Chairman Noel Furlong
Jim Atkinson
Roger Hopkins
John Gunnerson
OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Kennedy, Glen Neier, City
Attorney, Mike Baker, Parks
Director, Craig Kerzman, Acting
Building Official, Ken Hammer,
Public Works Director
Chairman Furlong called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m., a
change from the scheduled 5:00 p.m. All committee members
were present. John Gunnerson was absent.
Chairman Furlong stated the lease is for a term of five (5)
• years. Dan Johns said he would like a longer lease if possi-
ble. Roger Hopkins asked Glen Neier why a 20 year lease
would not be possible since the Golf Course has just negotia-
ted one with the city?
Glen Neier stated he had done checking and there is nothing
in Montana law that requires the city to limit its leases to
any particular amount of time. He felt that the leases could
be given for as long as the council deems feasible.
Jim Atkinson said that he felt personally there were
extenuating circumstances for the Kalispell Golf Association
lease, long term loans which were required, and statements
made in regard to that. He felt it would be in the best
interest of the city to stay with a five year lease just
for general purposes as they do not know what will happen
in five years. He felt the baseball people should still
have it after five years and just review it then. He asked
Dan Johns if he could foresee a need for a long term loan for
more time?
Dan Johns stated the five years was about as long as they
felt they could go. Ideally, they would like it longer than
five years. At this time they do not have any long term
loans, only a renewable loan.
Jim Atkinson stated the Kalispell Golf Association has much
more of a loss if they do not have a longer lease. In
comparison, with the Lakers there is not that great a loss
• if you are not able to renew the lease after five years.
He did not see the need for the longer lease for the Lakers.
Roger Hopkins felt the lease should be kept to a five year
Mike Baker asked Bud Anderson, Laker board member if there
has been any discussion on the development of the second
field with respect to a long term loan? Bud Anderson said
no, not in the last couple of meetings. He also stated one of
the other considerations the board has is the grandstands
which need to be finished for both the A state tournment next
year and the double A state tournament the year after. One
of the requirements is to have adequate bleachers in the
grandstands so they anticipated working on the program this
fall. Contributions of labor and material are not finalized
as yet.
Chairman Furlong stated he as a member would not support a
lease longer than 5 years as all things and people would
change in the city in 20 years.
Chairman Furlong stated the Golf Course does not have a 20
year lease but a lease which is reviewed every 5 years and
can be renegotiated - and has not yet been finalized.
Dan Johns said they would be happy to have the 5 year lease
if the board will recommend this to the council.
MOTION: Jim Atkinson moved the committee recommend to
the council that the Lakers have a 5 year lease as
it is written commencing on the date hereinafter set
forth and ending on the 31st day of December 1993
unless sooner terminated hereinafter provided.
Roger Hopkins seconded the motion.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Roll call vote was unanimously in favor,
motion passed.
The lease was discussed as follows:
$500.00 due and payable on May lst of each calendar year
except this year and after provided; there will be no rent
for the calendar year of 1988 and no rent shall be due in
any subsequent year of this lease provided the Lakers
perform the covenants and conditions as set forth in this
lease and further provide that the Lakers contribute in
labor and/or materials towards maintenance, etc.
MOTION: Jim Atkinson moved that the section on rent be
adopted. Roger Hopkins seconded.
Roger Hopkins stated for consistency sake there could be
a certain percentage of the gross receipts paid to the city.
Chairman Furlong stated he would oppose the motion on a
split two vote. He did not feel the $500 was enough
and realizes this is not a money making item. He knew
the Lakers would spend many times over the $500 amount but
felt a lease should have an amount.
Dan Johns said that $500 is a bigger impact than 1 or 2% is
to the golf association. This year they are operating
at a deficit and need to come up with additional sources
of funds. Their budget is in the $30,000 to $3S,000 range.
They are looking at having to complete the grandstands and
the auxiliary field. This work will exceed the $500; but by
putting the twice annual review in the lease it gives the
city a chance to meet with us both going into the season and
coming out of the season and review what was accomplished and
what needs to be done.
If you look at 1% of the season ticket sales and gate
receipts, you would be looking at $100 to $200. This season
has been bad; $500 is a large amount for the Lakers to pay.
Chairman Furlong said that the season tickets would be a
minor part of the Lakers income.
