06-10-88 Parks Comm MinutesPARKS/PUBLIC LANDS/ANNEXATION/ZONING/AIRPORT . MEETING OF 1.0 JUNE 1988 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Noel Furlong Jim Atkinson John Gunnerson OTHERS PRESENT: Glen Neier, Ed Gallagher, David Greer, Mike Baker, Andy Hyde, Fred Zavodny, Craig Kerzman, Attorney Marshall Murray and officers and members of Buffalo Hill Golf Association. Agenda Item No. 1-Park Place Sub -division Final Plat: David Greer, County Planning Commission, stated on June 15th, 1987 the city council passed Resolution N0.3731 which gave conditional approval to Park Place townhouses. It is a 6 townhouse complex proposal located on Hawthorne Avenue which entails a land division as each townhouse would have the land associated with it; 6 lots and common area. The city said they could go ahead and create this subdivision if they met the 13 conditions of approval. The Commission prepared a report to the city council on whether they have complied with those 13 conditions. They find all conditions have been substantially satisfied, with one difference on the final plat as opposed • to the preliminary plat. The county recommended this change be made; access easement that comes to the interior of the entire property was shown as a 40 foot easement on the preliminary plat and it has been changed to show a 60 foot easement -so it would facilitate improved access to the interior of this property. It would also satisfy Kalispell Standards of right -away for that purpose. He noted the covenants should be changed from 40 to 60 foot easement prior to filing of the final plat. He stated the Commission recommends this be approved for filing as submitted with the change to the covenants that reference the 60 foot easement as opposed to the 40 foot. Motion: Jim Atkinson moved to accept the proposal of the Park Place Townhouses and to recommend it to the city council. John Gunnerson seconded. Roll call vote all aye; motion passed. Agenda Item No. 4 - Tabled until next meeting of committee. Agenda Item No. 2 Property Across the Road from the Airport: David Greer stated it is described as Tract 1G, Sectirnl9, T28N, R21W and is a little over 2 acres in size, and is directly south of the RA-1 zone (on the city map). It is outside the city limits. He understood the city was interested in selling this property. He said there was an appraisal done on the property, and this was based on the annexation and zoning for apartment use - RA-1. • David Greer said the question was would this benefit the city and help sell . this property if it were annexed? He noted one of the conclusions was it probably could not be zoned for anything other than residentail, either single family duplex or apartment. It probably could not be zoned for a commercial lot simply because the master plan for that area shows a high density urban residential designation. The surrounding properties are all residential except for across the street where there is airport property. He felt it had to be some sort of residential zoning classification for this property. If apartments were going to be built on this property, it would have to be annexed because it would need city water and city sewer. He noted property is not selling at the present for apartments. People are not buying raw land for apartments. There seems to be a glut of apartments in the area. If this property were to sell it would probably sell for single family residential, and because it is over 2 acres in size you could have 2 single family lots. If it were not going to be sold for that purpose, it would not have to be annexed into the city because they could have individual wells, individual septic systems. There are pros and cons. Arguments against are no city taxes, real estate market is stable for single family and can have livestock.. Arguments for are provisions of city services including fire protection, will not serve as a block to future annexation along Airport Road. There would be less obstacles to develop the property for higher uses if it is already in the city. The conclusion is that it is a residential piece of property in that if it stayed outside the city limits it could probably sell as easily as if it was located inside the city limits. That is his opinion. • Chairman Furlong said the city has offered the property for sale at the apprai- sal amount of $50,000. If it were to be annexed David Greer said the city lots would be 7,000 s.f. and create more single family lots if you have water and sewer available. He said it cannot be sold as commercial property. Andy Hyde reminded David Greer the new trunk line cuts across the north end of that property and that may be something you did not consider if you had an old map. Any structure built within 200 feet of that sewer would have to hook onto the city sewer. This is the plumbing code. There is a water main in Airport Road. Motion: Jim Atkinson moved to recommend to the council this piece of property be annexed at the earliest convenient time. John Gunnerson seconded with reservation. Roll Call vote, Jim Atkinson, Noel Furlong aye, John Gunnerson, nay. Motion passes. More Discussion: David Greer noted it is now zoned in the county as an R-1 and if it goes to city zoning it would not have that same zoning classification. This means it will have to go through a public hearing at the planning board level with the recommendation to come to the city for city zoning. It would still be a 2 month process to get it annexed into the city with zoning. Don Halver asked what the legal costs for the city would be? David Greer said - mostly publication costs involving the Planning Board and City Council legal notices to the paper and adjoining property owners letter. A private citizen would pay