01-14-86 Parking Comm MinutesJanuary 14,'86 PARKING COMMISSION/STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE 2:00 P.M.
Chairman Palmer and Gordon Pirrie, and Commission members Colin Wills,
Bob Ivey, Austin Miller, Dr. Ed Myers, Ed Gallagher, and Chief Stefanie present.
Mayor Kennedy, DPW Hammer, Clerk Halver, Parks Director Drent, Surveyor Zavodny,
Building Official Jackson, Bill Crivello from FIFTH, and Roger Hopkins of
the Daily Interlake also in attendance.
FIRST FEDERAL PARKING LOT - This lot has been offered for sale to the
Parking Commission for $165,000, which covers out-of-pocket expenses. Clerk
Halver reported that $3,752.00 has been collected since July, which is 2%
below anticipated revenue. First Federal is still getting 100% of the income
because of the high taxes. There was discussion of where the income money
would go if the lot was purchased, whether it could be earmarked for parking
lot acquisition rather than general fund. It was pointed out that the Commission
has 3 years to spend the bond money and it was felt that they should take
a wait -and -see attitude because of the possible change in the college location.
The Commission felt that the asking price was more than the value and that
a legitimate appraisal should be gotten.
SCHOOL DISTRICT 5 - Gordon Pirrie reported that the District response
to possible use of the south side of Montana Hall was that they don't meet
accreditation standards now and cannot give up the land. There was discussion
concerning an additional 10 spaces being available if the School District
F.I.F.T.H. PARKING SPACE REQUEST - A letter was received concerning a
traffic problem because of the employee parking on the street around the old
teen center at 3rd and 3rd West. The Committee felt they were asking for
free parking. Itwasunanimous that the Commission could not treat them any
different than anyone else and they could use the spaces for the regular $8.00
per space/month fee. Bill Crivello came to the meeting later and this was
explained to him.
out a synopsis of each of the parking lot leases and explained Ed Trippet's
position concerning snow removal from parking lots. It was pointed out that
a letter had been received from Mr. Eigeman stating that he did not push his
snow onto the City Street. Austin Miller stated that there were several business-
men who were ready to run C. Palmer out of town if he began charging for snow
removal. He went on to point out that the purpose of the Commission was to
provide parking for the people. Those businesses in the old buildings were
grandfathered in because providing parking was not a requirement when they
were built. If the City charges for snow removal what it is doing is penalizing
those who have provided parking (and are not making money doing it!). There
was extended discussion of how the City would handle large parking areas like
the new mall or B&B, what individuals get for their tax dollars, the ordinance
on the books that is not being enforced, where private vendors dump their
snow and the timing of pushing snow into the streets. Three points gained
the strong support of the Parking Commission and will be taken to the Council:
1) Parking lots under 40,000 square feet may plow their snow into the streets,
over 40,000 square feet must haul their own. 2) All plowing into the streets
must be done before the City plows the street. 3) There will be no charge
for this service, but there will be a penalty in the amount of the actual
cost of removal of the traffic hazard if snow is plowed into the street -after
the City has plowed.
January 14, 1986
Page 2
SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL - Attorney Neier has indicated that the City must
begin enforcing the clearing of sidewalks. The present.ordinance states that
the adjacent property owner is responsible. There is a $10.00 fine. Parks
Director Drent agreed to be responsible for the sidewalks adjacent to City
owned parking lots. All other parking lots the owner is responsible for.
A visual reminder and encouragement by Mayor Kennedy to the people of Kalispell
was recommended, with follow-up enforcement.
CROSSWALK TRAFFIC - The location in question is 1st and 1st East by the
College. Pedestrian law states that the auto has the right of way until the
pedestrian sets foot on half of the street. It is not easily enforced. The
same problem exists at the Post Office. Suggestions made were for a moveable
four-way stop during working hours, a crossing guard, a "stop when occupied"
sign, a "watch out for pedestrians" sign, or a real artsy sign that would
catch attention and could be made by the college art department. The problem
with most of these suggestions is that they are contrary to the Uniform Traffic
Code and anything that the City does that is not in compliance causes problems.
Missoula has used flashing yellow bouncer lights in this type of situation.
DPW Hammer was asked to research the cost and liabilities and report back.
PARKING LOT RATE INCREASE - The Street and Alley Committee felt that
the Commission should wait to see what the mall is going to do, and that it
would be wise to lower the lots that were used less and raise the well used
lots. Permits allow parking on several different lots. Chief Stefanic indi-
cated that a change in rates could be accomodated easily by designating on
the permits when they were issued. Discussion included differentiated scale
of charges, effect of parking on Main Street for customers, and getting employers
and employees and college students away from on street parking. The Commission
agreed to leave the Methodist Church lot and the bowling alley lot at $8.00,
with all others at $12.00 except the Eagles, which is $20.00. This will be
effective March 1, 1986 so that permit holders may be notified when they purchase
the February permits.
VALLEY BANK LOT - The Commission is waiting for Attorney Neier to write
up a lease. This is to be a designated lot with a charge of $12.00 per month.
PARKING LOT LEASES - The Commission agreed to take the synopsis of the
leases, make any changes they think necessary, and return to Clerk Halver.
They requested that all leases in effect presently be canceled, brought up
to date, and that the due date on all the leases be the same. They will try to have this done by March 1st.