Dan Johns said why would the Golf Course Association get
a better lease than the Lakers when they have $300,000 to
$400,000 more operating income budget?
Bud Anderson stated of two dugouts (with donations and labor)
-the retail value of those was $15,000, and the scoreboard
was donated, value 010,000 with wiring 2,000 all of which was
paid by the Lakers. There is also $6,000 worth of donated
equipment in the concessions stands by the Lakers. These are
improvements to city property; these were initiated
and carried out by the Lakers organization.
He felt they have done their fair share on the field.
It did not take any city tax money to do this. When the
city tells them to pay $500 per year and thank you for doing
all of the work-$33,000 worth- it is like a slap in the face.
Roger Hopkins asked what the Lakers would do with the
season tickets profit? Bud Anderson said they would hope
to pay back the loan they have had for four or five years.
Mr. Hopkins asked what would be the Lakers anticipated
revenue for a season including the tournaments? Bud
• Anderson stated it is hard to determine, Whitefish has
grossed -with the same tournament and functions along
with it about $10,000. He did not know exactly. He noted
it was gross. Dan Johns said they will have to use these
funds for a loan to build the grandstands, and without the
• grandstands, they cannot even hold the tournaments. He
said the two main sources of funds are ticket sales and
concession stand. The rest they have to go out and raise.
The Lakers operate the concession stand, not an outsider.
Chairman Furlong stated he did know what the Lakers have
contributed and it was appreciated.
MOTION - ROLL CALL VOTE: Unanimous vote nay, motion denied.
Roger Hopkins asked how the committee felt about 1% of
gross receipts. Dan Johns replied but could not be heard
on tape.
Jim Atkinson stated he felt that in the next five years there
will be a lot of renegotiation in regard to concessions up
there and sees this as a probable loop hole. He felt it
would be very important to get this cleaned up right away.
If there is a possibility that the bookkeeping can be kept
fairly accurately on the concessions he would definitely
liked the city to be involved in this also. He felt the
city should be able to grow with the baseball field. In
down times the league would not be stuck with a set fee.
Dan Johns stated they are in the process of completing one
. field and starting another.
Mayor Kennedy stated if he was correct the field was given to
the city for a baseball purposes and is against charging the
youth of our community for recreation. A lot of cities
provide recreation facilities for their youth.
Jim Atkinson said their intentions are good and this revenue
will go back into the parks for redevelopment for the same_
people who, are paying the amount.
Mayor Kennedy said he has no objection to the 0500.00 being
paid for in Like services and will be providing more money
than that being put into the field than that. He does not
agree with any additional fees.
Roger Hopkins said if they use percentage of gross it
actually would be less than the $500.00 in his way of
MOTION: Jim Atkinson moved that the entire two paragraphs
with the change of the word $500.00 to read 1% of
gross receipts of ticket sales, season tickets and
concessions obtained during the Lakers games.
Roger Hopkins seconded.
Chairman Furlong stated the way the motion reads you are
giving the Lakers a lease for nothing even though they will
spend more money on the field in the long run.
• Jim Atkinson said if this takes off in the five year period
there will be growth with the Lakers and the 1% may turn in-
to cash at some point in time if baseball becomes popular.
Jim Atkinson asked Mike Baker for his opinion.
Mike Baker stated in this particular case with the Laker
organization and as dedicated as they have been, the city
could arbitrarily put down a $1,000- any amount and they will
come up with that money in in -kind services. The city will
not see any money, because they could get $500 cash and it
goes into the park budget; we cannot match the $500 they can
turn into about $2,000 in donations and labor and material.
They can do more for the city than we can. They have already
proved this and have good people coming up through the ranks
with a quality class act. They will do nothing but make us
proud of them.
Dan Johns said an example of stretching the budget further
than the city can is the $15,000..00 dugouts that they
constructed this summer were bid to the city and we did
them for $3,000.00.
ROLI. CALL VOTE: Jim Atkinson, Roger Hopkins voted aye,
Noel Furlong nay; motion passed.
MOTION AND ROLL CALL VOTE: Jim Atkinson moved the passage
of Item No. 1, Roger Hopkins seconded. Roll
call vote unanimous, motion passed.
_MOTION: Jim Atkinson moved the passage of item no.
2. Roger Hopkins seconded.
Jim Atkinson asked Mike Baker if there was anything more
that should be added to this? Mike Baker said he has the
list they went through, but it sees to be taken care of
at present.
