04-11-84 Parks Comm Minutes4:00 P.M_
April 11, 1984
The Parks Committee met on this date in the Conference Room at City Hall. Present were
Chairman Springer, Councilmen Schindler, Nystul and Ruiz, Mayor McDowell,, Forrest Daley
WKiwanis, Dick Hackendahl of Chamber of Commerce, Don Arthur of Second Wind Sports,
e Tower of the Airport Association, Parks Superintendent Pieter Drent and City Attorney
C. Springer announced that he publicly wanted to compliment the City Editor of the Daily
Inter Lake for what he thought was a fine editorial in last Sunday's paper and asked a
reporter in attendance to convey his thanks.
C. Springer referred to the wording of the ballot issue of last November and stated that a
proposed ballot wording which came directly out of an earlier meeting of the full Council
amended the former ballot by removing specific reference to Bruckhauser Pool. Some ques-
tions were raised on the ballot language, and C. A. Neier was asked to add to that ballot
to clarify where location of the pool was preferred. C. Schindler was the author of the
amendment. The two proposals are the same except for Bruckhauser Pool reference. It was
decided to hold a Special City Council meeting in the next day or two to resolve the
ballot problem.
C. Schindler explained that the intent of the proposed change was that it wouldn't restrict
us to using the money on the pool in Woodland Park; if we had a better alternative of land,
to build a new facility that could someday be covered. The present pool can never be
covered. A lot of people he talked to would like a year round facility. If the money goes
to Bruckhauser, such a facility will never become a reality.
Forrest Daley stated that whether we build a new pool or not, we still need the one at Wood-
land Park for a summer recreation pool for the benefit of many people. The ballot should
be definite. He was under the impression at the last committee meeting that the decision
•as to remodel Bruckhauser Pool -specifically use the money for that. He stated that the
people would like to have something now.
Supt. Drent stated again that if we could afford to build a new pool, there was no way it
could accomodate the number of kids -because of the smaller size -who swim at Woodland in
summer. We are talking of half the size of what we have now. He strongly feels that we
are not ready for building a new pool at this time.
Dick Hackendahl reported that the Chamber Board of Directors asked him to make the follow-
ing reports, these were not a motion voted upon but rather, a general consensus of the
Board. 1) We need a pool -without defining pool. 2) Woodland Park is very beautiful and
we are all proud of it. 3) Tremendous emphasis was put on suggestion to broaden tax base
beyond the city. There were mixed feelings on renovating that particular pool now. We
need some long range plan for some multi -use facility; the City and County should get to-
gether as soon as possible on this.
Chrman Springer stated that the wording of the motion passed by Council was for Bruckhauser
Pool; the second proposal, with added language of location preference, unpassed by Council,
is for a municipal pool complex location elsewhere within the City of Kalispell. A Special
Council meeting will be necessary if the proposal is to be modified. This was set for
April 12, 1984 at 4:00 P.M.
Discussion followed regarding "Olympic" sized pool, the cost of operation for the Havre
Ruiz stated that there is nothing that says we have to make money or even break even
n the pool. The cost per individual is pretty low recreational entertainment for the com-
munity and he feels it our responsibility as much as tennis or any other program. The
pool is a recreational vehicle. n
Parks Committee Meeting
Page 2
April 11, 1984
46on Arthur said that being the owner of a private facility, he does have special interests
ut based on his experience and contact with swimmers, feels that the valley is not yet
ready for an indoor pool. He feels that during hot weather an indoor pool is not the same
psychologically as outdoor swimming. Until either population,or popularity for indoor
swimming, growth occurs, he does not see the need for an indoor facility, and states that
Bruckhauser Pool should be renovated for the summer months. He said that the public needs
more specific information on the issue.
C. Springer wants to go on record as personally liking to see the wording of the November
ballot appear on the June ballot. The committee was polled and it was said that the ideal
for the community would be both indoor and outdoor pools, but financially, it is not the
time for both. He then moved to recommend to Council that the wording be that of the Novem-
ber.ballot. Seconded by Councilman Nystul. All voted aye.
C. Springer would like to propose a new facility to the committee in the near future, after
appropriate long range planning is done.
C. Springer commended Supt. Drent on the speedy removal of a bird from his fireplace.
Airport Lease.
Items affected in the proposed change of lease
the Association coincide. 2) The "absolutely
refusal to purchase" and, 3) assignments, were
are : 1) to make lease terms of the City and
irrevocable" language would be "right of first
C. Springer does not feel that the Association can bind future Concils on appraisal price,
thus a change in granting of irrevocable right.
0. A. Neier stated that the city has the right to lease for 20 years but does not feel that
it is a good idea to have a subservient tenacy extend longer than a primary tenancy. He
wants Council to know that when lease agreement with the Airport Associaton runs out, there
will still be people with X number of years left on lease with the airport.
Creation of airport authority, dollar value of rent (7C per sq. ft.) were discussed, as
well as C. Springer stating that part of a motion contemplated that the City Attorney's
office would draw all leases. The contract is all set, and Lee Tower felt that the
changes would be acceptable to the Association.
Land Sale.
Lee Tower has the appraisal. It has been suggested that notice be sent to all realtors.
City Attorney Neier advised that a statute required that we advertise the sale and attempt
to sell at or above the appraised price. Lee will give the appraisal to C. A. Neier, who
will check out procedure to follow and the requirement to go through bids and will try to
have at least an outline ready for the April 16 Council meeting.
The committee will recommend to Council to proceed with necessary steps to start the
process of selling the land.
C. Springer announced that the Flathead County Association of Landscapers were trying to
et together with the committee and Supt. Drent to draft a tree and landscape ordinance
or the city.
Depot Park was briefly discussed, there is a need for the committee to review plans on
the park.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P. M.