Ordinance 245 - Special Improvement District 110Ulu T m T n"', r Y T+ Y r;, .- '"I�1 '1 P.T ,;,C T, C A, I�JC]_,t„,Ia f IIAi 1,I: 'a1< C S1 I :;, a . - -11,17"p OF I,'' 1ldf' I1=Tr>ti�>F,p21TS :1� PVRCII\L DISTRICT 140. ll() OF Y,,%J S,PELL, 1uOETAYiA, SH1,11, By'I APSE,�MRIP APAIIM ANT, PAID BY WE RhTIRE DVTIiNT, 1,AC1I LOT c:;; PARC12 OF 11I.A."LIP WI`11111 SAID T'IS TRICT TO BE ASS- R `,ED YORT AT PART i I ")IMLh (1,0 i ITIS Y I c ARI+.A. 8'NW35 TO 'I'ILTi 1a1a.iT; ?: —DISTRICT, E C"I•t7"IVI,, W �"TRf,T,TS, ALLIT"Y" r�1:) PUBLIC PTAC",'S, ,;,, I;`'- 1'h1-4'I,I , M'E1,*T2 7AY BE PAID Ih` THREE, Uei1_ hLdiil'h I1sS'_ic2.t>,_s ` S 1'l:i'1..;ST.IS-a 07P11-1 TTIM "IP7(1101) 0Y T1411,P17, -'. PRS, Al<:7 >g3{7 I117 ';t; "11OR i; 7:'SC.iP`C1; 0'.' WA)ii AI?TS IN, PAYI.2- T 0'1�' C7GII CO''T BF; TT 1°Y TTI CITY T1',7 (Y7 uPI,L:l'1+,hT,,illiCYrlAlLk; Section 1. ` h.a�t u l costs and experises o1: making; Lire improveanaent provided for to T2c�p:tutinn ito. ,5a4, prove i<:�nal1.' e�sdol)tcd arad tY.pprov- cd on the 1st, day of Lay, lc;ll, can finAllay adopted and a-,pproved on th.e 22nd, nay of -Lay, 1911, ere' Ciro(; z� ',Peci Yz Se ViOr DiStri.Ct 140 110, for the ptarpose of constructing lateral sever between Sixth and Seve n- tlA Avenues `,:Vert, uY fully described and set foAh in said 1;esolution, and �.xoviding ttjee.t t1oc- coot of conotructirjz said sey,?er,.,, „klaall be bori,e nne3 ur<ic1 by the proi,,erty uYit.hin Improve;.efA ear F"evier 712triet, s ,11 be Said by the entirc District aaforeqa.id, to —wit: s�.id ,�Pecial T)istrict Ito• 110, each lot or p,,rcel of I.Find within st,,id a'istrict to bc apses ere for thri.t pas;; of the wtiote cost which it's k,._re;a- becre to t:ae of UiL entire district, exclusive of rtre(,,ts, yv,z.�7Cl public p]aees. ection 2. h.11 the cc.>st ,ind ee.x,rprnse incurred in xnrakinp, sr;id im- y,�rQVf:711P?nt;; by' '��pecin ".e?arf>T°—District liarrn.nt , droun reixlst "Spec!Dl ^el,"Cr "istrint T30. 1.10 _Fund." Such vTarrants siasll be of the denomin--3tion of tplOo.00, or multi- ple., or iraction.91 ppxts thereof. section J', Th said spy citil o,sessnents rany be p,¢,Tjd in triree (3) 0-lu .1. :,nnu;:a,l in t-�.-Une;nter, extending over seriod of three yCrzrs, h �;i.r era s>rit the yer-a.r 1911. Section 4. ihat 0,11 ",,,nd part„ of ordinancen in con- f3ict ai L11 this ordinanc:e> t�e ,end th .�axne �a,:re heveby repe"n'led. P.pproved this ,,.,uly clay of 24-t1j, 1_93-1. A'te r, ,: 1I.A.:iUk,YJA LJ , Meyor City clexk. Ste Ile of T ontci1na, Count; cif Platsrhea6, ) Sta. City rTf KaliTell. 11i.A.Kend,=13_, City Clerk of t1he Ci y of i�zUispell, Montr�nn., do hereby certify that cry t)� d off' � 1OIl. T caused they f'ore^loing, 0rdin,r,.nce tc , e po Tc tired an Ordi- ne,nce I=o. 174 ind th:-t s<zid nrdin:nce re :air: o:;te?d for n period of five dyr_tnd th. t there h;,ve been no chianFes or <iltevstions made ther, in since tl)e r,Y.d approval thereof by the City Council., nor in the re°cordinff, th.er.e;of, recorded herein end tr �p. crti# ate m tde this 10 day of ei' 1911. t City Clerk.