09-30-85 Parks Comm Minutes0 September 30, 1985 STREET AND ALLEY/PARKS COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M.
Chairmen Palmer and Manning, and Councilmen Springer and Saverud in
attendance. DPW Hammer, Clerk Halvor, Surveyor 2avodny, Parks Superintendent
Drent, Mike Fraser, Dennis Carver, Jerry Lyford, Ed Kennedy, and Roger Hopkins
of the Daily Interlake also present.
DEPOT PARK - DPW Hammer reported that the Chamber of Commerce is happy
with the latest design. The consensus of the Committee was to take out the
north sidewalk. C. Springer moved the sidewalk come out, C. Manning seconded,
and the motion carried. C. Springer and Manning left after this discussion.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - DPW Hammer presented synopsis of projects
and funding as requested by the Street and Alley Committee at their last meeting.
A copy of his memo to the Council is attached to the original minutes. C.
Saverud pointed out that the unbudgeted items had been discussed earlier. Clerk
Halvor said they expected to fund the items with bonds. C. Palmer indicated
they had a choice: What could be cut back, and what could be funded with tax
increment? He asked again why these items were not budgeted and DPW Hammer
listed the meetings where the projects and funding had been discussed. C.
Saverud asked how much would be payable this fiscal year if plans were In order
and construction started first thing in the spring, or would the bulk of the
costs be payable out of next year's budget. Discussion of possible areas to
scale back. DPW Hammer indicated that costs for street reconstruction were
based on the original plan of 41', but that the other costs could not be cut
back unless only the sanitary sewer was done on 5th. C. Saverud said he would
agree to that only if storm sewer was also done, and the costs for the storm
could be assessed. The deficits for 5th Ave. West from Center to 6th could
be taken care of by tax increment bonds. Discussion of what is required to
change budgeted items. Clerk indicated that tax increment could be used within
the redevelopment area and revenue bonds outside of that district. There was
discussion of paving and also the soil problems being encountered on Center
Street would probably be a problem on 5th, so City should plan on having the
street torn up from trees to trees. There was extended discussion of the storm
drain on Center Street, the 5th Avenue West and Center Street intersection
and the possible route of the storm drain in that area. C. Palmer suggested
that these decisions could not be made without the Sewer and Water Committee
and a joint meeting was set for Tuesday, October 1, at 4:00 P.M.. DPW Hammer
was asked to come up with choices and recommendations for Tuesday's meeting.
TD&H BILL FOR 5TH AVENUE WEST TRUNK DESIGN - Discussed briefly and tabled
until Tuesday's meeting.
Owner of duplex at 1207 Second Avenue West requested in a letter that there
be "No Parking" signs posted on the east side to alleviate traffic problems
during football games and other activities at the football field. Jerry Diegal
pointed out that this was considered an emergency vehicle entrance. The Committee
consensus was that this situation must be dealt with as an emergency vehicle
entrance problem rather than convenience for the residents. They requested
the Fire Department to assess the problem and make a recommendation by the
• October 7 Council meeting.
September 30, 1985
Page 2
4TH AVENUE WEST NORTH RECONSTRUCTION - (9/30/85) - This is the only through
street that goes directly onto the Mall parking lot and DPW Hammer said it
needed to be done this year if possible. F.I.F.T.H. Thrift Store is on this
avenue and has had many problems with drainage. The Committee discussed the
problem of timing for ordering in curbing but concluded that work could begin
immediately if the curbing were included in the tax increment funding. When
asked what would have to be sacrificed in order to get this done DPW Hammer
indicated that only the curbing on 8th might not get done, and that was an
attempt to get a head start on next year's street reconstruction. Funding
is budgeted for off -site improvements and curbing was included in that.
Discussion on Flathead Industries alley will be taken care of by DPW Hammer
in conjunction with this project. The Committee was in agreement that the
Public Works Department proceed.