Chairman Furlong asked about page two, item 2 a. Dan Johns
said the reason the wording is such on maintaining the field
is the length of grass for a baseball field would be
different than you would have on a football field, or soccer
field - particularly on a baseball field where you are
concerned with the roll of the ball. We are not saying there
will not be other uses, but they would like to have the grass
levels and everything maintained with the idea it is a
baseball field.
Irrigation systems were discussed. Mike Baker said they
maintain and have the expertise for doing this.
Irrigation and maintenance cost was discussed all over the
city with regard to parks.
ROLI. CALL VOTE: Roll call vote was unanimous, motion passed.
MOTION: Jim Atkinson moved acceptance of Item No. 3
Roger Hopkins seconded.
Jim Atkinson said the situation of non-use can be handled
by the statement, "Lease premise shall be only on the mutual
consent by the city and the Lakers." It is important for the
Lakers to say who will be using the field, and it is also
important for the city.to have input.
Roger Hopkins wanted to have a season put on this exclusive
use, a date. This would leave it open to soccer, football,
or other activities. Dan Johns stated he would sure hate
to see football on this field, the turf on a rainy day would
• be ruined and it would cost thousands of dollars to repair
the turf. Bud Anderson said they need some protection for
their invested dollars and time. There needs to be a use
compatible with the baseball use.
Exclusive use in the contract was discussed and the committee
felt priority would be a better word. It was noted by Bud
Anderson if this is entered into by mutual agreement, you are
still receiving exclusive use of the field for that
particular use and that is what the lease is for, otherwise
there is no need for a lease.
Chairman Furlong asked Bud Anderson to note the sub -lease
paragraph, they may charge a fee and sub -lease it with all
proceeds going to the Lakers. He asked if they were con-
cerned with liability? Bud Anderson said yes. This would
add to the cost of the insurance or they have to guarantee
anyone who leases from them are covered by insurance if
they sub -lease the field. He felt on this basis it is an
exclusive Lakers lease.
Chairman Furlong said exclusive use and exclusive lease
are two different things.
MOTION AMENDED: Jim Atkinson moved to amend the motion
to read to strike the two words "exclusive"
use in the first two uses and replace with the
word "primary use." Roger Hopkins seconded.
Ken Hammer said he had no problem with the field as it is,
but if you do the same with the second field, enclosing it
totally -with an irrigation system and everything else you
have tied up almost 10 acres of land exclusively for the
Lakers. The original plan was for the field to be an all -
encompassing sports complex with all people contacted. The
second item that came from the meeting was that the ballfield
would be used for soccer, and if sometime in the future the
high school would like to use the ballfields for practice
or something, that could have been a possibility. The first
ballfield was designed to have both a soccer field and a
football field and that design remains the same at present.
The way it was designed the second time around was to put two
soccer fields in it and that way it would be in the outfield
and not disturb the irrigation system. He cited South
Meadows which is trying to promote 217 lots and yet the
people do not have a park to go to. He felt if this was
built the same way, with the second ballfield the Lakers may
run into some problems. Kids like to play ball.
Dan Johns said that is what the north side of the South
Meadows is for -park purposes and miscellaneous uses, kites
• picnics, etc. -passive uses. He felt if they are going to
have baseball fields, you should have a baseball field. Dan
Johns said they were not looking to lease the north side for
these reasons. The south side was intended to be developed
as a baseball field, and in discussions with the city it is
primarily the responsibility of the Lakers Organization to
develop it. It will be the Lakers expenditures that build it,
and if we are going to put a lot of money in to it, yes the
Lakers wish to control the use of that field instead of just
opening it up to the public. It too, will be a very nice
field. There can be tournaments and they will be able to
have more than one game at a time going on. There has been
some discussion of other leagues possibly using it. He is
concerned putting $100,000 into that field and all of a
sudden it cannot be controlled.
Roll call vote unanimous, motion passes.
Chairman Furlong stated he agreed with the one field
he calls Begg Park, the one that enclosed in the fence
and $200,000 plus has been spent on it, it should be
kept primarily for baseball. When it comes to the new
• field he did not feel they could be that stringent.
• Jim Atkinson and Chairman Furlong voted aye,
Roger Hopkins voted no. Motion passes.
(Jim Atkinson left meeting at 5:30 p.m.)
