Ordinance 244 - Special Improvement District 109ORD11TAIX'R, 130. 244. •R .2 :1) idIr ORIDIRK''GE DIP. .'J"'C"4TSX ATID IJYE02i"iNII:c J"I-I' Til'' cc,"T 7xi, 1- 1, �r E. I ) PI-IXI(1111 L 11RI-01IL.—T MSTIRIOT Y'( 10-, OF KM ','1'1I21, 1-011"T)1::h, EV, VIY T! LOT OR, 11PRURK r'W JADD Y71TJ!7'L SAID 7)j',:�TRTrT TO RT' l �T- ESSED F OR TI LA,` y i G.I OiT I ly I T TJ T, -1,1C IIIACYS, P- 111 OT , N C 1, U 17, 1' Y M RE, 1 '2 , AI , I T,,Y P,'� T' P�-, PROVIDE-C T: SiINICIAJ, �a"AY I31 PAID IN, T]IGNT RIQuja 111,'-ST,PI1JLN!�T"' RXIfJPI-I'Dr'C WJT"I e..0 P',Y;1011 OF B",FT AIT PROViDi (I T- PAY"",',!T' rY ':IJCIi ('0ST ITT BE IT 011DAL 13'CITY l)F TT CI';Y (I.P KIJIM"'FIL, IMIYITAYA, 12 That all Saction 1. oosts and expensen of iii,7ikin(z, tie improvemel-It provide(I for in Remolution No 9 ") , Provisic5ally adopted and I).p . ved oil the 1st, drayr of 'Yv-Y' 1111' and fil-&)lIy vr"apter; rand approved oi', the peci I ovement Diitrict Iio. 10(�, 22ara. d,,�y -ay, 1911, cre,�,'Ainf� a S - ta-Impr for the purpose of constructing Curbs, p-,),rkiYF, and I-acndarj or, 'Seventtt Avg;, -�- fully described aiid set forti, in .,,;id '.eoolutiola' ,,nd providink.,., that "he cost of constrijctii,,(r se,id improveirtient's shti-I I.,e Lorne rflrrzazc by the J)-K°opel'ty 'Oithin citid Improvel-nent District, shall be pvAd by f entire District aforeswid, zaid Special Improve— merit District INo. 10c), eacla lot QT' parC62 of land withirl tald district to be <�F-messcd for t.,tL of the ,-4rmle cost wI-iich ' its area. L,,c-r,rs to the oxc;.s of Ihe ea - ire e exc2usiv04' streets, lie, Section 2. 1;11 the cost ,,nd expcnse incmrecj in T-.j�j iylp- maid in -Provements s'h-lll be paid by SpeciEd IMT)37c)-venerit District CJarrantr.-i, drown ".fa-""illst "Special lmrpovemelat District 1.1o. lor T"Und", SUcll 1carrailLr -41&1] be of the detiominatic)rj of b100.00, c.,r Tnuiti- pler, or fractional parts t"Iereof, ne°et on Tht ;>aid specia! ria:; 'u(p,-dd in eijht equal arjnUpl inq'�_;Jlr.ejjtS, eXtendinj,, over aperiod of eight I "ec -I tion 4, -,,t d]. ordin,,ances card. pznirts of Ordinvmcee in conflict with t1la"', ordinance bra -)nd the s,�,me ,-,re riereby repe'rIed. .�PProved this July dray of 24th, 3911. Attest: 114 A. KFIII-DAII, y city Clerk. St,,te ofLunt i Y""' of aity of KaligPeD-1. t, e 11 i I R.A.KenrIvIl , Cit, CA n I Kulispell, -']ontana' do hereby certdf3, Lt'Iat on the �y 0 Ordinance to be po�- P, 1: red in (',rdi- I " c us ed the foreF,-,airiC X-1 1, '�ar 1, 117o. 174 arld tha,t evid Ordin,,r-j.ceparted o " r narloa of five d��Ys' ��"wi thot tiiexer r,re been no t,,Itel,LztiGns Yn"de U.Lerein since: ties "3astncl Z and thereof by the City Council, r noin the recardint thereof, Recorded he,rei-n axed t14.je, dvy of 1911. Cit";I Clerk,