Ordinance 251 - Special Sewer District 117o RD Ec f , C E, 110 . / � ­/ AN ORMANCE PiRECTUG A'_ T)T,101A,Qj' I' TF�',,_T A71 TI­R �­,ST AND IMPRIM'C, 01P '-,j%KlEC 11,11'DVTUMTr Ir A&GIAL SEWNp, -�,ISTRI"T UO. a17 JURTANA, SWIL UV MEW!) &AWST ALM PAID BY TFF PISTnTCT, TIACL-, LOT PARCEL OF ,ISTRICT OT P7 TRAT Pl,,',T 0]_,' TU", WHOMCof",11' 1;ATICE IT'S IJB BE12S TO THS YU,"TIRE DIS� TRICT, EXOMSIVE Ci.,0TRI-EMS, j\l-!­EYC 7- /\1_1D IMOVILEF! ISAIII 11;1_1_ECM ASSIMSOMTS IMY BT' Pl',IT) IN T1111ZER 1,,C�UAT, ATTITUP1 ­,, r FOR TIE MMMOM OF MRAYM M MUSHT OY IMCH COST AID MXMMSE. B,-v; IT 13Y THE CITY COMICIL OF TEE CITY OF !{.A.LISPELL,Mol,,`TAIIA: Section 1, jh,at all cost expense of _,-asking the irnproveriel-ItS provided for in, Pesoll3tirin 1,1o. 40L ProvisiennIly adopted and approv- ed on tkte 29th dvy ofilay, 1911, and firially adopted and zipproved on ti,te 1th dry of june 3.921, crp,.tinp, fa. Spocial eWar `irtriCt 70. 117 for the pi)rjjoqe of constructing a and L ateral sewer, sr, fully dencribed and set forth in stid resolution, and providincr., t.lmt tln� cent 07 conettlictlI(-Such ­,(nncr rhnll I�e borne �,nd r<>ici 1)�, the pro- purty? within nid, "ewer I)i9trict, sh,,.-,11 be Paid uy the entire -District aforesnid, to -wit: said Specicl improvement �or Sewer) J)iotrict ';Ica. 117, erli loor jwmcel of Ir.nd. -uithin qijd district ct bp SSeSs- ed for thrt part of the whole cost which it's area Mars to the axern, of t. c entire dist"et, exclusive nf streets, r)lleys rnd Plublic P3ace, Fection 2. All the cost mmd expense incurred in making raid im- pi,ovcir,ents sh,-Jl be paid by Special or Sewer 15sWet larmmtq (dnxn nEWnpt "Special Mwer DUN!& Do. 117 And h 0 ,3 u c Y7, rronts be of the denomination W $100.DQ or multi- plev or fractional parts thereof I" s pri"', in tlrree ,.action _�Ib��[; snid Q) equnl annuai insLallments, extending - ever t,,e period of three yefaT,s, bc,­inninr; 4.rith the year 1911. nection 4. Thnt nil Mm-,�.ncps zind )arto ,)f' in norl- flict with Wis ordinamee, be mnd the oL',aae Pre hereby repe."led. Approved this 24th, day of July 1911. W.CMIPPS, !�ttpst: I i A ?1XE'1Z)AI 1, Layor. City Clerk. onLono, Couiity of Flathead,,., MS. City ofKalispell. I B.A.KenJall, City Clerk of Of W 1 S poll, on* ana, do hereby certify OYI tiv)Cg,�� d "y 1911. I caused. the fore(,,oiT,,F nrdinunce to be posta�­, fired in. or- dhwnce !a. 174 1 nd Hm said Ordincuice rema nediji;illyfor a period of five days, Fend t,N, t there hove been no changes or alterations made therein soce the pas"ge :ad ryproval Miereof ILY they City COUn- cil, r-or in t�,se record'iy"g_theroof* Recorde-d herein and this certiffiC,,1tc T,,mlde this d"'y Of _4 n 1911. ,17 City Clark.