Ordinance 256 - Form of SID 119 BondsM T-1 V, T D I c�;vn I "i BE, IT ORDr I-',ED 13Y TKE CITY C01MC17 nF T:,,E CITY ()-7 Section 1. p1l Special Improvownt T"stricz, 1JO-ndS autri ,Ioo to I! issued and delivered in pHyment At he costs fuA ex,') noses inmnrad � p � �s c, V n -r pip, c� i n ', e so I o t i o, n 1: 4') if) '�,f�E� -, dcsc 1 0 � Or 26th A., of zurle,,191 -Lcre", to a pee -1 improve""'Ient A swi at U0 ,,, of t,, City of Ujinets, s--all be d,,�,�,d Se,,)tenal-r, 1911. ' 11. bay of to e �en�,ininn,Lion of ei-�,ch(except sucl�j bond as -�ay be neces �.'r'y fr)r dIn'v -frrctlor'�I' port of i-;500.00 to con -Ietc '; ay Marl p""Taona',de tnr- c�')rktrct fo-f P"Ich it aind bear Merest at the rate at' 6,,,' poi, annurn, jy1terar,. payable on the l firmt day of 14nuny In eacil ye,'�r, �.nd sn,,all be J,,e al-, on car before the first M y of januacy, 1921, n,nd s -1 ,J�ajbe reVistered as of OPLE, 01' �IcPt"-�flqber, 191A in ale oyfj" up the City Trensurn, of the City of kalispell. 'E�j3,cjj of the snAd bondq saall attLoh- ed the-r"eto ten interest coupons, Said bonds Fulail L,a riEncd by Lhe 1jayor, and Lc,e City Clerk shNll the o-A of the City affixed Wereto, and We interest nouponn attacnod to ::lair :)f 9FId bonds, Wrr3,11 ber.r 'Gho engr,,,ved 7ac-Siinile qiFnati),re'.9 of the JEaynr ! :i� C e 0 and the City Clerk, Each boa Mal be rm-ist<�Ted j" Ci f the City Tr, n.surer Via Mal 5Agn 10, ingne Qn the rewAtrotion of st&h of nLid bonds. Pection 2, The bonds shall be in PorV snd -k,-,nkuage ly an follows: 7NIT9D STNEW 14 IMARICA. N U . of the City of Knlispell `3tate of :`ant; Special lmprovwwnt DOW& NoMq. 19-,ued uy tAie City of talispell, Ylontana, of y�)ay for and a partion of right and Ninth streets, in mid City, 7yid curLs, s i d ewa 1 1tiS al-ld CV0 SsW.LDS Zit s'ccornj 1:Ice ')�esolution of the City Council passed nnd approved ;une 260h IW1, creritijlF" ppeial Ini-Provemerit, -L)istrict 11% 119, and the Wdiunnnces of snAd City. . The City of Kalispell, n. of t""Ia 'C't'Itc s". , ']ont- n.'na, Kiereby promises to Lo or 1)e� -n.r �50o'00, -IF'w- ful. money of the United States wita� interest thereon froun. and after t'he Is*. da,,y of tptta rbrar, 1911, at the if Q'�' per anhurn, any - We wnwaln princilap Nnd interest U'UL 01" Improve- ment District Mad No, 119, prozzided for by Ordiria'nce 11o. of said City and not otheonrise, at the nfice of the City Treasurer of said city. This bond is paynblo on or be7ore t a lst, day o--" ,,,nLiary, 19,'11, -n(3 � fub'7ect by the City Trea"rer of mid City, whimwever the -re Pll: 11 Ue 'off�f,,ie,nt is zr: id "Und to pay the: to'"e t'n- or with all unpaid bondo of the same nerieg of vadch this WN isond, Mich are priar to this bond in numeric,rl order, over on(] ,,hove sLki7fi- cient L'tunds fear' t,Ile ')"ayTne t intes ret in all n upaIJ lando of svid ' series. P coupon < -nereby WHOM f;r aac`h P.stllrnent intcrot to accric, L)ie-eon, and said interest o all be Rid Pnly an mysentation snd su—ender or such coupons to the City Tre,-,,,'u,,er; �,WL in (,s,e bond in coal le for parnent bpArin it's maturity, mch Y n d every cou. pon repreaentLM—in6vost not zwcruod nL the Hime this bond is WV- "Inder ";Uc'a crzl L, sirl"all, be V')il. The call for p,-yment o',` t�jirbond c>7~ of any J)c)Y'J(j 'thn r'U'riep of Which thm is ae, shall k,(, rpade by 16hra City Tre€� ),4-rer by nger � � e up01,1 ,rac rnrae in t�Le official ewsyA the Ci ty, t , �� , which such Land A payable, and when Puch cpn is mdo for the Kmy- ment ,,f this bond, interest thereon shril. in such nuAce. 