Ordinance 246 - Special Improvement District 111m OP,T)IjiPj!CE 110. 246. -7� EXPE,'- I., T!'7 0o,7T All �'-E ja, D DRC -RIITiG "'f,AT 11,1:h --14 01' 1'1,KL IN SPF',C1fJ, DISTRICT NO 111, OF KALIE13PEML, M033�-11b-A, SPIALL B.14, ACAIIIST PAID B'Y T17F T'l,1TIT111,' DISTRI('T' ''AM1 LOT OR VARM,.'!, OF 71iTETY' T'�Ir)T'RI-T TO DR, FCYR '17 ITIS �!,� TO IT " 'O'T TRICT, AI J [`Yr I-P tJi j,IC P-, TES 1011) Till,', CIT7D 52],CIA7 11-1- T T TS ,Y BX, 111,ID IL -3 T�Q'UAL I I T IT OF TI':M]IP, Y" TS, 'I,"D 1':PMVIDI'IG FOR VIN 01 01V 71,jCH Cff-2 Y%`P EYPTd--,�E. -------------------- -- ET,IT -RDAI "T DY '2`1' CITY C,)U"";('17 P T'E CITY OF KAI Tl,,,I,'A: Section. 1, That all costs and expensed of tk�e irprovement- prcr,!ided for in 71,esolut." n "o. 597, adopted and or, t,r-,e 10t1a of -ay, 1.911, mid .1,d,,),)ted and approved on the 5th dPy ()f June, 1.011, cre,-,tinp a Special Sewer District No. 111, for the v)urpooe of congtructing s. lateral sewer between 5rd ,'nd 4th Ave. legit €a fully deocribed and oot fort'i` in raid 'Resolution, s!,nd provid- ing thzmc the cost of constructing qtid sewer shall be borne «,nd, f-')aid by "'he nrcperty within eaid Fe'iv'er ]District, sh,-11 'be paid -'L)y the er- tire District aforesaid, to -wit: said, specia.1 Improvement Piotrict LIU. 111, eacyl. 10L or p"-,"rcel of 1-and Within Said district to be 'assess- ed for th,-rt part of the whole cost wl,,ich itle tirea bears to the srea of the entire district, exclusive of streets, ,,11ey�-, rnd public kection 2, 1,11 the cost tuid expensc,, incurred :in ;i n c,,:',, 1 6 i m- , roveraent rka ll be p�,id by Special Sewer District Wu.rrc,-nt-s, dravrn- ac'ainst "Specirl Improverient or fle-w4�r Di,,jtrict 1do. 1.11 Yund." Such ohala. be of ti-ic- denar,Unvticn of $loo.oC) or mulLiples or fractional pnvt-, thercQf. . Section 5, That sti,id speci,,tl may be �)aid in throe(3) RYIY.11Atl. inst""liments, exte--riir'F-. Over e-- period o" tjrr'(�e UE,Finninl., -with the ye,r lQ11. `7ection 4, Tho.1, -3-11. Qrdinances tmd ;,).arts of ordine,ancor, In con- f3.jet VTjtjj t1lip, ordimmce be and t'r,e rre r.ree hereby re _p d Approved this 24th d�..y of July, 1911. Attewt-. 1I.A.K217op.11, o 1, . Cit3! Clerk. State of T-ontvma, County of Fitithe, (1, City of Kaliopell, I H.A.Kendall, City Clerk C-)f tlj-- Ciy'%'� Of K-alispell, do Tiereby certify thr'," on the clay Q nF 1 0 rd i m e ed in Ordin- 1 c,",used the foregoii ance to b(-, po r - ,'�nc e La 1/4, �, nd th � � �' sa, i d 0 r d i n,7-nc e r emrj d n e (I a)o s t P-� f 0 0, period of five days, aild th;=,t there have been no or 'A-terrtions mc,de therein since tho ssr,C e -,-nd appra-v,-3,j tyiereof by the City Council, nor in the recording thereof. Recorded herein z�nd this c e r t i f i c t e (I e this L3 day of 1911 aJ City Clerk.