09-16-86 Parks Comm Minutesc September 16, 1986 PARKS COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M. • Chairman Mannin and Councilman Palmer in attendance. Parks Director Drent, Paul Kane, Joanne Speelman and Roger Hopkins of the Daily Inter Lake also present. VISITOR'S CENTER RESTROOMS - The plans presented by Paul Kane (an estimate of materials and costs is attached) include providing handicap ramps from two handicap parking areas, 6 commercial grade plumbing fixtures, the replacement of floor drains and commercial grade tile on walls and floor. Parks Director Drent salvaged some trees from the library remodeling project and has planted them here. A log mask is recommended by Mr. Kane as a visual tie to the Visitor's Center and he feels it is the best solution short of tearing down and replacing the existing building, which would cost more than the mask. The fixtures are to be "vandal proof" like those installed at Bruckhauser Pool. It was suggested that an outside freeze -proof spigot be added for filling water containers. Since there is essentially no budget for this project the Committee felt that the effort should be made to get it off the ground as a community project. The Mayor, Parks Director Drent and the Chamber need to go to the community with pictures, blueprints and information. The time frame for doing the work would be next spring before the opening of the Visitor's Center, or even this fall if that works better for contractors who are busy in the spring. Those present felt that raising funds was better than asking for • donated labor because in the latter case you have to wait until the person or firm is available and the result can be long delays. It was also decided that the promoters would start with the cadillac approach as presented by Paul Kane and see how much could be raised and make decisions from there. Mr. Kane will provide the specifications of the fixtures that are needed. Inside picture of the existing facility will be taken to enhance the fundraising project. C. Palmer suggested "Put A Penny In The Pot" for the fundraising slogan. DEPOT PARK - The Montana Logging Association would like to provide and plant a permanent Christmas tree. They will try to accomplish this by the end of September. The blue spruce can then be decorated each year for the holidays. VETERAN'S MONUMENT - They are waiting now on stainless steel bands. C. Powell Electric cannot do their work on it until after October 1. PETERSON SCHOOL BASEBALL FIELDS - Gary Rose contacted Parks Director Drent with plans for changing the location of the ballfield from previous plans. There will be a meeting at 9:00 A.M. on September 17 in the Committee Room to go over the plans. OLD DUMP SITE - Schwartaenburger has requested a two year lease in exchange for leveling the property. Parks Director Drent received a bid for $4,000 to level the site so that would be a fair trade with the right conditions. The Committee will present the idea of a two-year non-renewable lease to Isthe Council. IL PARKS COMMITTEE • September 16, 1986 Page 2 LAWRENCE PARK - An R.I.T. grant application has been submitted for $200,000. Parks Director Drent stated that he had convinced the Friends of Lawrence Park to concentrate on the back area first, which would give them time to raise the matching funds needed for a BOR grant. Items that would be addressed in the Old Lawrence Park area would be correcting the back fence lines, a parking area and a pavillion and restrooms. TREE ORDINANCE - Parks Director Drent will be receiving information on urban forestry and tree ordinances. BEGG PARK - C. Manning stated that he had spoken with DPW Hammer and it appears that the ball association is not going to do anything so the ball is back in Pieter's court. Parks Director Drent said he saw no reason to spend money on drainage because it was draining well. C. Manning asked that a letter be written to the head of the association asking the status of their plans and for a date that they relinquish the field so the City can move on getting it seeded. He felt it was important that the City have in writing that the association is not pursuing it at this point until funds are available. DRY BRIDGE SLOUGH - Dean Marquardt has talked to Sewer and Water Superintendent Hyde concerning lowering the slough about 3 feet. C. Palmer pointed out • that Mr. Marquardt has withdrawn from the Homeowner's Association and there is a problem with the Homeowner's asking the City to return money paid to the City - and these items may or may not be related. Parks Director Drent stated that the slough is lower now than it was in 1963 and he can prove that it was never as low as Marquardt claims it was. Mr. Marquardt has requested that it be lowered "to where it was before." A dike was installed with a control because the people below the slough didn't want it drained. C. Palmer asked that everything that takes place concerning this be put in writing. ajg 0 PAUL KANE, ARCHITECT First and Main Building Kalispell, Montana 59901 (406) 257-0721 ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST LIONS' PARK VISITOR CENTER - COMFORT STATION REMODEL City of Kalispell, Montana Item Description Quantity Unit Price Cost 1 Gen. Rgmts., Permits, Mobilization L.S. $ 500.00 2 Site Work a. Stripe designated HC parking L.S. 150.00 b. Sidewalk 94B sf 2.82/sf 2,675.00 3 Log Mask L.S. 1,800.00 4 Tilework` a. Floors 6 entries, 6x6 QT 224 sf 5.50/sf 1,232.00 b. Walls, 4%x4% Glazed Tile 608 sf 5.00/sf 3,040.00 5 Painting - a. ceilings 6 soffits 292 sf .46/sf 134.32 b. Door frames w/ patching L.S. 40.00 C. repair exterior masonry L.S. 100.00 6 Plumbing M. Bradley 6502 lays 2 • b. " 7233 Water Closets 3 C. 8001 urinal 1 1,000/ea 6,000.00 d. Zurn 415 Floor Drains 2 150/ea 300.00 e. 10 gal Elec. water htr 1 200/ea 200.00 f. Vandal -proof hydrant 1 150/ea 150.00 7 Bathroom Accessories a. 48" grab bars 2 48.50/ea 97.00 b. 36" " 2 32.50/ea 65.00 C. Partitions, H/B mounted 3 L.S. 640.00 d. Stainless Stl Mirrors 2 71/ea 142.00 e. Obl TP rolls, restricted deliv. 3 21/ea 63.00 f. Bradley 605 Soap Valve 2 94/ea 188.00 g. " 1 gal soap res. 1 180/ea 180.00 h. installation 12 hrs 15/hr 180.00 8 Electrical (from Chamber Visitor Center) HPS lights at soffit corners 2 3-cond. direct burial cable 70' service for water htr 6 outlet L.S. 600.00 Sub -total $181476.00 Contractor's P60 @ 15% 27771.40 Total Estimated Construction Cost $21,247.40