05-07-86 Parks Comm Minutes-V 0:.
May 7, 1986 PARKS COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M.
• Chairman Manning and Councilmen Palmer and Nystul present. Mayor Kennedy,
Parks Director Drent, Richard Kuhl (Friends of Lawrence Park), Nick Haren
and Shelley Borden (Chamber of Commerce), Robert Monk, Janice Sommers (Scout
Leader of Eagle Patrol, Troop 73 along with Calvin Hill, Elliot Isakson,
Richard Jenkins, John Briskin), Cathe Mortensen (Bruckhauser Pool Manager),
Clyde Sparks (KATS Swim Team Manager), and Roger Hopkins of the Daily Inter
Lake also in attendance.
LAWRENCE PARK - Dick Kuhl announced that a meeting had been arranged
with the Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and the State
Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and will be held at 10:00 A.M. Monday,
May 12, and will begin at the gravel pit in Lawrence Park. The purpose of
the meeting is to attempt to determine what is officially wetlands and what
is not and secondly, to get a general concept of what might be allowed in
the wetlands of Lawrence Park. He invited the Committee to attend and asked
for suggestions of others who should be invited. C. Manning said he would
ask several from the planning board (Golf Association) to attend. He and
the Mayor will also attend.
DEPOT PARK - C. Manning stated that a recommendation needed to be made
to the Council concerning the dispersion of the $30,000 grant from Burlington
Northern. Those items needing funds are the Veterans monument ($5,000),
Flathead Homebuilders for the gazebo ($3,000), the decorative lights (approximately
$15,000, which includes two additional lights to be placed by the Veterans
• monument), and the Parks Department for a sprinkler system and landscaping
($7,000). Parks Director Drent shared his plans for Depot Park and suggested
waiting until the monument is in before putting in the sidewalk that has
been requested by the Chamber and others. He said by then there should be
a good indication of where the traffic patterns are. He also suggested using
round concrete slabs set in the ground rather than the traditional sidewalk.
Putting a walk along the drive to the east side of the park was also met
with approval as soon as funds can be found.
The Committee agreed to recommend to Council that the funds be set
aside for the Veterans monument but not paid out until completion of the
project, for the Flathead Homebuilders ($3,000), and a minimum of $5,000
for the Parks Department so they can use the money to get started with the
sprinkler system and landscaping. C. Palmer wanted to check on the final
figure needed for the lights before making a motion on that.
C. Nystul stated that the funding to the Veterans should be made contingent
upon them raising the remainder needed for the monument, and that the funds
should not be released until the job was contracted out. C. Palmer indicated
he still had a problem with the apparent change in the policy to allow funds
to be given to a private group (Vets). It is BN grant money but the City
is administering it. The question of the value of the monument ($15,000)
and whether the City would be required by law to go out on bids was raised
and Attorney Neier came in to discuss that. He said the City should bid
it out because it was administering public funds. If the materials were
• provided and the labor did not amount to more than $10,000 then the City
might not have to bid it, but at this point it is the understanding of the
Committee that it will be bid as a complete project, materials and labor.
Parks Director Drent will check with the Veterans on this and have an answer
before the Council meeting. C. Palmer clarified his motion to allocate the
minimum of $5,000 to the Parks Department, the $3,000 to the Homebuilders,
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but to hold the remainder until the issues were clarified. The Committee
VISITOR CENTER RESTROOMS - Parks Director Drent presented a letter from
the Chamber concerning the condition of the restrooms, which are in desperate
need of repair. The Parks Director is concerned about the cost of the repairs
but is looking for funds. New fixtures and other things are needed and Parks
Director Drent indicated they could run from $400 to $2,000. The Parks
Department cannot do the installation. C. Palmer said he knew several plumbers
who might do it reasonably and he will contact them. The installation of
handicap access was discussed and the Committee agreed that although it would
mean remodeling the City should do for itself what it requires others to
do (even though being a pre-existing structure this building would be excluded
from the requirements). It was agreed that bids would be solicited so that
they could tell if the project was feasible. In the meantime the restrooms
will be opened as is and the work can be done during the summer.
The question of whether additional lighting was raised (after a short
discussion on vandelism of the restrooms) and Parks Director Drent indicated
it would be good to have more light year around. There is an existing pole
and PP&L will be instructed to put a light on that pole.
• Shelley Borden asked about a proposal for putting a billboard type sign
up to provide maps and directional information to tourists stopping at the
center after hours. They proposed to raise the funds for the sign by selling
advertising space to local businesses. They had in mind a sign approximately
8' x 12', lighted. There was discussion of the problem of allowing advertising
in a park, the idea of a three -sided sign in the area of the proposed light,
using the back side of the restrooms for the sign, the advertising allowed
at Griffin Field, the suggestion that this was no different than the Golf
Association and the City should lease the area to the Chamber for $1.00,
which would allow them to be more commercial. It was the general consensus
of the Committee to allow something tasteful without the paperwork of a lease.
They asked the Chamber to get approval for their final plans before spending
alot of money but in general the Committee had no problem with the proposal.
Patching of the pavement in front of the Visitor's Center was raised
and the Mayor indicated that he and DPW Hammer will check it out and see
what can be done.
BOB MONK LAND SWAP PROPOSAL - Mr. Monk explained first that he was interested
in the old City dump site on Willow Glen (approximately 10 acres) for his
son-in-law who owns Kalispell Wrecking and would use it to park cars. It
could be fenced to hide the cars. C. Manning is to get back with the soccer
people to see if they are still interested as it is being filled and leveled
with them in mind. The Committee asked for a letter from Kalispell Wrecking
stating their purpose and making a request.
