Ordinance 255 - Width of SidewalksM�Mm
ORDT WICE 10, 255
N (MMUTCE A77DW UCTIM 2()8 Mf T�'E 'U () D /q , I �',VISI�D R Il- NME OF
TE", CIT2 011 1911, 'PT]1� 1-1IDT11, OF e', 11D f 1, 1,7 K 13
I T - .'. " : IlF K [J I
Section 1. -haL section P93 of -the revised Ordinance,} of 1911
be and the snmn in hmeby amended tc) re,,,d as follovo.
Section 296. The vjridth of tri.r,e sidelvalks wit'�,Jn the corpor-
ato limits (,)f t"'Le City of "alis"ll, are hereby estMished pr
411 ova .
On Win 0treet, from tne Mouth Ii-ne (,,:' the righL-of-
way night Street, WC in width; from forth lioe of C,N.R,R.
r1j,,]nt-of-w,'.4.y line !-,'orth to C�ty Limits, B ft. in widtli.
First Avenue not from outh line of ri�.,-"LL-of-way t�;
Yourtli Str�et, 15 f-et in width, .,nd 'z,'ifst Avenue e,.t from Sou�',q
li,nc, of trie right -off' -way tp -�oiirth Street, JP, feet in width
11ailroad Stre(�t between 'b'irst Avpni-ie and l'iest, ?ft. in
r,,-t, e S Aven c :,,econa; nard and 2ourth Streets, btt,,, n it t u
East :md PAst ^.vrn,,je ft. in vridth.
Sixth Street, 7econd Aver,,i,ie ,'nst 'Wes�' b0ft. in
First, Recond, TkArd and w1urth 'Street,,-,, 'be tv,,een -irot Avenue
AM and lost and Eecond Avenue Fiat and 1'ecM $3 1"t. in N,'!idth, except
along I at 18 laoc - W&I Wall be 1e 0 fet in xvidth.
-econd ,,.venue and Vest from Pauth 10w of S,NY,R, ri§A-
of-vn,y to -i:our-t1,j 11treetS ft. , � in �-ielth.
All CYrdineuices and parts of "rdinancos in confli(-',t lnere�ith are
hereby repeplad, and thir '� I d e
take effect -r t
,irne, an6l in the Tn,,;nnf-r, providied �:y .-savl.
as cep Pnd aporoved Llnis 51st. dl,,-�,�- ;TuIy,1c)lI.
Attest: E, A. FOMMALL,
city zleyk.
State of Liontana,
cou"Ity I il'athea'J' S,
City of a-ispell,
I R,A,Kend oll, Ci- Cleo M
C It, of "alispell
'L tip, a , do hereby certify taj,-t N
I caused the forarQnN ordinance to be Pas r el 11
d�1i"o ed in Or-
in�--Ln'.�Ma ce o. 174 and t�, qid Oractb dinn�-ermained po,�ttodA or a per-
io,l a- five flSys, rams Qvt there have been no chtmgnn or, taterations
made ther-in SiTMe Um wswire and 'thereofby !-� City
Cownil, nor h! the rncw4iqc tnerwof.
Recorded herein and Wo made this-L—
duy of ,L 1911.
City Cierk.