MOTION: Roger Hopkins moved to pass Item No. 4
of the proposed lease. Chairman Furlong
ROLL CALL VOTE: Roll call vote unanimous, motion passes.
MOTION: Roger Hopkins moved the Lakers pay the cost of
all the utility services as noted in Item No.5
of the lease. Chairman Furlong seconded.
• Dan Johns asked who pays for the water and utility services
in the parks in the city?
Ken Hammer said no one pays for it, it is not budgeted for.
Chairman Furlong asked about the utilities for the Hockaday
and the Conrad Mansion? Ken Hammer said they both pay for
their utilities.
Chairman Furlong asked if this would be the exception?
Ken Hammer said so far you have mentioned public buildings,
not parks. The swimming pool has an income. Begg Park has
an income. All of the other ballfields do not have an
income other than concession stands.
Dan Johns said the city has already agreed that they will be
fertilizing the field and maintain the infield and outfield
which means they will be down there watering. He did not look
at this any different than any of the other parks. We are
mentioning soccer and maybe something else, and the water
is still on in the fall and the Lakers are still paying
the bill. He did not feel the policy should be changed
from what it has been in the past. He understood paying
for the lights when they are using the field at nights.
Mike Baker said that at present his budget will not allow
for additional charges of water, sewage and garbage for
what basically is the exclusive use by the Lakers. The
Lakers have the authority to charge for the use of the
water, bathrooms for cleaning them, garbage use from
sub -leasing - these could all be built into the rental
• fee. As far as the watering goes, the Lakers are doing
the watering and as far as he knew, would continue to
do the watering up until the system is winterized.
We have a lease with the Lakers and that is what differ-
intiates what is going on at our other public parks.
That is one of the responsibilities he feels the Lakers
will have to take on.
Andy Hyde said that probably the most comparable facility
in the city would be the golf course. All of the water
and sewer services that the city provides are billed
directly to the golf course. It is all metered and charged
just like a regular account.
Ken Hammer said he has been calling up different cities in
Montana and some cities have a miscellaneous line item for
services such as these. Once the budget is approved in
a couple of months there will probably be a public works
meeting and the council needs to go over many of these
accounts to get water, sewer and garbage established as
policy - it never has been established. He is accumula-
ting this information now.
Mayor Kennedy said lie could see some multiple uses such
as ice skating during the winter. He stated the Lakers
• should only be billed for the time they are using the
Roger Hopkins said then the lease should not read
exclusive use and give them a time of exclusive use
from May to September. If everyone is going to use it
then the city should pay for it. He felt the lease
has no consistency. If everyone will be using it then
bill all parties concerned for the time they use it.
Mike Baker asked Andy Hyde if there was a winter rate?
Andy Hyde said yes, during the summer there is a
sprinkling rate, and the domestic use at the higher
rate. Chairman Furlong asked what happens if there
is no use? If the account is on there will be a mini-
mum charge. There should be a separate sprinkling
meter down there because the bulk of it will be going
for irrigation. A very small portion will be going
for the use of the concession stand and the restrooms.
Bud Anderson asked Andy Hyde if he knew what the cost
might be for the utilities? Andy Hyde said he did not
know. Dan Johns said he thought they had already agreed
that the city will be maintaining this (a) at the top of page
Roger Hopkins and Chairman Furlong voted
• aye. Motion passed.
MOTION: Roger Hopkins moved that Item No. 6 of
the lease be accepted. Chairman Furlong
Roger Hopkins and Chairman Furlong voted
aye. Motion passed.
MOTION: Roger Hopkins moved that Item No. 7 of
the lease be accepted. Chairman Furlong
Roger Hopkins asked whose responsibility will the liability
insurance be during the off-season? Dan Johns said their
isinsurance is covered for the period of 6 months and during
the rest of the year it falls under the city's general
liability policy -(covering from April lst to the end
of August).
Roger Hopkins asked how this can be leased for an entire
year when they will actually only be using it for a period
of 6 months or so, however, they have control over what it
can be used for the rest of the period?
Chairman Furlong said it would not make any sense to force
them to carry an additional 6 months that they would not
be using the field.
Roger Hopkins asked how much is the fire insurance?
Chairman Furlong said he asked Don Halver and he was unable
to break it down as it is a general policy.
