05-17-84 Parks Comm Minutes4400%P, M. May 17, 1984 PARKS COMMITTEE The committee met in the Conference Room this date. Present: Councilmen Manning and Nystul. Doug Fox and Swede Sager of United Veterans, Parks Supt. Drent, Gary Olson and Bruce Pludy of Bob Mahrt Architect firm, Dick Hackendahl of Chamber of Commerce, Mayor McDowell, City Attorney Neier and Ed Gallagher, CDC. C. Manning opened the meeting to discussion of plans for Depot Park and the lease for the Visitor's Center atLion's Park. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF DEPOT PARK Mr. Fox presented drawings; the proposal has gone through architectural review and is up to the point of asking for Council approval. Mr. Pludy explained the plans as to location of monument, flagpole and gazebo. He stated that Supt. Drent felt that a walk would be beneficial along the southern end of the park and one that would tie to depot area. Discussed were: improving existing vegetation, - keeping area open for mowing, flower beds and paved area, new electrical system, lighting for monument, sprinkling and installation of a handicapped drinking fountain.and parking. Mr. Fox stated that the United Veterans planned to encourage more activities, such as band concerts, in the park. Everything regarding the flag has been donated and the Lions Club has offered to donate a considerable amount of landscaping. The Homebuilders Assn. will take on the building project and there have been several other volunteer offers. Supt. Drent stated that he could not foresee any maintenance problems with the plans. • C. Manning said that consideration should be given to having a few of the antique style lights around the park, of the type planned for Main Street. During construction is the time to install conduits on the same type of centers as Main Street will have. Mr. Fox described the monument and stated that the veteran's group hopes for a 4th of July dedication. A council decision last July to maintain the name "Depot Park" still holds, but the monument section will be called "Veteran's Square". MOTION: C. Nystul moved to recommend Council approval of proposal. Seconded by C. Manning. All ayes. MANAGEMENT LEASE/CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: TOURIST CENTER Dick Hackendahl initiated discussion of paragraph #4 of the lease, regarding restroom supplies, cleaning and maintenance. Since the City does not furnish supplies to any park restroom, he agreed that this would be the Chamber's responsibility. Regarding trimming grass in the area, the city will be responsible, both will work together in caring for areas adjacent to the building. He also questioned the last sentence in paragraph #9 regarding "agreement can be termin- ated without cause by either party at any time". City Attorney Neier agreed that the language should be changed to "with cause". This will be done. C. Nystul suggested that paragraph #5 "insurance committee" be changed to "council". All agreed on the change, Insurance responsibilities were discussed. The City will provide 0ire, theft, etc. insurance;the Chamber will cover public liability insurance. Coverage _,pis needed even during construction. y f Parks Committee i Estimated total two weeks. MOTION: Page 2 May 17, 1984 cost of the project is $20,000 and it is expected to be completed in C. Manning moved to recommend the acceptance of the Management Lease to the Council, with mentioned changes in #9, termination/renewal and #5, deleting "insurance committee" and using "council". Seconded by C. Nystul. All ayes. Tabled until the May 22 Committee meeting were discussions of the Tennis Program Agree- ment, Washington, Griffin and Lawrence Parks. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 P. M. ms Ll 0