Ordinance 238 - Special Improvement District 105w C)RDI'TNCE NO, 238. 9 MIA= I)MI]CTE, 'up TRAT fiJ,1, T1i11 U,,SSTS AM) ]i,'YMX,1""j'S 07,,�s�f.Cr 1 C T ENTU-01,' DIS- no LOT 0'!-" picup"I" "n"Y -1 W MMY, TVIPTRICT I 1 (11, ITS BE511S '20 TTLIi! 10,11TI'10,' DIS- i 7� T 1 � T 13, 110 1 TE ( , " � C, "� � , " BXUMSIU! 07 STRRYTS, A131YS AYD '!P-ECIIJ� LIAY El", PAID 111i YRV 11MR)PI, jl"D PIEOVITAIIEX� TTpl !UAIXT] 07 MCRIS N MYTS'UT11DPAY OF Ouclii COS'12 111i:ln T "y1F, RYM'OA�"F1TMQ I(ADALM) bOEITI�ZJ,, ,_!,A-_.A,­ Fection I . That the entire cost and expume I' making the impn"e- ments provided for in Resolution N-o. 589, provisil.,on€,Jily �idopted vJ',d approved, on the 4th. day of 'L'ay, 1911, and firjaIly ,;dopted and approv- ed on the 10th, day of Yay, l)ll, creatiY',g Special Improgwwnt MoMet o. 105 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, for the purpose of gno,ding and ,saving Main Stree" in caid City and constructinE curbs, sidewriko and cross-welka in spid diptrict,Ql in mccorUmce vzitli the Specifi- cations on file in the City Encincer'n Office nnd rM the Ordinances -,f t'�,, City of Wispoll, and providing that, the cost o of constructing such impyoverients, inAmdAp cmAs W Meet Yld -11ey inlucr,r~ections ~hall. 10,e i.;orne and paid by Me property within said Imp:povement Dis- trict, snail be ppid by the eirtire District deso_ribii-ir, ip the r­-:id Resolution creatinE said Special Improveomlat DiwwqcC Yo. 2, and that each lot or parcel of land witbin auch district shall ne asmessed for thaL part of the whole cont tud expense ,,!hich its �-,ive�' to the arcs of the craire jUattict, exclusive of streets, rainyo Nad pub- lic PIMMS. section 2. That W1 Ow o"Ls M ex,,pf-n,,;es ineurred in making scid improvements WIA. be pnid by Speckl ImL,,,)r,,)vP,'ieiit District Bondi--_ su,w.h bondo, :Thal_] be of the dP'nom_-!n,-).ti.on of 5OO,OO luearinF, Jraterest at the rate of C19 per annum and L.e in form ifixed by an orlinance of soid City Council. 9ection 5. lqmt the Wd Ppecial lavesmnents may be mid in Lon :rq,unl r,nnual installmetts, beginnilv'.' 1912. Pection 4, hat "11 Ordinances and mrl,o of Ordinances in con- i'aict ordinance be and the surae are nereloy repep-Jed. Approved this 24th. da,' of 1uly A.D., 1911 w. C, V'ILI i)15' hIlUtest: U. ygor. City Clerk. State of h,"ontn.na, County A' FlaLben" SS. cit�v of , K rn. ' i c ", 1-) e 11 . I R.A.Kendall, City Clerk of t V of dell_,iodell_,Adontrala, do he'reby certify that on t'ne, 'ILa dr' of 1911. 1 caused the ',Irdinince 1,17 be east-R d in irdinnace La. 174 and Wt said Ordinance remnined pdsted of f ive dr arid Here hove been no Ownqes, or plteratiole raile t, credn S"'ace t'lle p k 7,i. s and approval thereof by tlie City Council., nor in the xec€3rdirs�; thereof. Recorded iierein a thin certificate made Ain 17ao; of 1911, City Clerlc.