, QjI, ruid i inally E=n(', r,;) , n " , j n �el 0 �ae 7 61 d y Y T Own 0 t, 19 11 , (:re t ln�: p a (' i a", I.,11pr 0A1 enlen 71 i C �'r i C, 1, Y 0 . T f o 11 " , e ") u r :.)o s e o i" C, ,, Y t;�, ' r � � r t i q- R i d mon 3 , r" t I r 1" r, . r.1t�.i n"- 's t . n c' C r o s P, n nn Nit; descrihod nN set fo rA in odd Resolution eW provid 1 1r L'r t the t of cons trac Lj up: omen haproveinents Koji be honv, qnd w 1 d by tho property within suld Improvement DjsQqct, shot ue pnid by UL', 01tire dintriet aforenn!" ta"At; spid speckal Improvement cm, Bewer District to. 12J each lot or poreel of Innd wiHiln onid -istrict to bu a2seured for thot part of tUp rQuie 1, t i , ,.: �, , _ , , _1 c��, , ei� 1), �� s n e krun Of WIC Wire district, exclusive or strwon, alc, pu'b_ lir :W"S' -eUion 2. All the cost end exp"se ificuried -.",n rnnkin�,,_' xirjd ilupro'ne_ naents oh"11). Ic^ 1pfl'Jd TJ_ot-'i"'t agni ..mot "SpnKW. Immovement or Power Awniat uo, IP5 .!no rr Ouch TjarrantF soill be of the denomi,,intion o,,,' „i100'00 or reuO tipli"- or "ll I'rts pectiou•TV, spid OpPHRI m.y se gid LTI �iFht(8) eoml wmwil in��tpllnentq eximWo, over th�,,, 'e­ind r'Jt-n "�Ie yeE)r Section 4. zh"t all 04inmwao and carts of MUmmeev in canCHN with QjP urdimmee te und !Ae time prp Yar"I repenlej. 1) jj r "i v " d iiis -3,-y Ittest v 1"Wendull, city Clark. of t'1at1heo)<J' ss. /ity City Clerk of tj�e Cj,ty of T'�Jjspejj, Lantana, do KraQ certify tqnt on t-,,,je if',m, d,,,,y r)f ,,uE•, , 5 .1 u s t I I I caused Lne foregoing Ordiumnon to to ponted'as re,,,uircd Jn ().rdinance !a. 174 , Pad tnnt said Ordimmee Y-nj�-�ne�s d pc�tnd friod or ,). pen,'five dmys, n nd that Unre 1mve been no c nnges or Wteratione ?nje therein ne v,­ I of i ne passn', � ­_�d t',ero, ' by t,,ie City Comwi" non U Recorded he -win -ad Win r,ertificatp rv,w Lhis Ist. xLe C 1 erk.