02-06-90 Parks Comm MinutesPARKS, PUBLIC LANDS/ANNEXATION/ZONING/BUILDING REGULATION COMMITTEE MEETING February 6, 1990 7:00 A.M. Present at the meeting were Councilpersons Atkinson, Furlong, Moses, Mayor Hopkins, Mike Baker and Craig Kerzman. Also attending were Dick Fazio, Ken Williams, Nick Herron, and Cheryl Drury. FAZIO-AMPHITHEATER Mayor Hopkins advised we need to come to agreement on the issue of management, the size, the number of days it will be used, and the location. Dick Fazio volunteered as coordinator to answer or research to come up with an answer to any questions the City might have concerning the amphitheater. GARDNER AIRPORT PROPOSAL Davar Gardner has raised his offer to $45,000. He intends to build storage buildings on the property. The property is zoned RA-1, which does not allow storage buildings. Craig Kerzman and Mike Baker were directed to get together with Davar Gardner and FRDO and find out what the options are and get back to the Committee. GRANTS Lawrence Park: Mike Baker reported we have been awarded the Reclamation Development Grant for reclaiming the slope at Lawrence Park. C. Furlong requested the Committee see the scope of the plans before they are sent to the State. Mike was directed to get together with the Kalispell Golf Association and Friends of Lawrence Park before the final engineering plans are completed. Woodland Park Sewer: Mike Baker was authorized to go ahead and submit for a Water Development Grant of $25,000 and directed to develop a total sewerage system in Woodland Park. Willow Glen Dump Site: Mike reported this site has been declared an existing hazardous waste site. He was authorized to apply for a Renewable Resource Development Grant. OTHER Nick Herron spoke encouraging adoption of a master plan for Depot Park. Mike Baker was directed to bring a schematic of Depot Park to the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 A.M. all