05-22-84 Parks Comm Minutes4:00 P. M. May 22, 1984 PARKS COMMITTEE The committee met on this date in the Conference Room at City Hall. Present were Council- nen Manning, Nystul, Saverud and Palmer, Mayor McDowell, DPW Hammer, Parks Supt. Drent, Larry Schultz, American Legion/Babe Ruth, Ed Arneson, Babe Ruth, Jack Trucker and Coach George Hagley, American Legion. Tennis Program C. Manning stated that the City Attorney is drawing up and agreement and when that is done, the -committee will meet again to review the agreement for Council presentation. Legion Park Supt. Drent referred to a request for an August 4 dance at the park, involving 1,000 people. The committee suggested that he deny the request, alternatives could be the courthouse area or Lawrence Park. Drent referred to a request from Lakers baseball for $4,000 for use in Griffin Field. Lawrence Park Proposal Supt. Drent presented drawings of his proposal. He stated that Griffin Park will have to be sold eventually and the money could be used to develop Lawrence Park. Work could be started by street and parks crews during the summer or fall on ground work. He explained that this would be the start of a larger program, with a large American Legion field and Babe Ruth and soccer fields, that walking trails were needed. His plan will provide a good recreational facility and still have the original natural park. The total area is 56 acres, proposal area only involves 20 acres. He stated that ultimately we will lose the fields at Lions Park and airport. There are only advantages in this location for ballfields, the direction, out of windy area, multi -fields concept are all positives -- here are no apparent disadvantages to the location. C. Manning said that committee from the Golf Association is working on a proposal for obtaining Lawrence Park. They have been advised to make a proposal soon for the replace- ment of that park. If quickly sold, American Legion field may be in order next spring. Mr. Schultz stated that he likes the project and is in favor of its unlimited potential. Discussion of what could be done to secure the hillside; the financial savings if the ground work could be done now by city crews, with seeding to be done next spring; the necessity of bringing in power and water and the possibility of dropping the swimming pool request to BOR, and instead, requesting assistance with Lawrence Park development were discussed. It was felt that it would be an advantage to the City if we can afford to do it on our own, without seeking aid from the County. The County does have in its inventory two bridges which were purchased used in around 1977, one of which they have given to the City, which could be utilized. C. Manning asked if the proposal were adopted and Griffin Field were taken out in a year, what could be eliminated from the $4,000 request for maintaining that field. Mr. Schultz stated that everything could be eliminated, but the group would like to enlarge the con- cession booth. $1,000 might take care of existing needs. Supt. Drent said that the immediate foreseeable need for Lawrence Park would be installa- tion of perhaps 100' of pipe to care for reservoir overflow. As soon as the proposal is approved by Council, action can be taken on the plans. Mr. Hagley has received information from Billings, which includes figures on the benefits of tournaments. DPW Hammer will get all the information together and will coincide this Vith the tennis program agreement meeting next week. C. Manning moved to put the proposal on the agenda for the next Council meeting. C. Nystul seconded the motion. Parks Committee Meeting - Page 2 May 22, 1984 Swimming Pool C. Nystul stated that the flyers need lettering on the diagram to label "Bruckhauser Swimming Pool Renovation" and that a fact sheet should go on the back of the form. He will write this up, will include recognition of the need for an indoor/outdoor facility but will state that the City cannot afford such at this time; the existing pool will be rehabed. The committee approved the language for the flyers to be prepared for circulation. Washington Street Park C. Nystul advised that he has received a request from a resident in this area for long range plans on the park. She will be invited to the next committee meeting. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 P. M. ms