Ordinance 247 - Special Improvement District 112m Oj2Dj-F1f,L;CE LO. 4. '17 AINT C)R7 E`P_uICE� !11D D1NC1A,­,V(, TI'All ALL V2, OVT fk!,U) EXYEZIS 01' 1,11,KIIX UWR()V1O0`MTP :IT CIAJ I'11,fi-PROVE-KE11T I)IF,,'RIOT E0. 11.2, OF KIALISI`Iia,11, MOIPTA';A, A,3AI17`'T ICIM PAID El,Y TER M-ITIRZE DISTRICT, EAM' IOT 073 1_11EL OF IJUID WIT"M: SAID DISTRICT T,` ASS- S 7 F 1'L 0 1 T A„, P, 1,E T 0 '_'P7 E, 1) R T711,11, T J.'ART 'A 'I !01,1, f") E11-TIRE DISTRICT LXCIUcIW_ 01: ;'1117, PUBI IC PLACES, J-21D PIOVIDIIX, T1,11,T SAI-D S"PT",CIAL AS'.L1`,nMU'11V) 1,,AY BEI PAID 11,14 Pl�T,' O'v7l" TT;R P7111C.)7D OF 'YTVIRS, 111D PROVID_C -,'011 Tli'_E, WUJUICE, r) VV%M:K`TS 11111 PAUT, P,',';T )F ]CH CO"T P,F, IT ORDAI117D 13Y THE' CITY O'T117P CITY c)Tl TfON1TJ\NA: Section 1. -Lhat F)U costa Find exi)enoes of making the improvements provided for in Resolution T10. 398, provisionally adopted and approved on the 10th day / of Lay, 1911, anti finally adopted and approved on the th el,,,y oCiune 1911, creatiz)k�, Special Improvement District Ime. 112 fix' tile � P purpose of constructing Sidewn�' ',�n and cross-iuv l.ks on 6th Ave. East, ao full," described and set forth in said Resolution, and provid- ing that the cost of constructinC said ir- 'provements shall be borne aid Paid by the within said Improvement, T)istrict, shall be ,; id bW the erill"Ire ­istrlct afores> id, t(_vqt* Said 7peciD1 Improve- i.nent -istrict 1'o. 112, each lot or parcel of' land within said district to be for ti.at part of the whole cosll itt s 8,,i,(-,a bears to the area of the entire distri t, e./,c--usive of streets, alleys and public ,)Itwes. Section 2. All the cost rnd exl)en,--e incurred ir. ian,kinr snAd im- provements f,,hlj be n,j(li i,., Speoir=l Improvement District 11'aarrrwnts, dramn I'Specj,�l Improvement or Sewer :Distriat Eo. 112 fund." Such warrants he of the denami na,.,tl .boil of $100.00 or multi- Plor or frE,,4_cticral parts thereof. / Section 5. Thnll said speciol may ,,e )aid in Five eqInl oxten6ir,,-,,- over ,ive y ,�,:itla t: C ye,xr 1911, .1 1 ex 0 d j �� ! beF inning Pectior. 4. kmt "1111 c-rdi - nnnce3 -,�nd nnc o-f c;r6iae�, in con- flict with this o-�dinmnce be rnd the sra. e tire hereby repe-110d. Approved this 24th dr y of .1u1y, 1911. Attest* IT, KE11,MA11, Mayor. City Clerk,. St e of Lortnna, Co'Onty of 7r'Iathendll, City of Kalispell. 11, City Clerk of the C * t 'r of 1'-alis]�eli do hereby certify tL,-,t on theI caused the foreging Ordinance to be post-T/'', isrlin Ordinance 11o. 3'/4 and tYiat sta-id ordinance rerwiried posted for period of five Mays, -,,,,nd thfl,t th6re hr7,ve been no c kva rires r a-Iterdtions m,,aAe t ere - in oince te patinE.ice tmd approval t,�ea,eof tv tie City C()UjjCij, nor in tine recording; t-uereof. D Pecorded he -rein and the caxtificate mad"this_ d;Iy of 111, 19111 City Clerk.