Ordinance 252 - Special Improvement District 118E ('R-DII]ALCE 1:,'0, 21,2. -T�IQR0700 17) WHREM H,1%T 13,1,1, TI 71P I'D 7 , (1,,,')7T Al EXPRI Oi','_,AKI1TiG ITAP�0VFLLP,7NT,'� I. 122,PT?,OVLPT,11TT DISTRICT KC, 118 OF minvu mnym.° 11011 nn wwm) PAID J),Y TIT DISTRICT, EACS LOT nR PARCEL OF T;ANP WITITIf SAID 7)ISTRICT TO P­u,- MSZED FOR TIAT PART F TIM 71OLE COST THICE ITIS A%"[,1;`-; '.C, TO THE !WTIM: DIFIRICT, VXCUSIVE nW ST7PRA"""', (`__,:1) 1)'J�Lic Pau-) PROVIDIUG TiAT SAID SPECIIJ, 11AY BT' PAID III, UOTAWUMITS -WrTMEY: 'FEE P_--ICD OF Fr)-.,l TT-n" 1m!JAI'CE 0117 VUT�T�',A!-,,TS IN !)7571,,T OF SUCH CO-T 1.17L) EXP'­!1:SE. BE IT BY TIM CITY COU1,C11 0` THE CITY 077 Section 1, That ell cost and expense -,f kirq, the fit provided for i.n Resolution 111o. 407, provisionally ado pted. . d pproved v A t( d and '71 r ed on the nth d,,ay of June, 1911, and finVlly udopted and 'poroved on the 26Lh day of June, 1921, cre,,ting Special Improvej-j� ).c nt or r,ew e r d d C, tract NO 118, for the purpope of conrtructinU sidevrHo aml crosswalks oj-, ``,eventh Ave., asta as fully described -nd sot forth in s a.id. reoiuti on aald the cast of constructi.n7 sitch hnprovenei-ILS o1m,11 be born e f;lld _);1id by the ,,).ropertZ� v!ithdn f-_tid Irnp�laavenl(:,",nt T)in'­riet, �,-,hvll bnlee id by e enHD t e istrict uforesnid, to"on culd Tpecinl im- provement District No. 118, each lot or parcel of Dmd wiuon .&d district within avid district to he ass , (-00d for t',,!Z part -,f whole coat MWK it" are benro to the hren of t,,e t, , --e ; di tr 1 excj.,1rJ, of street-,, ,nd publin j)laces. "ection 2. ".11 the cost �ind expense .i;ricurre a in id ira- provemonts shall be paid by Lvecial Lmprove Ient T)istrict !arraattw, drawr iet<st "Speciil"l ITaPr0v(1,M0-Y1t 1i9trict It'und. -',,Io. Such Y.Mr-rant 9 shall be a,,,' tne denominotion c)- $i,0000 o., or fractional parts thereof. section 5. That maid SpWal Assenoiqwnts may 1, id in might equal annual i-nst,­ji_jnenLo, rb;over ,; ,)ej,jod of ye, v'ith the year 1911. rs, be - Section 4. That all crdinancery and gr!.9 of ordinruiceo in conflict with thin ordii.-inces be nYid tl-ie r­,I-Re, aVe iereb�,, liproyed this 24th- dRy of OVII, 1911. c , V11 -, I P.1? S, Attest: .&KEUDWI, Tfayar. City Clerk. State of County of Flathead, ss, City of KaiioDell. l " a I H.A.Kend,,,11, City Clerk of' the f Kalispell, -,ntan,a, do he,Pby certj.f�, ii-jut on the day t 1911. 1 c,,aused the fore,,7in,7 rcjin�,, q r C. t,) Do d in Ordin- -ce NO, 174 and that said Ordin-once _rcrnadned paoliAfoi-'rea period of five dti, r nd M p t thery buys been no chunres or :11terations *rode wereian FjTjce t_e pass,,, ,d no i, _icreof by 6he City in j]et,eof. of 1911. Recorded 1wrell and thiscei'Lificate tide t ,I i s 3111 y City Clark,