10-14-85 Parks Comm MinutesPARKS COMMITTEE
4:00 P. M. OCTOBER 14, 1985
The Committee met in the Conference Room at City Hall. Present were
Chairman Manning, Councilmen Saverud, Springer, Nystul and _ Palmer, Parks
Director Drent and Community Development Director Gallagher. Representing
United Veterans were Swede Sagen, Jim Richbein, Evelyn Bitz, Elenora
Schieling, Dorothy Birky and Skip Schuette. Also in attendance were Bruce
Boody, landscape architect, Bob Mahrt and Gary Olsen, MCM Architects and
Greg Bain, Flathead Home Builders Association.
Ed Gallagher explained the origin of the $30,000.00 grant received from
Burlington 'Northern. Originally, Community Development Department applied
for a grant of $60,000.00 for lights and the gazebo in Depot Park. The
letter received from Burlington Northern awarded $30,000.00 for the gazebo.
Mr. Bain explained that Flathead Home Builder's Association built the gazebo
with donated labor and materials and hope to have it finished by next spring
at no cost to the city.
Mr. Cook, representing Burlington Northern, will present a check to the City
on Friday, October 18 in person and clarification for the use of the grant
will be sought at that time.
Parks Director Drent explained the changes in Depot Park.
Bob Mahrt, MCM Architect, presented a new design for the veteran's monument.
A better location for this was discussed, since the widening of Center
• Street has resulted in the monument located in an awkward place.
Bruce Boody, landscape architect, discussed the location of the gazebo,"the
original design of the park and the location of the new sidewalks. He and
Parks Director Drent will work on a new design and present it to the Parks
Committee in the near future.
A discussion was held on the decorative lights regarding locations and
amounts. Drent will check with Carver Engineering on this.
Funding for improvements in Depot Park was next discussed, as well as the
availability of Tax Increment Funding.
Parks Director Drent was instructed to prepare a budget to be presented to
the October 15 Meeting of the Council as a Whole.
Mr. Dan Barringer of Buffalo Head next addressed the committee regarding
development of the 5 acre park in the subdivision. The Homeowner's
Association wishes to develop the park at no cost to the City. He was asked
to present his written proposal to the Parks Committee for further
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M.