03-08-88 Parking Comm Minutes• 0 PARKING COMMISSION City Hall/Conference Room 4:00 PM March 8, 1988 ATTENDING: Chairman Gordon Pirrie, Colin Wills, Bob Ivey, Steve Cooney, Don Hossack, Dick Burningham, Gary McCarthy and Howard Fryett. Also in attendance were three residents from the 100 block of 3rd Ave. E. Chairman Pirrie opened the meeting and invited the residents from 3rd Ave. E. to address the Commission. These residents are interested in possibly selling their property to the commission for parking. There was discussion of the need for appraisals and Fair Market.Value (FMV) if purchased by the City. The residents left their names and addresses with the commission. Four of the six lot owners are willing to sell and they believe the other two lot owners would be willing also if contacted. G. McCarthy entertained a motion that the commission contact School District #5 and tell them of this opportunity to purchase a half block, and possibly work with them toward a purchase. C. Pirrie read the letter from Sterling Rygg offering to sell his property located on block #37 to the commission. His offer was for $7.00 per sq ft. This property is 8,750 sq ft. Commission members discussed this offer, no decision was made. C. Pirrie read the letter from Don Alley, owner of property located at 321 1st Ave. E. He has offered to sell the commission the real estate alone for $34,000. His business and property will remain for sale and is subject to prior sale. No decision was made at this time. There has been no response from Mary Snyder, owner of Legacy Restaurant, at this time. The FVCC property that has been considered by the commission is still under con- sideration, waiting for a position paper from D A Davidson. There is to be a Board meeting tonight, but the position paper is 50+ pages so will have to be discussed after all involved have had a chance to read it. There is to be a meeting scheduled for March 16thfor FVCC to discuss this. C. Wills entertained a motion to table the decision on this property until after the March 16th meeting. C. Pirrie again discussed the possibility of staggering the metermaid hours so as to discourage the parking offenders from leaving their vehicles in one spot for three hours (8-11 oclock) at a time. Don Hossack said he felt that the metermaid would be agreeable to that. He'll talk to her and Chief Clark about it. Amy Robertson, City Accountant, distributed a handout showing the percentage of parking tickets not being paid. Tickets are cancelled when they are 6 months old. Dick Burningham of Kid Stop on Main St. presented a letter with some license numbers of chronic parking offenders (employees)in his area, D. Hossack will check and see who they are. He also stated that people are parking on the property owned by Murphy, Robinson, etc. and wondered if that couldn't be made free parking. The Commission members asked the secretary to send a letter to the firm asking if they would be agreeable to this. There was discussion of courtsey tickets being given out and a motion was made by Chairman Pirrie, seconded and passed to have courtesy tickets given to out-of-state and out -of -country vehicles. There was discussion of having a brouchure made up with the parking lots for permit parking printed for distribution with parking tickets. Also having the courtesy tickets Parking Commission • age p2 page 2 say to redeem at Chamber of Commerce and receive packet of things to do and places to see in the valley. Secretary will work with Chamber and officials on this idea, get cost estimates for printing, etc and bring to next meeting. Steve Cooney asked if it would not be advisable to talk with whomever necessary about burying conduit #or lighting, etc; before the First Alley West project is started. C. Pirrie agreed, as then would be the time to do lighting, and any landscaping for lots. C. Pirrie asked secretary to send a letter to PWD and Mayor or whom ever is necessary to set up a meeting so this can be addressed. This will be discussed at the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM. n LJ