Roger Hopkins and Chairman Furlong voted
aye. Motion passed.
• MOTION: Roger Hopkins moved that Item No. 8 of the
lease be accepted. Chairman Furlong seconded.
Roger Hopkins and Chairman Furlong voted aye.
Motion passed.
Chairman Furlong said it is the intent of the Parks
Committee, unless he hears otherwise, the lease as amended
and discussed here today will be presented to the city
council with a "do pass" recommendation. The council
will hear this as soon as the budgetary process has been
completed it could be done the 6th of September, although
he will be out of town. He asked the Lakers to keep in
contact with the city to find out when it will be on the
agenda and then attend the meeting so any questions can be
Dan Johns wanted the committee to know that they wish to
confer with the other members of the committee who were
not here today as to the changes in the lease. He asked
if they could get some meter readings as to the cost on
the sewer and water? It was mentioned that it will be
available At the end of the season. Andy Hyde said this
reading will not be a true picture of the Lakers maintenance
• level.
Dan Johns stated he would like someone to deal with if they
intend to sub -lease (for non -baseball use) as there will not
always be time to deal with the entire council for this
permission. Chairman Furlong stated that his interpretation
right now - it would the the Parks Director, Mike Baker.
Other than that the first one would be the Mayor.
Roger Hopkins wishes to go over the lease more, and is not
comfortable with the liability insurance and lease time.
Dan Johns said he would like to go over it again and do
some changes on maintenance and care, etc.
MOTION: Roger Hopkins moved that the lease agreement
between the City of Kalispell and the Lakers
be adopted as amended. Chairman Furlong
Roger Hopkins and Chairman Furlong voted aye.
Motion passed.
David Greer stated this is primarily a status report. This
• will be heard at the Kalispell State County Planning Board
in two weeks with the recommendation to the full city
council and the city council can act on it in October,
November or December if they wish. The recommendation
will be coming from the Planning Board in the next two
weeks. There is no action necessary at this time as
it has to go through the Planning Board first.
David Greer stated this is also a status report to let the
committee know it is in process. These come to the committee
after the Planning Board acts upon them.
David Greer stated she has paid her connection fees to the
city and is going through the process of being annexed into
the city because she needs sewer service.
Chairman Furlong said he was told today that a goodly portion
of the County Fair Ground is already annexed to the city,
like everything south of Two Mile Drive. All said yes, all
• the white area on the map is. Chairman Furlong stated the
question that was posed to him was instead of just taking in
the one building that they bought, why not annex all of the
rest of them? What is the problem of doing it?
Ken Hammer said you are not getting anything in return to
annex it, it doesn't help to annex them and this has been
council policy.
Chairman Furlong said it does eliminate one island of contro-
versy within the confines of the city. What do we do to let
them know we do not want to do this piece meal and adopt the
whole thing?
Ken Hammer said he talked with one of the members of the
Fair Ground, Butch Woolard said he did not know why the
city would want to annex it, and he did not feel the county
commissioners had a problem with annexing the entire piece.
Chairman Furlong asked the staff present if they saw any
problem with this being annexed?
Andy Hyde said the only problem he could even envision
relates to the city ordinances for livestock and he thought
these stables were rented out on a monthly or yearly basis.
• The city is getting complaints now on the horses.
Ken Hammer confirmed this does violate the city ordinance.
Andy Hyde stated the Fair Ground is exempt with the horse-
• racing, sheep, etc. during the fair. He thought they boarded
horses there year round. Ken Hammer said they do.
Craig Kerzman said it is a violation of the city ordinance
to have livestock in the city.
David Greer said there is a problem with the city ordinance.
The zoning ordinance says if you are zoned R-1 you can have
horses. There is another portion of the city ordinance
that says you cannot have them, so there is a conflict in
the ordinance.
Craig Kerzman said the zoning ordinance, south of Sunnyside
Drive, allows livestock in an R-1 zone. The Kalispell
City Code says livestock shall not be kept. There is a
David Greer said he did not feel there was a problem with
annexing the whole portion.
Glen Neier said there will be a staff meeting on this
ordinance and they will make that recommendation. He noted
they will also discuss the annexation of the islands at this
• Roger Hopkins asked if there was more of a burden to the
fire and police departments? The city does not get any
support or taxation from annexing.
Craig Kerzman said the area would most probably be patrolled
by both city and county departments in a cooperative manner.
