06-06-89 Parking Comm Minutes• Parking Commission
June 6, 1989 4:00 PM City HaII/Conference Room
Attending: Chairman Gordon Pirrie, Gary McCarthy, Steve Cooney, Colin Wills, Don
Hossock, PWD Ken Hammer, Ed Gallagher, Maria Markus, Tom Vashner, Mike Baker,
Parks Superintendent arrived later.
Parking Permits: Maria Markus asked the committee if she and her husband could
have a reserved parking space in the KM parking lot as they have equipment to carry in
and out constantly to their business above Arts N Company. They are photographers
and travel to and from locations. Their equipment is very expensive and therefore
their van must be within sight. Committee agreed to look into the lease of this privately
owned lot and felt that there would be no problem in leasing a reserved space for the
Markus' as there is one already leased to the Cork and Cracker.
Tom Vashner of Chuck Olson Realty asked if there could be more permits sold in the
Third and Main lot or in the KM lot, as there were not enough permits this month and
people from his office as well as others on Main Street are now having to park on the
street. Don Hossock explained what happened with the sellout of permits this month
and stated that there are some on sale now. The committee decided to look into selling
more permits in all of their lots. They also asked Don to have the metermaid attend the
next meeting as she would have a good idea as where to increase permit parking.
The committee discussed pulling the heads off of any parking meters in the KM lot that
they may put up for lease, after checking into the lease between the city and owner of the
lot. Chairman Pirrie stated that this needs to be policed, with people who have a real
• need to lease as apposed to employees who could buy a permit in another lot and walk a
block or two. The committee decided to look at the various parking lots and reevaluate
how many spaces can/should be leased. Gary reiterated his thoughts of having the lots
between First Ave. E. and First Ave. W. as pay lots, with the outlaying lots being free.
Budget Requests: Mike Baker submitted a cost estimate to the commission for
improvements and landscaping for three parking lots; Eagles, Skyline and O'Neil.
These cost breakdowns will be submitted to the Tax Increment Committee next month
as the Parking Commission's request for funds for next fiscal year. These estimates are
in the "high cost" category and can be reduced.
O'Neil Property: PWD Hammer submitted a drawing of the proposed parking lot
showing 26 perpendicular parking spaces. There was discussion of using the north side
of this lot for compact cars only. Gordon asked Ken to try to get layouts, for next
months meeting, of all city owned parking lots so the commission can look into
making some of the spaces in each of the lots for compact cars, (possibly gaining 10 to
15 percent parking in each lot). Gordon also asked if a large map could be put in the
conference room showing all city owned parking lots so the commission could, at a
glance, visualize each lot when questions arise. Gordon stated the number one priority
is getting the lots finished, surfaced and lighted; then the budget; and then start
working on the O'Neil property and make it a late summer/September project.
Ken stated that the public works department is planning on reconstructing the block of
Third Ave. E. and are now working with building owners to fill up the vaults under the
sidewalks, and he plans to do some work in the KM and city hall parking lots. As they
do reconstruction in the tax increment district, they are taking out all the old parking
meter poles, assuming that they won't be going back to meters all over town. Gordon
• asked If plugs could be put in for future use if meters are reinstalled. Ken stated that it is
cheaper to go back after the fact and drill the holes, as the plugs seem to create
problems. Gordon asked of the lighting In the lots will be uniform with the alley
. project. Ken stated they are doing a comprehensive study with PP&L on the lighting
system, trying to get a consistency with the lights in the downtown area. The lights
ordered came in at the wrong size and it will be another six weeks or so before the
correct ones arrive and can be installed.
Ed asked Ken if he could give the tax increment committee a time frame on the O'Neil
property lot construction. Ken stated he'd thought it a priority project, but the Mayor
told him it was not. Gordon asked if the city could put the job out to bid to help expedite
the project and Ken said he thought that could be done. Colin asked why the concrete
slab had to be removed and not just topped over and Ken stated he was given direction by
the city development committee to remove the concrete as it would probably be used as
parking for a long period of time. After much discussion Steve Cooney made a motion
to recommend to the Mayor and Council to authorize going out for bids to do the O'Neil
parking lot, with the public works department doing the specs for that project. Gary
McCarthy seconded, motion passed with only Colin opposed.
The commission discussed the mess being left in the lots bordering the First Alley West
project and directed the secretary to send a memo to the Mayor and Council stating they
feel the contractors and Billmayer Engineering should be responsible for cleaning up
the mess that they leave in the lots. This should also apply to the contractors for
Murphy, Robinson, Heckathorn & Phillips as that alley is being distroyed by those
There was discussion of the garbage collection in First Alley West, the mess that is left,
and the possibility of different placement of garbage receptacles, and the employees at
First Ave. W. driving over the sidewalk and curbs around the Eagles lot. They also
discussed the necessity of having someone other than the metermaid inside selling
parking permits when the police department is short staffed, as she is needed on the
• street.
New Appointments to Commission: Gordon stated that a letter had been sent to Bob
Ivey asking him to respond within a week if he wanted to remain a member, otherwise
there would be someone else appointed to the commission. Having not heard from him
the commission agreed that Rick Warneke of Insty Prints would be a good choice. He
will be asked if he'd like to be a member soon.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.