approximately $200.00 for this same service. -2- Agenda Item No. 5 - Annexation of 'Islands': • Chairman Furlong stated at the last meeting the committee directed Glen Neier to furnish the committee with a review on the islands. The committee read the following Memorandum on Annexation of Wholly Surrounded Property - Islands. John Gunnerson stated he is in disagreement with the comment that all people in that area are against annexation." He said he has been approached by three individuals that are in favor of the annexation, and he feels they need to pursue this as it has been on the agenda many times. There needs to be a time limit on this and get it accomplished. John Gunnerson said his recommendation is toinstruct, prior to the next meeting in July, the Public Works Department and the city attorney to further look into the area of inventory as to what is exactly being used in the islands and to let the committee know if there is any exemption under Federal and State law. Agenda Items No. 6 & No.7: Chairman Furlong said the committee is waiting for the information of the current income and how close it comes to meeting the current payments, not the debt payment. This refers to both the Airport and Helicopter Leases. Ed Gallagher stated the Pilots Association fees started March 1, 1988 and that is why they have a 3 month report, and that is when the resolution was adopted by the city council. The fixed based operators andleaseholders are retroactive • to January 1, 1988, therefore, the list has to be check if all of the pilots that are using the field are paying their fee. The list came from the Pilots Assocation as they are registered with State of Montana. He stated his depart- ment has been trying to get some management monies flowing and they are ready with report to sit down with the Mayor and Don Halver now. Ed Gallagher said the revenue from the airport leaseholders will not begin to satisfy the out- standing debt. He suggested if you wanted to keep the airport the city should consider the sale of some of the land and maybe relocate some of the ballfields. He was sure the past councilwasconsidering the sale of some of the land when they incurred the debt. He also noted it is only since the city has taken back the airport from the association that any money has come in; and the only money the city has received is a percentage of the gas taxes -he is looking into this. • Chairman Furlong recommended the continuance of these two agenda items. John Gunnerson said there should be a time limit on this. Chairman Furlong said he would like to see the committee meet with the users of the airport, and then take action on that information. Motion: Jim Atkinson moved that a report be generated by the Mayor to this committee within a month outlining all of the figures and indebtness the city has on the airport. John Gunnerson seconded. Roll call vote was all aye, motion passed. -3- 11 9ld Business: Chairman Furlong read a motion from the last meeting regarding the Park Land Donation to the council for action. Chairman Furlong said he assumed this happened at the last council meeting and it did not happen. He will assume the will of the committee is the same and will check with the city attorney where the proper papers might be. Added to the Agenda - Discussion of KGA Lease: John Gunnerson referred to the letter presented to council members concerning the negotiation of the KGA Lease. He said he has talked with the Mayor, Council - members concerning this and would like to see the lease program set up. He felt that there has been too much procrastination and has received letters at home and at work and does not want to receive any more. (The majority of the KGA officers and members were present at this meeting along with their attorney Marshall Murray). He said he has heard no opposition from the other side that the lease needs to be raised in price. Every comment from both sides is that the golf course has done enough for this community. The City and States Magazine has an article which states Eugene, Oregon is looking at providing 6 new golf courses to promote the economy of that city. The Mayor in this letter stated the lease should be 15 years with a $5,000. yearly payment. His recommendation based on input from his ward is for a 20 year lease and basically no increase. He felt realistically that $2,500 or $3,000. might be more adequate. • Chairman Furlong agreed to John Gunnerson's basic principle, however, he wanted the committee to know that this lease is to be negotiated by the committee which was formed by the mayor at the direct request by the city council. That group is scheduled to meet Tuesday, June 21st at 4:00 p.m.. He stated he just found out this morning, and a notice is posted in this meeting room on the bulletin board. Marshall Murray addressed the committee and stated he has been retained by the Golf Association. He stated he was retained to give the association some advice relative to the existing lease and the effect of their notice of election to exercise their option and has done so. He has told the association their lease is in effect and they now have a 5 year lease. Also, he was asked by them to see if this issue cannot be resolved, to meet together to get this resolved. If the meeting will be held on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. they will be very happy to attend. He is available except on Wednesdays. Councilman Furlong said he is assuming the meeting was jointly agreed to by the mayor, he did not know. Attorney Murray said to please call if there are any questions whatsoever. Councilman Furlong adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully ully Submitted, l�RecyCp cpft Ro' Secre�4 Noel Furlong Chairman -4 -