04-23-84 Parks Comm Minutes4:00 P. M. April 23, 1984 PARKS COMMITTEE - The Parks Committee met on this date in the Conference Room at City Hall. Present were lahairman Springer, Councilmen Manning, Ruiz, Nystul and Palmer, Parks Superintendent Drent nd representing the Kalispell Tennis Association, Ms Rae Ball and Rick Crone. Supt. Drent had raised some questions re the tennis program and the meeting was called in an effort to have them addressed by the committee. The main problem has been a lack of communication between program directors and the city concerning finances. Other concerns involve the assistant's status and what -if any -control the city has -or should have -over them, also some method whereby the city can verify that money put forth by the city is being spent as it should be. C. Springer has been in communication with Mike Allen, who wants to direct the program, assures his cooperation. There is no conflict with his position at the Court Club. r Supt. Drent has asked for an accounting every year but this has never been received. He was only able to obtain figures for the first five week session of last year. This in- volved 86 youngsters and 20 adults, which should have resulted in $2,500 income. The director should have been paid $850 for the first session, another instructor was to get $525, both @ $10 per hour. This totals $1,325 - with no accounting for the balance. Assistants were paid as city employees. No figures were available for the second session The program should pay for itself, if there is a profit, fees could be lowered or the balance given to the_city for maintaining.courts, etc. All were in agreement for the city to continue sponsoring the program. There was a ques- tion of the director being a city employee vs being an independent contractor, and the ramifications of Worker's Compensation coverage for program personnel. A written con- tract is needed to indicate who will provide that coverage. The contract should indicate that they will do the program and provide the necessary accounting back to us. If a • rofit is realized, some kind of formula must be devised to give incentive to run a good program and to return to the city some of the profit received. There has never been such an agreement with program personnel. - C. Springer will discuss drawing up of a contract with City Attorney Neier. Accountability must be known from the start. MOTION: C. Nystul moved that the committee agree with the Association's proposal and recommended that a written agreement be drawn up as discusssed, which contemplates providing account- ability. Second by C. Manning. All voted aye. The program will start on June 11. Representatives of the Association will attend the May 7th Council Meeting, at which time the City Attorney will have a rough draft of the agreement. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 P. M. ms n U