10-18-88 Parking Comm MinutesParking Commission City Hall October 18, 1988 4:00 PM ATTENDING: Chairman Gordon Pirrie, Colin Wills, Bob Ivey, Steve Cooney, Ed Gallagher and Kevin Calnan of Main Street Realty. Block #55, Lots 8-12: Ed stated that he had been instructed by the City Development Committee to get an appraisal on this parcel. Roger Jacobson, MAI, gave an ap- praisal of $144,000. The last appraisal was by Brown Appraisal Service in 1986 for $127,500. Legal notices are being prepared by the City Attorney and will be published three consecutive weeks, with a bid opening scheduled in December, and the city can accept or reject all proposals. Being in the redevelopment area, some of the factors involved are; what offer will be made on the land, type of develop- ment, will it be in the community's best interest, and, as it is not on the tax rolls now, taking into consideration the tax benefits. Any monies coming from the sale of this parcel will go back to the Parking Commission for off street parking. Ed stated that there is no guarantee that there will be a proposal, but letters have been received from Valley Bank expressing interest in the land. Colin Wills stated he didn't know that it was such a good idea to get appraisals on property everytime that someone made an offer on city property. Ed said he agreed, however it is just to protect the integrity of the city. Gordon stated that there is nothing the commission can do until there is an offer made on the property. There was discussion of the law office of Murphy, Robinson bid opening, and the possibility of construction starting within a week. Ed stated that they had come to the CDD for a loan for site improvement, which is eligible. O'Neil Property (S. Main) Update: Kevin Calnan reported that the original person interested in purchasing the property in conjunction with the city did not receive financing from the bank. Since then there has been some talk with other individ- uals showing interest in buying the property, but at this time there is nobody that has made a firm committment. The owners may be interested in selling at less than their original asking price. Kevin feels there is possibly a 50-50 chance of someone coming along and trying to put together the same kind of package as was originally proposed, however if the city wanted to purchase the property entirely, it would provide approximately 44 parking spaces. Kevin said he will keep the Parking Commission informed of any offers, etc on this property. Proposed Properties: Gordon stated he'd talked to Bill Cooper who said if the bond issue doesn't go, the Parking Commission should get an offer to the district as soon as possible on Montana Hall and they will act on it within a very few days. Ed, has been talking with KOFI radio about the Big Sky Fly & Tackle property. He reported that they are taking it under consideration and will get back. Ed will keep the commission members informed. Gordon said Gary McCarthy suggested looking at the Bob Braig property if the bond issure doesn't pass. Colin Wills will be gone for about three months, plans on being back in March. The next meeting will be Nov. 9th, the day after election. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.