Ordinance 242 - Special Improvement District 107ORDIINAIMS NO, 242. yl 0-E, 'PEOLMING THAT AIM nM MST EXnESN n11 1!1,Pz10VR'T'7T TDISTRICT 1710, 10? PF KAL- Y_P,KI1,;G 'D P(!A179T MM PAW W I= E1711Y ITI DISTRICT, MIMI LOT 'IR TIYCFU, OF 1ARD WITRIII SA171 D12TRICT TO B'rV ASS� ESSED FOR TIT,T 2A ',T OF '1711�� %J!101,�� (102T 'AIICF IT I S A,?TJj', TrTJE KNTIRE DISTRICT, EXCLUSIVE' OF 11,1,T,':YP, PI M 111J51,1C PLAc2S' Pam PRWIDUG 1WAT SAID SlIECIA1. ASSESSAMITS ;)_Ay BE PAID 114 !'Ivzp E""�JAJ' 112„1WJ34ENTS EXTMID17" TV',T�' P21U011P 011 71VT] AYD 11R0- VIDIUCI TY111 11"PAY'-'1,1T OF ',UCH CO',-T',_' PENSE. -------------------------- BE IT WMALW' EY 'ZJ:'F,' CITY COU'. Cij7 Ti�'P' CITY n7l'_" Section 1. That all cmet and expense of ­�tlki',-ar2 the i-,1prc)Ve-ments provided for in Resaltition o. 39L provisionally �,dopted and apgrove(l on the lat, d,,,ay of Rljiy, 1911, and fimAly ado Aad and approved on 0e 10tia dvy of May, 193-1, cre,-,ting as Special Improvement District 11o, 107 for tie purpose of constructing Curbs, sidevrnllRs pazrki,,q,!; rnd 1`aca(l.m rorT,�dvay on Ist. Ave. East as :`illy demribed wK act fordi in spid remoluRican, and providing QRt the cost of construct inC-, such improve- ments sha11 be borne smd paid by the property wit1iin t3aid Ilftprove,_'Ient District, shall tie Imid by tm entire DAtrict W`oreepi, &-wit: said Special JMproVeMenl: 7'iatrjCt 1,0 107, 0(16', lot or oarcel of vrithin ssz.iri district to be nus"sed for t:,­,t part of tYie r,!,joje cast ,wrLiCkl it" .3 arca be<zrs 'Go the, area of the entire of streets, and public pl-ncer,. `!ectian 2. 1,11 We cyst Mid incurre,') Jn noid Im- provements �ha,ll be paid by Special Improvement 'Pintrict Vh_--rrants, draWn a,�-ainst " SPeai,':,1 Im t No 0 F n proverient 1 7 u d S'QC11 21'all i2a of the denomiriation of t�100.00 or mlltipll!"s or fractional parts t1jereof. Section 3. -h,t said Special irsoesayaentF, mr-,y Le 1),jd in "jve equ;,I �nnual r)vc,r the period of five yearn, berinninF- %-,itli the year 1911. -action 4. 'Z)mt all ordinances avid pe,rt-,, oj' o, (ji al a in can— flict witn this ordinruice be ';nd t 0 lo, Y c e, f �e q b �yme �,re here �/ repe- led. �pproved this day o 1911. 7 1PPP V". C .7m At tet Mayor. City Clerk.