Ordinance 253 - Special Improvement District 119PY ORDIMHON DIRECTIM ADD DECLA"MG THAT AlTJIIP:, COST ,�17,1 EXP51,_ITS IL1111ROVE3J[IE'ETS I�SPE'CIN. IYOWARMIT DISMUCT I'm. 119 oF XMISOML, MUTSZ, S7TA31 13E ASSESSEn MAT'.!,l' j1PI-1) 13Y THE' 3±1112 1 R2 DISTRICT To hN ASMOM MR T'AT PART OP TE"1] (70;".1' IT I S 11 "P, PUBLIC PLj\cj`S, 7AT SAID 2PECIAT, K",�',-E,'.F1,71UTT UAY B E, P A I ZI: a IT.f st I�UAL OVER TEE 077 TEIIN _f2fiRS. JU-,D Pi.OVIDUG FO?, i I's"'U/,pc", op II, PAYT'j"U�'I'rT Such C COST k":-1) EXPJLJI�Zm, IT M,' CIT-Y COU-CIL OF THE CITY 07' Mationl, That all cost nnd expense f)-." m-,-,kinc: the 1,rq�provement provided for in ReOD]ution ro, 418, jwovision.a]ly Pdo�Iued and aporoved on tTie jtrj 6,,y of junn 1917., and fin&J,17 adopted and approved on the 260, My of june, 1911, creating a Special Inlpro-,rermcnt Mstrict jTo. 11V for the purpose of pwing Eighth and 11',Cintli Strects, a_s, fully, de- scribed and set forth in snid ReaolutLion; and Xovidinr-,� that the cost of cooastructin,- such improvements shnll be borne and paid 'by tare pro- ,)ertyy ',=IitAin Improvement District, shall be lur id )y -.hp entire, diRtrict Vmencid, to -wit: s"id "pecinl Improvement ':irtrict !,ro. 119, each 10L of p.,,rce] :)f lt,;Tjd 1githin district to be nsoessed for t;,t part of the whole cost wbiNi it's area bears to Mie rumn of the entire district, excluoive aV Meet-, ql1eyq vnd public pls.ces. Section 2, All the OOSL and expense incurred jr rqmkinr s­id im- (" by Special Imi)roveTmnt Distfict BonK d-Imifn 1mj-)r,ov(,m.ent :District .a;o. 1,1() 7unc],11 S'Uch. of Vie denwim0ion a." w100.c,)O, or ituItiples or t;iereof. section j. 'h,t said special ssuessme-its ri,.yje in e,_equr,I annunl inst,-:�)Ilments, uxtondinF over the period of ten years, Le,­ilqninF�, ye,,r 1911. Section 4, ih,,,t o1i p-arty of Whvmc" in conflict v,itlh t1iiq ordimmeen be raid the r, sae ar,e hereiby Approved this C,,,,y of July, 1,911, Mayor, City Clerk. S t L C of 11 onta na, Co"unty of .Teat aeVd, 0S. "Ity f I end,a.11 Citv Clmlc of t "le of Kalim')ll, " 0, t rl I a f _(�,aztq i q I I 1_1 do htreby cert,*Lfy - t,- I mumed mis forecoing nrdinance,-, et, o be po t q, �i.�,/retyired in Ordi- nance 1'Z4 ae and that said Ordinances ed or a period of five daye , and t,rL there have been no chunres or ,)]tera,tiona :-,qade L-aerein since t_­� 161-lereof by t _­ City Council, n')r In the recovdi�,��, tliereof. Pecorled AVON 13"A i id c.ortificate i-.I,rde dvy nQ 1911. OILY camn.