03-13-89 Parks Comm MinutesiPARKS/PUBLIC LANDS/ANNEXATION/BUILDING REGULATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 13, 1989 4:00 P.M. Present at the meeting were Councilmen Furlong (Chairman), Atkinson, Nystul; Mayor Kennedy, City .Attorney Neier, Fire Chief Ted Waggener, Surveyor Zavodny, Parks Director Baker, David Greer, Mike Fraser, and Keith Wilson. HERITAGE PLACE Chairman Furlong opened the meeting and turned it over to David Greer. Greer stated the signed documents had arrived at 1:00 today so FRDO did prepare a report, going through all the conditions and explaining how they were met, and recommended that the final plat of Heritage Place be approved for filing upon acceptance by the City of the Utility Extension Agreement, Utility Easement, and Road Easement Agreement. The other documents that were obtained are the title report, health department approval, and tax statements. City Attorney Neier stated he had reviewed all the documents with Greer, everything is appropriate and every- thing required has been considered. Fire Chief Waggener said he was satisfied that the fire conditions have been met. Mike Fraser stated that in the letter from Lantis to the Mayor there is a guarantee that requirements of the Uniform Fire Code would be fully addressed prior to the issuance of the building permit. Surveyor Zavodny said he had a concern regarding specific wording on the easements on the plat. Fraser said it was his understanding that it is part of the dedication that it would be a non-exclusive use for utilities, but not roadway. There was • further discussion of the easements on the plat. David Greer said in the past there has been attached a note stating what the purpose of this utility is and perhaps this could be done here. City Attorney Neier said this wasn't intended to be a dedication, it was just a regular easement to keep people from building there. He said we were concerned with the roadway easement because that's not really on the plat and that's why we requested Developers Diversified give us a separate easement for that utility easement. C. Nystul asked what if the City wanted to use the east 20' easement for a sanitary sewer easement or water line? Neier said we would have to get the right of entry. Surveyor Zavodny said that Condition #5 of Resolution #3836 states that utility easements be shown along the perimeter lot line. He said that was complied with but it is extremely vague as to who can use the easement, what are the utilities that can use it? He said the owner should issue right of entry, but what utilities will they accept, are they going to be up for neogtiation at the time the utility intends to use it? Keith Wilson said there is an easement already available on the east side of Lantis' property for utility purposes and will exist when the plat is filed. He said they couldn't deny a right of entry, but he wants to be sure the City (1) doesn't put overhead surface structures in, and (2) puts it back like they found it. •After further discussion Zavodny said we should let it rest and get the plat filed. • Doug Johns stated he was reasonably satisfied with where we are at and felt that we have reached a starting point, but we still have a lot of work to do. There was futher discussion regarding internal traffic and future development. Keith Wilson said the 30' easement on the west end of their property was in good faith to provide traffic flow in and around that area and it never occurred to them that it needed to be deeded to the City. MOTION: C. Nystul moved the committee recommend that the Council in a special session this evening accept the final plat and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreements. C. Atkinson seconded. Upon a vote the motion passed unanimously with C. Atkinson abstaining because of conflict of. interest. C. Gunnerson was absent. MOTION: C. Nystul proposed the Public Works Committee make an assessment of Windward Way right of way, easements, etc. and advise this committee in 30 days of their assessment. C. Atkinson seconded. Upon a vote the motion passed unanimously. C. Furlong stated there is a meeting called for March 16 at 4:00 P.M. to discuss the Extension Services Plan. C. Atkinson said he would be in Libby that day and would be unable to attend. Meeting adjourned at 4:52 P.M. Shirley Hughes, Recording Secretary • 0