Ordinance 243 - Special Improvement District 108m o,1DI.1,,rA!!cV,1 110. 2,13. AN OD',JdN'(1111 DIREC'217i" 1.�' T __��T UL VIT" I'`_I:'D 0, T)�']C]A'Tjj F f 'Ial G 1111P �OOWP,_'" ­_'YTI" AIGI I10R(aVIM XEINT D -1;-,T'RICT EO. 108 OF KAL- 1SPUILL, 'M-1'­2AEA, MD'Llz 'E"I"! AS,')�SSED A'Alli'CT All -DJ PAED B'l TIKE F1,11,'TVIE, DIS- TRICT, EJIMF IaOT 0 R MRMU, n-p WITIHIIY `,AI'D 7DI.111"RICT 'i'O -:,'OR T`i1T ()P.T. t'! F' TIVII[OlE (,',O!-')T Wl-'ICal IT�S AB7(` TO T. F ,,, !,]T\ T I R R I 71 IF', TR I C T, I,— C T USIVE 0 "' S)Tk1:EOTS, 1J,LEYS N-D A!�FD PTIOVID- I Y, G 1 i" 11 S �'_, 11) , 'NINU AL ,_T SCTSl -AY 141' 1'Xr1T1'.DI!'." V' C}71 Tlj-� Y",a 7OR V li' V1X'INA1:iTS IN PP'Y!,',F1MT COST AND ------------------------- BE IT )7_17DAI:-F]TD 'Y TT,.., CITY (I',Y KA-LIS!'"LL, 110_'�Ttl,A' 7ection 1. -�Iut a111 cost and c-;pensP_- of mm,kinc the iruprovemenLs provided for in Resolution no. jq?, _o-rwvisionally adopted and ,pproved on lot. d,ly 11`.`z,'Y, 1911 , and 7-.6apted >,.nd �L-apro-ve6 on tne 1. dvy of, 1911, cre,tini-,, -.i Ppecial Improvement District 1!o. 108 for the j)Urj)0Se of C0rLF,,tVUCti)1C,, sidewalks, curbs and p,_,arkinp, on :,-Irst Ave. as fQL3,y described ­,M set rortli in �, nir,11, resolution, and pro- vidirw the cost 0i, co­nstvuctinf- f7ueh improvements ghn-11 be borne and ,p,-,,id 'by the property within seid Improvement District, shall be -,'),­d. _ntirc, Distriot aforesn,id, to —it: said "'peci)l IraprOVeMent istrict No. 108, each lot or parool of I�lnd v.,ithin P—gid district to be a,,Ssessed for that part of the whole 000t ,,,,hich it's, area? bears t© t1te seta:. or the; en- tire di,,,,trict e,Vlusive of streets, l:'l� Ir,d PW"ir, pleces. „ection All the cost nand expense incurred in ri,-.,,kdnr said improvements be ,)aid by Special Improveraa. t T)istI ict War ar- rant, drmmn ag-aiiSt ” Specia.1 Improvement District itQ. 108 "'-"und" �-'uch w-,T-rartr� sh,�!J' ue of V)c denomination A* $100.00 or mul- tjPlcs : r f,-cactiorr,,l Parts tiler,,of. Section 3. That said Special fissessments may be paid irl five equY 1 rmnwal iris oiil I men �Iq, c,Kterl (I irw- over the Priod a I" five beginninr with the year 1011. "ection 4. -Yialb all ordinances and ,)arts of ordinances in con- flict with this ordiminc s be =,nd the s!-me ore Ihei,eby reperled. ./Tproved this C14- day of 19 64— W 0 11111tl� Attest: 1I.A.11ENDALL, City Clerk. S State Of I.Oi1ta�ia, County of SS. City of ��'aloiejjll . Mayor. I. H.A.KE"NDAIL, City Clerk of the City of K I spell, a -i I-ontama. do kip.rp-hir r,mrM i-p- I caused the fore�oin� Ordinance to f)e PoSt�`- , Up, ;/equired :in Ordin- 174 a'nd that ,said ;)rdinance remained paooted for a period, of five day,, fnd UVI, Uiere have been TIO 6-1-MgPes, cr r1terations made therein since the -ovssage and approv*,al thereab by the City Council, nor in the recordirip-, Vhereof. ,ecorded herein r;nd Thificertificate rmdci ttis d Y of 1911. City Clerk.