11-09-88 Parking Comm MinutesParking Commission 4:00 PM November 9, 1988 City Hall ATTENDING: Chairman Gordon Pirrie, Colin Wills, Steve Cooney, Gary McCarhty, Ed Gallagher, Mayor Ed Kennedy, Wayne Saverud, Kevin Calnan, Howard Fryett (arrived just before adjourned), Chuck Corrigan of FVCC. FVCC BOND ISSUE: C. Pirrie stated that on December 8, 1987, the Parking Commission agreed to buy Heritage Hall and the City would buy Blake Hall if and when the bond issue passed. With its passage on Nov. 8th, it is now time to earmark the monies from the TIF bonds for the purchase of these properties. There is $350,000 left in the Parking Com- mission line item. Ed stated that he had talked with Mayor Kennedy and Mae Nan Ellingson of Dorsey Whitney about coordinating with the college on their bond issue. State law says that if one branch of the government buys from the other you don't need to have an appraisal, however, the college had the appraisal done because they could sell to anybody. Mae Nan will work through the Mayor, Parking Commission and the college to set up some scheduling. First she'll check out the vote, then set up a meeting time when both she and DA Davidson can be here to meet with officials. In order to follow all state laws and procedures it would be best to sit down as a small group and prepare a schedule. The City, after the recommendations of the Parking Commission and KDC, at their first meeting in May, came out with a Statement of Intent, which earmarked the monies. Ed went over the appraised value and estimated demolition and site preperation costs. (see attached) Ed stated the idea of the Council when they did pass the Statement of Intent was that this property would be sold at its highest and best use. (It would be used as parking but if a buyer comes along it can be sold for highest and best use with money from resale going back to the Parking Commission for off street parking, i.e. sale of land - Heritage Hall with parking monies). There was discussion of scheduling. Ed explained that the City cannot enter into a lease agreement until they own the property, so if and when the Council agrees and approves the appraised value, the city will then go through a title company to get clear title to the property and the City Attorney will draw up a lease agreement with the school district. It is estimated it will take approximately two years before the college is ready to relocate, therefore they will enter into a lease agreement with the City whereby the college would be liable for all insurance, utilities and maintainence on the buildings. Motion was made by Gary McCarthy to proceed with the purchase of Heritage Hall, seconded by Steve Cooney and passed, with Colin Wills abstaining. O'NEIL PROPERTY/424 S. MAIN: Kevin Calnan explained the status of the O'Neil property to date. The original 'package' had been for Colin Andrews purchasing lots 5 & 6 and the city buying lots 7 & 8 for parking, however that did not transpire and now Kevin suggests the City make an offer to purchase all four lots for parking. After much discussion the commission decided to offer the O'Neill $115,000 for all four lots. Colin Wills made a motion that the commission offer $115,000 for lots 5-8, Block 75. Lots are to be cleared, compacted, and ready to pave. The commission would also like an answer within three days. Motion was seconded by Gary McCarthy and passed unanimously. Meetinq adjourned at 4:55 PM. PARKING COIMIISSION $350,000 -215,000 135, 000 -135,000 -0- 01 1. Heritage Hall Appraised 190,000 demo/site prep est 25,000 215,000 136,000/6.50 2. O'Neil Property Block #75 Lots 7 & 8 Council package approved 50,750 demo/site prep est 20,000 7O, 550 Recommended Lots 9 & 10 64,250 includes demo 4 lots & demo/prep 135,000 -0- TOTALS: $350,000 $136,500