Ordinance 237 - Form of SID 104 BondsW ORDIMUCE B0, 237. AN ORPAUICE1r TO R-1 , 'T� C, V!E F0 OF VE DISTRICT IFsTnm -[ICAIITT SPI, MAL -DIrTRICT YO. 104, CIVY OF KALI12PELL. Bl,.', IR BY TEE CITY COU-CIL OF CITY OP 5ection 1. All special Improvement DI-13trict Bones Outhorized to be issued cnd delivered in payment of tnt-, costs and expenses incurred in making the improvements describing in jjesol-utic)o !,�o. 4()4, ap-proved .runeC, � - .rune 5th. 1(11, creating specirl improvement 71sirict I,,Q, 104 of tbe City of Kalispell, skipll be dated Auguct Ist. 11)11, shall be of th.e denomination of 'G500,00 each (except such bond an may be necenavrY for any v to complete jny finv'L j,),-..�,,Ttent under t1r.0, frz3cti�nal Port of $500.00 s ) interest l'-t Lhe cont--aaz, for rnvkin,7 Oaic� iT.Provel-riOnt, and shall be,�:r rote of 6,�,., per annura, interest payable on the " first d ay of Jvmpary in each year, n-id be due and payable on oroefore tli, Cirrt de,y, of vanuary, le)21, onA,11 he rerintered of W, of P, 1st, 1911, in the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Kalispell. :Rach of the said bonds shall have voctuckLed thereto ten intert—,ts coupons. The said bonds shnll be eignW by Wo Enyor <M6 the City Clerk have the cmrporaue sepl pf the City affixed thereto, and the interest c,,)upon,q attached to each of FF.tid bonds sht711 bear tine en[-,rs,ved Fac- Simile signatures of the 1,,',-,.yor and the City Clerk. 1�'-,),Ch bond shall be in the C)fficc cif t"rje City Treasurer, -who Shall sign his name an the reFialrntion of each. of o-aid, bonds. Section 2. The bonds shnll be in form and lanEuag ;e substanti,aIly, as follows: "0111TED STE :20 (T AITRICA. ]10s C) SPECIAL I11P1Z1)V:?,ME,,,,T PIsTRICT B0111T7 of the City of Kalispell, State of Montana. S,Y)ecial Improvernent District No. 104. issued by t1w City of !.`ontan�o Ln pay for rro,Une zs.r�d pav"C n portion of first 1we, East, in Ensid City , and laying curbs sidewElks imd crosswalks thereon, in ticccirdvnce with @, 7esolution of vtlte City Council passed and approved June 50, 1,11, crentirW Special Improveraert -,,'iqtrict Eo, 104; r,,,nd the -,rdinanoe of s,^j�j city. -------------------------- I They City of Ktilispe),I, a. !,iunicipal Cr)rporatinn of the State of 141ontana, ',�i.ereby promises to pay to or beznrer, lavftAl money of the United F:t,�,,tes, -.It intc. ent tLicroon froi ta.nd after 1.1!e lost., day of August, 1911, V,t the rate of 60�r per annum, payable annually, princiool and inf,rest, out of SpeciEl Improvement Distrnict to 104 Ound, provided for '()y Or-.litrance 236 of srLidl: City and not Dtherrise, at the office of the City Treasurer of F-vid City. This bond is payable on or before the 1st. day of January, 1921, and is subjected to cm1l by L,e City Trevsurer. oi' eaitd. City whenever there be sufficient money in said fund to pay the e, tooeother with all unpvid bonds of the same series of v,,hich this bond is one, which pre price to this bond in numericel order, over PH ni.ove sid'- ficient furds for Cne pment of interest on all urapoid bonds of said. series. A coupon is hereto attached for each installment K interest to accure hereon, and said interest Thal.] be mid only on 1'aesw0tion and sorrender of such mupons to the City Tre_,ourer, 'oyt in cz)se t�iie, bond is cn.11ed for payment before :it's maturity, each