06-14-88 Parking Comm Minutes• PARKING COMMISSION
Is June 14, 1988 City Hall 4:00 PM
ATTENDING: Chairman Gordon Pirrie, Commission Members Colin Wills, Bob Ivey
and Gary McCarthy, Ross Plambeck of Community Development and Mike Baker, Parks
Superintendent arrived at 4:45 PM.
O'NEIL PROPERTY: C. Pirrie reviewed the current status of this property. The
City Council Voted unanimously at their June 6th meeting to authorize the purchase
of the two 25ft S. lots (7 & 8) of block 75, Kalispell Original, for the amount
of $7.25 per sq ft based on the contingency that the owner(s) purchase from the
O'Neil family this property and rehabilitate at least one floor of the existing
building for commercial use and the city will coordinate the additional parking
improvements on both pieces of property.
Ross stated that the Architectural Review Board had approved Colin Andrews request
for a commercial loan to rehabilitate the first floor of the existing building
at their June loth meeting. The plans were approved subject to a more detailed
site plan being reviewed once the city buys the two south lots.
FVCC: C. Pirrie reviewed the proposal. Colin objected to the high purchase
price to create so few parking spaces. Gordon stated that " we need a plan B
if the college bond issue fails." He asked everyone to be thinking about other
• properties.
• GRIFFIN FIELD: C. Pirrie discussed the prospect of the commission buying the
field and then swapping with Burlington Northern, as well as the need to put
First Ave. E. through to Idaho.
BIG SKY FLY & TACKLE: There has been a letter recieved from Kalispell Realty
to the city stating that Don Alley will sell just the real estate for $34,000
to the city as per his earlier offer, pending any other offers to purchase.
Kalispell Realty is marketing the property, all chattels, fixtures, and real
estate for $45,000.
OTHER LOTS UNDER CONSIDERATION: Montana Building, KM (Bitney), lots south of
the Hockaday, and Montana Hall.
There was discussion of a truck bypass.
The commission discussed with Mike Baker; determining maintanence costs on parking
lots and landscaping, the fact there is 2150 sq ft of sidewalks that need shoveling,
who is responsible for cutting weeds, etc in Montana Tour and Travel lot. No one
was sure. Gordon asked Mike to prepare a budget on maintanence.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.