The information will be available after a Thursday meeting.
Mayor Kennedy said Henry Galpin sold the Mountain West
Helicopter services to a Mr. Larry Mendenhall in Utah with
the understanding that the city would sub -contract out the
lease agreement. Glen Neier drafted a new lease including
some new items in April. The lease was sent with the items
as accepted by the council. The Mayor wrote and asked if Mr.
Mendhall would be interested in buying the land thinking it
might help pay off the runway or something. Mr. Mendenhall
wrote back and said he would like to address two issues. He
stated he was very much interested in purchasing the property
associated with the hangar facility provided the purchase
price is reasonable and could be amortized over a period of
time. "I suggest you consider a lease -purchase agreement for
the property whereby we could purchase the right to buy the
• property with an up front payment with the lease purchased
from the city reflecting an amortization of the balance of
the term of the lease." He is interested and this letter is
from July 21st. The Mayor needs to provide Bank West with a
lease agreement that will satisfy them.
Airport leases and property was discussed. Chairman Furlong
said this is a concern of the city council as far as the
sale. He was concerned about the poor return of monies
from the airport leases. The Mayor said he felt there was
a mistake on the part of the committee and they meant to
increase it to 10-1/2 cents but was written into this
lease as 2-1/2 cents making no increase over 7 cents times
one and one-half. It was noted the city council has
accepted this increase. Lease amounts were discussed.
Mayor Kennedy noted all of these leases were done by the
Airport Association. The rental amounts are as follows.
There are five leases including the helicopter
Devar Gardner is 20 years starting in 1986.
(He pays $504.00 per year for 2 hangars)
Alan Potts - 20 years starting in 1986.
(He has 1 hangar)
Jay Billmayer - 20 years starting in 1984.
(He pays $611.52 except he has a credit for
asphalt that runs through 1992 as he surveyed
is the runway.)
Alfred Noyes - 20 years starting in 1985. (He
has a paving credit so that he does not owe
the city until 2050. A total credit of $2,661.00
starting in 1967 the Mayor thought for 12-1/4 years.)
Craig Kerzman asked if the lease includes the square footage
of the hangar only or if the parking pad surrounding the
building was included in the square footage to be paid?
Chairman Furlong said the city should send the city surveyor
and re -measure the hangars and land.
Glen Neier said the original intent of the association
in charging the 7-1/2 cents was to give the area of the
building plus some area around the building for parking
as well as access to the runway.
Chairman Furlong said he felt the city should meet with
the people who lease the airport hangars because month
by month the debt is mounting. The debt at present is
$184,000. and well over $40,000. of that is added interest.
There is no way to pay the debt off with the fees that are
being collected. He noted even if all of the fees were
collected it would still be difficult to pay the operational
costs. He said there must be about 50 planes out there now.
Roger Hopkins said it seems that the purpose of the ad hoc
committee failed and the purpose was to find a way to retire
the debt. That according to the latest budget is not
• the debt. That according to the latest budget is not
Chairman Furlong said the City has to sell some land to pay
for it.
Discussion followed. Devar Gardner was noted to be in default
of his lease by not abiding by it. Jay Billmayer leases
other spaces out. Mayor Kennedy noted that there about
three other people who wish to build hangars, and this
lease is holding up their building. It will be about
$200 to $300 to the city. He noted he just received
a report for the airport and it is $2,572 in the hole for the
entire year. There was 6 months worth of income
from 3, 3 out of 7 paid their $50.00 a month and these
were billed in (April rent due from January to present). This
was when the council adopted the fees. 3 have paid
and 4 have not. Insurance is $2,700 for the airport.
The airport was charged $650. for the appraisal. He -
said if everyone pays who is supposed to pay the maintenance
will be covered.
Glen Neier said the airport is not operating on a pay as
you go basis. The city has the choice of attempting
again to make them pay with or without hangar leases.
• If they will not pay then the city should look at closing
the airport altogether.
Chairman Furlong asked if Glen Neier could get some
information from the Northwest Pilots Association and
get back to the committee with some additional suggestions
with regard to the rent charged. He said he would call.
Mayor Kennedy said he will ask them to pay the airport
fee or he will lock the doors. The committee agreed this
should be done.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Furlong.
Respectfully Submitted,
N ncy C� Lgg VIr
Recording Secretary
Noel Furlong