07-10-84 Parks Comm Minutes&WorLta La VepartnLej# Of VisiL,Wddhfe (M Tar1(s June 29, 1984 Helena, Montana 59620 City of Kalispell P. O. Box 1035 Kalispell, Montana 59901 On a recent site inspection tour for compliance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, I visited the Kalispell Golf Course. As usual, it was being heavily used both on the course and in the club house. This excellent facility is a credio your community and to the LWCF. Because LWCF dollars were used to assist in the acquisition and development that took place in 1974-79, certain requirements must to be met. In sign- ing and in information, it must be clear that it is a public golf course. I notice that the directional sign at the junction leading off Highway • 93 identifies it as the "municipal" golf course. However, upon approaching the course, there was no indication it is open to the public. Another signing matter that is lacking is one giving credit to the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This, too, is a requirement of the program. It may be that you have such a sign somewhere on the site but it was not immediately apparent to me. I am enclosing for your use two signs. The signs should be readily visible to the majority of your visitors. If you have any questions or comments regarding the program and its re- quirements, do not hesitate to contact me at 444-3750. Sincerely, GRETCHEN OLHEISER, Chief Project and Planning Bureau Parks Division GO/Imp Enclosure Cc: Peiter Drent 10 �-:00 P.M. July 10, 1984 PARKS COMMITTEE The committee met on this date in the Conference Room. Present were Chairman Springer, Councilmen NystulandManning, DPW Hammer, Parks Superintendent Drent, Roger Hopkins of the Inter Lake, and arriving later, Commissioner Henry Oldenburg. C. Springer opened the meeting called by Supt. Drent. Dry Bridge Park Supt. Drent referred to a letter from Gretchen Olheiser, Chief, Parks Project & Plan- ning Division, Mt Fish, Wildlife & Parks, dated June 28. She questioned private vege- table gardens existing in the southern portion of the park. C. Neier moved that Supt. Drent advise the individuals maintaining the gardens that they are not allowed within the park boundaries. Seconded by C. Springer, all voted aye. Walkways and picnic areas were discussed and Drent stated that it would be reseeded in the fall. Conrad Park Restrooms Supt. Drent presented drawings of prefab and other type facilities. The Conrad Board does not have funds for the restrooms, nor could they be installed on the Mansion grounds. He stated that his department could build a facility in the fall for an estimated $4,000. A foundation and sewer and water would also be needed. He has requested $10,000 for this project at the preliminary budget hearing. C. Nystul moved that the Parks Supt. present a written budget request on this at the July 16 Council meeting. Swimming Pool • Supt. Drent stated that he wanted to get started with an architect, using the $15,000 allowed in the budget from Revenue Sharing. Discussion of soliciting locally, but since Smith Company and Dennis Carver have been involved for quite awhile, it was thought better to continue with them. Dennis initially included as we were without a DPW at that time. C. Springer recommended that Drent be given authorization to do what is necessary for preliminary design now and assuming a favorable vote, can get started on engineering the day after election. C. Nystul moved that Parks Supt. Drent contact Smith Company to see how they recommend we proceed with the rest of the project. .Second, C. Manning. All voted aye. Golf Course Proposal C. Springer has requested a legal opinion from CA Neier, but feels there is nothing the committee can do in light of the document. The dates are incorrect in 2 places. He emphasized that he has not taken a position with respect to the golf proposal; he has been accused of having done so but he did not have in his possession sufficient inform- ation to make a decision. He indicated this to the city attorney and wants the com- mittee to know his feelings. He told CA Neier that he believes that in writing the opinion in the manner he has, that he has done a disservice to both Pieter's proposal and the Golf Association and leaves us in the quandry we have been in since the June public hearing. C. Springer personally -not legally- does not agree with the city attorney's conclusion. •With respect to this, C. Springer recommends that the project be taken back to Council. He stated that CA Neier has opened up a dangerous precedent because he has chosen-- in C. Springer's opinion -to ignore the action of several prior Councils on the basis of what Springer percieves to be a misunderstanding of the Council of 1976 and 1978. He feels the Council as a whole must make a decision. Supt. Drent objects to Lawrence Park being described as unimproved; it is maintained. He asks that his proposal, one of several that he has presented, be put aside, and he wants to know from the Council if Lawrence Park as a whole is considered as part of the Parks Department or part of the Golf Association. C. Springer stated that was exactly what he asked the City Attorney to answer. Springer questions the validity of a lease any Council writes. He is concerned about setting a precedent and listed problems such as breach of contract with the Golf Association if developed as a park. He remarked that if there is any validity to the 1974 lease at all, it has been renewed on an annual basis. C. Nystul suggested that former Councils who have entered into leases and approved renewals be asked what parcels were contemplated. When he voted to renew the lease he did not know that the lower area was involved. The project was already underway when he became City Finance director; land exchange was a_loose thing in regard to finance, grants and planning. As far as he knows, any Council since 1975 did not contemplate the open area of the park as being part of the Golf Association. Commissioner Oldenburg reviewed early development of the park and suggested that we wait until the lease comes up for renewal. C. Springer stated that if CA Neier's opinion is correct, we don't have to wait. He asked for a consensus. C. Neier said that both the issue and the lease have to be clarified. C. Manning stated that first of all, we have to ask whether or .not the golf course has any legal rights to the land and if they do not have, do we want to give it to them, and if they don't, look at it.as parkland and decide what we want to do with that parkland. The issue is not do we want ballfields now, but do we want a golf course. Lawrence Park is the only property the City owns that will hold the facility of Drent's proposal. If that is not the proper place for it, look for another loca- tion. The committee authorized C. Springer to present this to the City Council for general discussion. Miscellaneous C. Oldenburg inquired about the civic center concept and was told it was on the back burner for now. He stated that in the interest of children he would support unified planning. C. Nystul has an opinion from the City Attorney regarding sale of airport land, he proposes that the committee present to Council for a resolution to authorize the sale. C. Nystul stated that C. Palmer asked that he run by the committee the previously discussed painting a centerline stripe at airport. C. Springer moved to authorize DPW Hammer to do the painting. Seconded by C. Nystul. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P. M. ms