03-22-90 Parks Comm MinutesPARKS, PUBLIC LANDS/ANNEXATION/ZONING/BUILDING REGULATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 22, 1990 4:00 P.M. Present at the meeting were Councilpersons Furlong, Atkinson, Moses; Mike Baker, and Mayor Hopkins. PACK ANNEXATION Mike Baker reported that David Greer was not available for today's meeting. He requested a meeting be held next week so FRDO can present their recommendations. POOL BLANKET BIDS MOTION: C. Furlong moved the Committee recommend to the Council that we accept the bid from Industrial Design Manufacturing Co. of Missoula for purchase and installation of their pool blanket for $12,807.84. C. Moses seconded. Motion passed unanimously. SWIMMING LESSON FEES MOTION: C. Moses moved the Committee recommend to the Council the approval of the proposed increases for swimming lessons and classes for the 1990 season. C.. Furlong seconded. Motion passed unanimously. • C. Furlong requested Mike to find out the degree of use by out -of -city swimmers. CITY EMPLOYEE POOL PASSES OR DISCOUNTS Mayor Hopkins will bring this up with the Labor Committee and come back with a recommendation on what kind of discount or pass there should be, .if any. HERITAGE PLACE UTILITY AGREEMENT MOTION: C. Moses moved the Committee recommend to the Council that the City Attorney be directed to write a letter to Lantis extending the utility extension agreement for one year. C. Furlong seconded. Motion passed with C. Atkinson abstaining. SWIMMING POOL CONCESSION Mike Baker will meet with KATS regarding the possibility of the City getting involved in the concession stand. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M. oil 01