05-14-87 Parks Comm Minutes0 PARKS COMMITTEE
May 14, 1987
The Committee met at The Legacy Restaurant for a 7:00 A. M. meeting. In
attendance were Chairman Manning, Committee member Nystul, Kathe Mortensen -
Pool Manager, Mike Allen -Summer Tennis Program and Parks Director Drent.
After discussing all options, conclusions were drawn on the following:
1. Mr. Allen will carry out his own program through the Kalispell
Athletic Club without using the tennis courts at Hawthorn and
Northridge Parks.
2. The Parks Committee will propose to the Council that the city
offer lessons to beginners in the 6 to 14 year age group. This
is to be managed by Kathe Mortensen, utilizing city courts.
Time schedules for opening the swimming pool, lessons and fee schedules were
discussed. Proposal for fees will be brought before the City Council at the
May 18th meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 A.M. with the poor Parks Director picking up the
bill for breakfast.
Pieter M. Drent