. Mr. Monk said he had been approached by Jay Billmayer and other pilots
wishing to obtain an overrun area on the south end of the runway. He proposed
that through trading and easements a 600 - 700 foot area could be added to
the end of the runway. He proposed trading his portion of that area for
135' - 150' to the north of the road going into the SRS building, which would
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give him enough frontage on the highway to do something with it. He is only
interested in trading (no exchange of funds), not selling. C. Manning stated
that the Committee needed to wait until the problems at the airport were
solved and they could see who would be running the ship before taking on
anything new concerning the airport. Mr. Monk left a copy of his plans with
Parks Director Drent.
AIRPORT FACT FINDING COMMITTEE - Mayor Kennedy asked about appointing
an ad hoc commission to seek out problems and make recommendations for solving
them. The Committee was in complete agreement. There are three options
for dealing with the airport: 1) Cancel the lease and assume operation, 2)
Find another lessor, or 3) Sell the property and close the airport. After
some additional discussion C. Palmer said the City needs to run with the
ball - this is the City's problem and we need to do something about it.
The City Attorney had been asked about paying a commission to a realtor
to sell the airport but he said the City could not do that. C. Palmer said
that he would be willing to take this job without a commission and put it
on multiple listing if some way could be found to pay a fee if it was sold
on a referral. He asked why a realtor could not be engaged just as we do
an engineer. The Mayor will ask the City Attorney.
• C. Palmer suggested that the fact finding committee be made up of C.
Nystul, himself (members of the Parks Committee), Kerry Wyrick of the Montana
Pilots Association, and Jim Fleming (a pilot who leases airport property).
The Mayor will write letters to these individuals to formalize this committee
and will notify Lee Tower of the creation of the committee. It was stressed
that this committee was being created to find out the facts and solve the
BRUCKHAUSER POOL - The new pool manager, Cathe Mortensen, presented
her proposed schedule, fees and philosophy. C. Palmer suggested sending
schedules home with the children with a statement added saying that donations
are welcome - fees do not cover the costs of operating the pool. The reasoning
was that many of the persons using the pool were county residents who are
not helping to support the pool through taxes. It was pointed out that the
original county participation in the pool had been on the condition that
that City would not charge any additional fees to county residents for use
of the pool. In discussing fees it was also stated that the philosophy governing
fees was that the amount charges be something that would not preclude anyone.
Whether or not to keep the pool open during bad weather was settled by Parks
Director Drent stating that if the workers were not busy they could choose
to go home or to do extra cleaning around the building. No overtime is to
be allowed unless it is a dire emergency. When the schedule is printed it
should include a statement that the City reserves the right to altar times
and fees. Discussion of whether to allow reservations for private parties
and what to charge, etc., was decided by leaving it up to the discretion
of the manager. She is to not to tryot o do everything, but to do several
• things well. She was given wide latitude for innovation. The City Attorney
will be consulted about putting disclaimers on the notices. Cathe thanked
the Committee for approval for training.
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KATS SWIM TEAM - Clyde Stearns, president of the KATS said he had two
concerns: 1) A scheduled time for practice, which seems to be taken care
of on the schedule presented today, and 2) the operation of the concession
stand. He indicated that before making a firm commitment to operate the
concession stand he wanted some additional information. The following questions
were raised and the responses are indicated:
1. Products to be sold - Parks Director Drent indicated he had
no problem with food and candy items but questioned clothing
sales (such as T-shirts) because of the competition with downtown
businesses. Mr. Stearns pointed out that it could double the
profit made during the summer if T-shirts were sold.
2. An adult always present - this was agreed to by both parties.
3. Hours of operation - this would be left up to the KATS with
the suggestion that they be consistent.
4. Pop and candy bar machines - this would be allowable as long
as they were inside the gates. The profits could go to the
5. Health Department inspections and permits required.
6. Liability insurance - Parks Director Drent will check with
• Attorney Neier and the City insurance agent to see what kind
and how much is required.
7. The area around the stand must be kept clean at all times.
S. Parking for workers and lifeguards must be at the back of the
park - NOT on the loop road.
Mr. STearns said that the swim team needs floating lane lines for the
meet to be held at the pool. Sanctioned lines cost about $1,600 and the
team will purchase them but would ask that the City provide reels for storage
of the lines. The City could use the lines whenever they needed without
charge. He was asked to gather information about the reels and the expense
and give it to Parks Director Drent.
O'NEIL LAND SWAP - Parks Director Drent got the papers together, Surveyor
Zavodny is checking the legals. Attorney Neier did not think than an appraisal
was needed.
SCHOOL DISTRICT LAND SWAP - A meeting is needed between Attorney Neier,
the County attorney, and the Parks Committee to discuss the relocation of
the ball field and other issues. The Mayor is to set up this meeting.
BUFFALO HEAD PARK WETLANDS - Parks Director Drent indicated that the
conditions for the 404 permit for Ashley Creek listed this park as trade
for the loss of the wetlands and gave stipulations: that the permittee within
30 days of permit issuance shall install a vehicle restriction barrier at
the tract of land known as Buffalo Head Park, and that the permittee shall
provide for the maintenance of all existing fences which immediately border
the tract of land known as Buffalo Head Park. Within 30 days the a mitigation
plan giving perpetuity to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
for this park must be submitted to the District Engineer. C. Manning said
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he would discuss this with the gentlemen present at Monday's meeting at Lawrence
Park for clarification. He would also discuss with them the possibility
of using a portion of the wetlands at Lawrence Park instead of the Buffalo
Head parcel.