Ordinance 257 - Form of SID 115 BondsDBMS
.'1 D r CI,, NO, 257.
J'.x C T7TI' n? GI3 �."ltnjLr 'r) !In TIP_ 'f,QR',J A.;D HJUMER OF
117E,'[VC'GA: 07 2i'ECIAI 'PTSTJ11r.!T I 7711' T""7119)
DI-TI.ECT 110. 115 7ITY 07 KP-11SPE1L.
L',R IT HT TIT CITY 17011111011 1"7 U!", CITY
:tertian. 1. All EjecW Impruve-ent 7istrict P,uthorizecl to 1.)e
issued and delivered A PUYNIon,k, of the coat and c,-ipenreu incurred
in malkAng the inz)rovcmenits jf?qc-ribed 1'n `Josolut'jon 4()1, =cppTo"V?d
cxe� tjnE ��po cial 1japroveTwnt DinKict to, 115 of 'Me
- f
City of Kalispell, shnll be lotted Aur . Ist. 191, shrill be of the
dencnaination of 0500.00 evcC (emcept much boW as may be "cessary
for ;my fraction t]. part of 4-,,500,00 to cal iplete ttny finaa ,)yment un-
der the contrancL for wIcing_ nvid improwmient) ruid sQ1.1 bwn inter-
Ust nL toe rute Of per intereot ,)ayuble on tree firzt do,'
of Januari in eo,ch year, and sh,-61, be due or 'zpyrble on or be -fore.
the f i r €� �, d "y of olnw ry, 19 1, w A e h a 1.1 h e x eg. i s. t er ed as c, f dit e
of ,WCust Ist, 191L in the office of the City Tre"ar"' of the City
of Ka;lisipoll. 7ttch of t e bond, 1 nave ;-ittac'ned Linreto
eirrj)t(8) interost co,-),o�)ons. The, Uonris be sif,,ned"by t,-ae
an(3 I tae I ave "e caronote so1 , City Clerk shal ��f the City �-ffixcd
thercLo, ;nd the interest coupow aAwwhed to encli of Paid bwWn 0hull
betir t'he engraored Foc-Simile rignn� s're �?f the Lllayor .nd Liie City Clerk
�1;arch 'uom'i be regictered i tim Office of tie City
whe) sha"11 sign his nmae on the regist--rvtion -f eo)ch o_ u',,.A6 _Loudo.
"ection 2, he bonds Wpl Ue in fo:cra ,'nd
-1" '011L
of the City of Kalispell, SV,�"'e of tuna
Speci,.�l Improwie- 't 115.Issued by the City of K-lisyQ2, Toontalwl, to ',),',',Y ;'rr gr"''3i p" "�Yldj
x inr « dortion W Yadn Street, in svid City, and curb
F."devml"ts and crueswwl',c� the-,Ir(on, All accord,,' ce ,-,1L'h a !3esf)lutjon Of
the City Council 1 posed and ap_j-rovod _.,iy lotth, j()IJ, cre ,.tjnc- �L�,,P e c - i-
ImPwvwwnt District 115, n,od t.,ie Ordinances o!' did City,
The City of Kulispell, n i"n0pni, c�)r_00-fation of tl-�c OLojj. of 17()nt-
anu, heteby promises to pay to. A "Pro
money o,', 1,'rie ",nited 13y�,tor, vriLh from a'n d
c'ftk°r VPci — dRY of —.—, 1911, , t, the rate f
"ble y o nnu,: I
7nd WN"ert pvyWio out of 1,ecV I Improve-
rwnt District Vo 115 funpr-vided for o,rdirmnce `:o, (.) -,, �� - d
City, cJher-wise, a L the QTice of the City Trenruver of paQj
C A ty.
T r,i,,= b o i id if-, paynlle on nr before t1w first Ty c& lanuarn jyj,
is i,ibject to c,:;]l ray t1w City Trmwu-rl�r o-� City when e,,, e, r r
tile re <1 w), I u j T i �:e�oy' in '9",id t M "urld Lo
geoti'�or rrith, a'11 Fierieo
j jj(.,
ie uw, r1jen are xior to Mg bn,jir, nurierice! or-aor, 0"'('r tnd
ubo" ouNicient Knids for toe ppy,junt 0, intp_rer t n ",11 l'
of Periies'
.A coupon i-Ic fc�i:` eacla of j"!-"eroot to
nc"uo Womon, -nd :mid KtoyjoL nhr1j, 0 p; j njy or,
and sunmn-Jer of such counnn W th City Treosti.rer; in cP,e
1wrld Ac (ta13od For PPY ent before a's wturiLl, mW nud every coudon
representingAUwwEt nq-t alecrvod ,,i-& the We WO bond is pgazle
Uzletcr SUCK ct)]A, sh:111 1,,e void.
