Ordinance 248 - Special Improvement District 114("BDUANCR 1,70. 248. AN ORDIJIVILCE, JJ,�! Tll[,I' C'?PT /J,�:D 011-1 121=:G IMPROvEI'm-22� 11: SY , �°CIA]� DISTRICT NO. 114, OF KAI,IS1;1!'LS`S,1PAI1 1,' PLL, 1_1,,,Lh ',7,0 D7E T T I Y,, ri DISrICT, EACH LOT OR PA CHI. OF WD WITE114 SAID DISTR1CT 0) BE ASSESS- ED FOR TEAT PART OF TEN WHOLE' (.O�;T T,711',ICII !TIE ARR BEN 7 TO Tr E TTTIW� TISTRICT, RUIUrIVE OF MYRHYTS, P11-YS, Ajlll� PUB11C _PJ,AC5.S 11-17,10VIDIEG TUAT SAID SPECIA] ASUE570MTS MAY EE PAID Ill", (8 ) Jr,,',:UAJ, A!TiNUAL FXTEIIDSI,_�G, ")_ 111 THE 11,­_TiI(-)1, 077 Yl�,.ARS, Al-D PT3()VIDj1`_.G FOR TEE 1RUATCH OY WARRANTS IN PAIETNT 03W 7TC11 COST AED EX117i7;',!SE, BE IT CMDARYD BY TIE CITY COIJI'XIL OF THE CITY OF Secticyl 1, That all cost and expense of making, the ii-aprovements provided for in Resoluticri 1,1o. 400, provisionnIly adopted -.,nd 6��iprbvpd an the 10th d— of May, l5dl, and fimlay ciopte,6 a-nd approved _n the day of crentinr, Special Improvement 'District No. Ilk, for thipurpose of constructing Curbs, parking and 1,,Tlacadam road- way on 4th- Ave, West, ns fully described and set forth in :mid Res- olution, and providing that 1AR cmst of cc)nstructin(-, such ii emen s shall be borne Lvid ImAd by the property within. mr.id ImprovcmenL Dis- trict, shn1l be paid by the entire District afQre,,oJd, to_iRiit.. said o S pecio,l Imj)rovement District 11:11o. 114, each lot or parcel of land with- in said District to be a,,,ssessed for that part of tlne whole cost it's zvrea be,:rs to the area of the entire district, e.,,clujive --)f vtrpets F,11eys ind pin)lic pl%ces. Section 2. All the cost ond expense incur.,rpd in Tnzzlking r-aid im- proves ent shall be paid Ly Special. Improvement Distriet 1;'farrants, drawri aFainis "Special inprovernent District 1�,Q. 114 'lurid.." 9ho11. lbe of the den�ominati(,,n plcS or fractional parts thereof. _ ploo.OQ, or ulti- Section 3. lh,-t said SPeci^l assessments may be pjaid in ei�7ht ecju,'sl annunl inqtrIlrr)ents, e.­.teri6inf, over zs. period of 065t yes nra, beginnin,,� vith the yexr.,r 1.911. faction 4, 'hat a13 nrdinancez Prid j,carts of ordinances, in conficit with ti,is Drddnance be Lnd tl,,e same are hereby relcoied. Passed and approved this 24t1a &,,y of july, 1911. Attest: yayor, City Clerk. State of Yontn"r,'a" C Q,-' nt, , of Flathead, City of Kalispell. City ClF,rk sf tYsea t 2isrell, ­ontano, do hereby certify th,,�t ),jj tj1p y of 1912. I caused the fure�,,,,oinFs Ordinance i (d* qq-red in Ordi- nance 111o. 174 and ti�at said Ordirl-arace remuined postle period of five dtgs, and that there navc been no chwMec or r Iteratjoyjp, ,,de in since the pass,;.fe Rnd approval thereof by the City council, nor in the recording t,,-iereof, siecorded herein nnd VHsic ertific)i;c,, �,tumle th's day of City Clerk.