02-11-87 Parks Comm MinutesPARKS COMMITTEE MEETING / February 11, 1987 The Committee met at 4:00 P.M. in the Conference Room. Present were Chairman Manning, Committee Member Nystul, Mayor Kennedy, Chamber of Commerce Director Nick Haren, Ed Wagnild, representing the Kalispell Lions and Parks Director Drent. Mr. Wagnild traced the history of Lions Park, the involvement of the Lions organization in establishing the park and their desire to further its development. A preliminary plan for playground equipment and a perennial garden with a memorial for deceased Lions was presented. The committee approved of the preliminary plans. Parks Director Drent is to develop the plans in more detail for Council approval. Mr. Wagnild informed the committee of the donation of a drinking fountain for Lions Park by Kalispell Pole & Lumber in memory of Fred Behenna, who was a Lions Club member. Since the Lions Club was not interested in improving the restrooms, the Chamber of Commerce will try to get donations of needed fixtures, with installation by the Parks Department crew to make the restrooms presentable for use this year. Parks Director Drent received a bid from Karl Bower from Pace, Inc.,�of $8,475.41 for color surfacing of the tennis courts in Hawthorne and Northridge Parks. He also received an alternate bid of $6,709.91 for a black surface. The merits of a colored surface vs a black one were discussed. Drent will be looking into the credentials of Pace, Inc. and will attempt to solicit other bids. A letter from the Land & Water Conservation Fund regarding Lawrence Park was discussed. The Parks Department also received a request from the Hockaday Center to use Depot Park for the annual "Art in the Park". The suggestion of closing the parking lot was approved by both the committee and Nick Haron. Chairman Manning is to bring this before the Council. The Glacier Kiwanians are interested in further development of Depot Park and will come in with a proposal in the near future. A communication from Lakers Baseball regarding the new Griffin Field was discussed briefly without reaching a conclusion. Chairman Manning will be setting up a meeting with the Lakers Board. A Lease Agreement was sent to the K.A.T.S. regarding the concession at Bruckhauser Pool which has not been returned to date. Parks Director Drent to contact them to request a reply before March 1. There was a brief discussion of Pee Wee and Babe Ruth baseball. Mayor Kennedy reported on the progress in airport negotiations with a group of interested pilots. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P. M. Pieter M. Drent Parks Director PMD/ms