every coupon repres-entinf- interest not accrued ;:t the tine tln,is Uond. 12 under ouch call, sh:,11 be v,,-)id. The cnll for payment of this bond or of ;3.ny Lono of th(� series of which this is one, Shall be Made by tlir;e City Trens,,arer by publishing -e sv.me in tl,e off ioi,l of S-"id city, naming.. ),, dnte upon ,w'hich such bond is paydble, and wKen such call is mn,de­for tyre payment of this bond, interest thereon sh,,�ll on in such oDti0e. Thin bond is one of - serie r,t�r in all, appro-Nimately, the "M principal sum of Menty-five thousand ($25000,00) dQljuro, iosued in payment for improvements in anid EpWal Improveonent ?isUqct No, 104, all of which bonds are subject to the same terms con6itions, Vs herein expressed, end are pa.yc,ble in numeric,31 order, befi,,,,,n ng vith lows-t riu-A)er. it is hereby certified and recited thit as.11 acts LInd t i ed to be done h rigs 1equJi- precedent to the issue of this bond have peen 1)roperly done, happered amd performed in t",`ie M,"'Inuf'r prescr gibed Ly tre ja,,yrs c11 Ve Stnte of T,"ontaro, e,nd the rerolutjLns ,,,rdinancel, of the City Of Kalispell relvtinf,r to the issunnce thereof. IT the City of Kalispell t-es c.:used t-ese presents to he oigned by it's Mayor tnd otteHt by it's City Clerk and'sealed with it's corporate eery and the coupons hereto attached to bear the Fa,c-Simile signatures of said Wyor and City Clerk, 1&iM Ist., (1;2-Y of AuClust, A.D., 1911. Attest, City Clerk. Said bond sitnil cue endorsed e"s follows: City of Kalispell By, hFayor. SP:f"Clid. 1Y-PT1,-VF!EVT DISTRICT r3GITD. Dictrict No, 104 of the City Of Kalispell, State of T,21(,)ntv,na. IVgust lst., 1911. Interest ,,t 6% per annum, at the office of the City TREASiTI2,1TI, it, t�r,e City of Kriliopell, Registered lst. day of August, 1911. City Treasurer. Section '-hvt said bonds nnvc attwQed the into ten (10) interest coupons, which said coupons Mal.] be of' fo2lot,,,ing form, except ',',"o. 1. which siiall be for fifteen ($15.00) dollexs: SPECIIJ- I1f,?R0v[=--,!,-ET 1,10. 104 110 On the :First day of 19 The City of Kalispell, jjontar-,a, Promised to pay to the berrer, F21, oil' t--, City Tre,,,.s- urer, Thirty ...... Dollars, being one years interes oFf7snd -No. of the b0ndS of 'PeCjEll 1M.OroVeTq(-s,-,t T)istrict 11o. 104, of Kapell, out cf rIp ci ar Improvement -,"'istrict ,,.o 104 1iind, ernd not oth6rvrif-,,e; provid- ed that this coupon is subjected to all the terms d c f) n (I i t i r, n a conl,• ined in the bond to vhich it is ,annexed. City of Kalispell, Attest: City Clerk. hayor. ; Section 4. 11one of the bond- provided for herei.,-T s'n,112 be de- livered O:Kcept upon the rrritteri order Of the City Council. �assed vnd vpproved this � dvy of July, 1911. Attest; 13,A . KF111, D, 111111, 1 City Clerk. w,C.W'J-71PPs' Yayor; S Stt3te oant-n-u County of WITA, SS C 1. ty of Kul i s pel I , I 1.A,KeadQ3 , City Clerk of th of Kalispell., Ifontana, do hereby certify that on theclIj- day of 911, 1 caused the foregbdng OrdinancebMAO r to e I "s, eqtliref rdinqnce "'o. 174 vnd Vat said Ordinance remained posted for a, !!!lid of five days, and that there have been no c-',L,-nges or a.]terat'.ions made therei,,-, since the yE . awye ; �d ,,,pprovid there of y the City Council, nor in t-i.I recur thereof. Records(] her edn this certificate made,, this -L day of c'A, 3 1 `CitY CleM