09-23-85 Parks Comm Minutes0 September 23, 1985 PARKS COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M.
Chairman Manning and Councilmen Springer and Nystul in attendance.
Parks Director Drent, Ed Kennedy, and Roger Hopkins of the Daily Interlake
also present.
O'NEIL TRADE PROPOSAL - C. Manning explained in detail the proposal to
trade three parcels of land in the corridor along Woodland Drive for three
City -owned parcels: the old City/County dump which is presently leased to
R&J Wrecking, the old pumphouse lot in Northridge, and the Washington Street
Park in the Holmquist Addition. There was discussion of whether or not there
is need for a corridor vs. does the City want to get rid of the proposed
parcels. In the end the consensus was that it would be nice to have the
parcels offered, but not at the price, that the residents in the Holmquist
Addition would be upset at losing Washington Park, and that there were other
parcels in the area along Woodland that would be more desireable. C. Springer
said that the City would not benefit from the trade, so why do it. A motion
was made to offer to trade the old City/County dump parcel for Tract 3, but
that the City was not interested in the other proposed trades. Parks Director
Drent was asked to provide drawings.before the Council meeting. DPW Secretary
asked to write Kathy Walker, who represents the O'Neils, giving a synopsis
of the discussion and the trade the City is willing to consider.
WOODLAND PARK - Parks Director Drent told the Committee that he had driven
300 fence posts into the shore line using the backhoe. They would be filled
in behind with gravel and then finished with black dirt to improve the shoreline.
Director Drent said the posts should last twenty years. He invited the Committee
members to take a look at what had been done and advise him whether or not
to proceed. Discussion of whether or not enough could be finished to allow
skating, and ramps for access and other problems.