The cn2.2, f'cr poym(-,,jjj; of Mis Imnd ol" the sey-j(,,r tliis in one
be mode Q the City Treww.irer OY Pui,IiShdn�, the s,,jjje In tie-,
Officlul zlews=er Of srid City, navinp a da:t(a uroyj cuch bond
W j"wAle, and vWen euQl cF]j is inade for the payment csf t1rjs
i.altevest thereon shvil cease on ITe day der igionted in ruche r")ticc
Yhis bond is one of n Porien if,
princip"'.1 5J?i o? seven thousnrld (.00"00) nJ. t ors, iswed in iwy-
raent for in said 11nProveruent Diwaict No. ll5
b terms 'Ind cond
11 Of bond,�, �ire su�,,`eet, to t�-ie , " , , 'I t' i C". s
he ein expressed, and are in numerical order, boginning with
te loYyr-,t ni,,-m.-ber.
It is hereby certified umd recited tiis),t all acts rai(3 things re-
quired to be done precedent to the innue of thi, bond, have been
properlN done, imppmed and erf,�� ormed In the rnnnp er, rercribe,i by
the laws of the State of NonLana snd the resoli,.tions nnd ordinances
Df the City of Kalispell t,:; the ir;ouonce 'thereof.
Ili ',17IIJ-FRIS,Q, the City of Kalispell has cz-oused tnese pre-
ments to be signed by it's Mayor and attemtQd by itr, City Clerk
and sealed with it's corporate seel, and the cotipon-, hereto attAch-
ed to burr the f.,c-rjrnile sir,,nnturen o' sairl mayor and city Clerk,
this__ day of _, A.D., 1911.
City Of K"I'l `x Pell.
City Clerk.
Spid bond Qw,11 be cndc)rc�cd
N- 1'bllov!S:
SPEC1117, -Iba, -0VE7fQ'T DIFITRICT Lc�]!D
District 1�o. ill, Of' tho City of Kalispell, State of
Dated 1911. Interest t-i.t 6,5 p-,-,,, annum, Pay-
able Annun,lly, at the offhie of the City Treasurer, in the City
of KuliTell, 2eg-istered _ day of _, 1911.
Section .3, That maid bonds shall. have ttcached thereto, eightt
intereo,-,I,, coupons, which said coupons rhay ]j be of te
form except Coupon No. 1, which shill 'L,e t'(,,r fifti ( r, ��l dol-
On the first Wy of january, 19 _, T111, CITY K10,12PELL,
EGITAW, promises to pay to the berrer, at the office of the City
being; one e, r I r� i n t e r e s t (177, -171 T-T -d 7 --y T'n, - -B 'o—n d-11 o' 7 r,) f t h e 1) o n d s
Of Speci& Improvement District ho, 115 Fund, and not ofhertndne; ;xo-
vided tW, this coj)Von is subject to all the terms ruA crviditiono
contained in the bonj to it pis annexed.
Attest: Mayor,
City Clerk.
rection 4. None of the bonds provided for herAv AwIl be de -
livened exce9t upon t-ke writter, order of tnce City Counci�,.
Passed and approved this l4th clay of J,,u�ust, 2.91-t
Atte�-,t; 11 . A. v!. C,Yjli ipps, Mayor.
City ClelxR
E"Ute of Euxurna,
County of Flrithe,--d,
City of Kalispell.
I H.A.Kendilll. , City Clerk oft1,,,e Ci y of Kalivpell,
Yontane, do hereby certify thwL on tne
1 c,,used t1ae forcy;oUF Ordinumce to Le P o 's t Vl, (I i e d in or-
d3nzance 1.o. 1'/4 -.nd tjint mail Ordinance rem,,ifiedd pomlco�ol for ,,, p e r -
iod of five days, aznd th-,,t there hn-ve been no or alterations
made the �ein since the pansago and ;yprovkil thereof by 'the- City
Council, nor in the recnrdir:� thereof.
Recorded hol'Oin and this Certifieate Made t h i
day of 1911.
City Clerk