11is bond in gne of r omnier Pgprwwt1W in thE, stm of six thous end($6,000.00) dollnrs, isqued in qayl;ient for iMpr'->VeTTICT-ItS in Spccio.1 Improvement ictrjot 1,o. 11.9, all of to'ndn ,re subtected to the game terms,and conditions as iierein A) joj� " red "'re nrable in order, tale) ast lawnber, 1"IUMIN It is hereby certif imi and recited ti.,Ltt ll. ��,ctr r�nd;Rings e- ,11.1 Ired to7 e dwne "'Poe den', to the issue of this borid -nrve been prop- erly, d ane, ,)erf ormed yin the ­,n ene t, presc-ribed by tine of th.e State of Antam, and M e resolution 1 crdirinnces of t h e City of E: a 3 i s p P 11 to _i ;a t i 1 i e L 0 t `:i e i s s uarl c e t1i e r e o f . IL VITRESS ThERROP, the City of Kann Kalispell her-used these pre- sents to be signed by It's Mayor and atteF,,teal bit's City Clerk and saGed PqGi it's carper nLea sea], ->nd coupons 'nereto nttr;ched Lo bepr the fac-smfle m Fnatures of saj-� Irlao-ov and City Clerk, this day of , A.B., 1911. Attert : City Clerk. Cilly (111" TIAIIFPEVII 13Y Mao or Said bone; shr1 I be endorsed as f ollows, - 1210. __ SPECCIIkL lr),­r,`,T'IICT District NO. 119 Of t'­ City Of 1'�al ' isl pell, 'untana. &.1ted _? 1911. Interest -U 6,, per nnnum. pa, able annup 111, a 'U tT,,e office of the City Treisure r, in the City of Kai- ispell, Registered lei . d,..y of ___, 1911. CITY TRVA-MER. Section 3, That said bonds sluill ave attached t1ereto ;,en in- twmrt (wupms, %Vich smid couporm shnil be , tjw followl f,rm, except Coupon I-,o. 1, WhiCh Shall bC, for fifteen ($15.00) dollars. 1I'7TRICT li(�. ll(,? COUP01-, N0._ On the first dry whammrn 10 Ci ty of Kalispell, _ontana, promised to piy to the be,-,,rer at the offfice of tiie City Trensurer, THIRTY D011AW, 7XIEG one years interest due tiiirt d,,;, -n Bond No. df the bonds Of' Special Improvement District Tara. jig, of, Kalispell, out of Special Improvement District 11c) avid,, nd no i, at provided thwL Miss COW= is Mectod to -11. the ternas �:nd can- ditions contais;ed in trre bond to ­hich i'u in annexed. Attest: Mayor. City Clerk. Fection 4. alone of tee bo,,ndn provided for herein rhali be de- liv erep d exceL Upon t_V V,.?re' ��itLn order- 0 the City Council. ' �Iassed and approved hi_s 14th d,-iy of VT, C . i'll If I PP S Attest: Rayor City Clerk, EARte of 14num", County A FlatheaC SS. City of Klaispoll, I City Clerk of the C4Y of Kalispell, do �iereby certify thn� Q-n the -ZL— qay of 1911.. I caused the foroaing Ord; ncq to b(> post, in or- dinance -o 174 and that said ordhumoe ran, ained pos',ed for a period of five thaL there 1mve been no co, nges or i2terntiono made therein since ths passnEe -.ind ttliprovaj. thereof by the Cit,�, C01�11,1!il, T1011 in t�'ic, recErdji ,- thereo�. Recorded heremi rind thm certificwQ made third-l—L del 0 f 4,: 191, 1. Cit") Clerk.