03-21-84 Parks Comm MinutesPARKS AND RECREATION of FLATHEAD COUNTY 225 Cemetery Road-- Kalispell, MT 59901 755-5300 862-5036 892-5136 Ext. # 347 March 16, 1984 Kalispell City Council PO Box 1035 Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Sirs: At the March, 1984 Flathead County Park Board Meeting, a discussion was held between members of the County Park Board and the Columbia Falls City Council regarding cooperative efforts relating to park maintenance. The result of this discussion was to call a meeting of the Flathead County Park Board and the Parks Commissions of the • three cities in Flathead County. The main topic of this meeting will be to discuss park maintenance cost cutting measures,that may result through cooperative efforts. If your municipality is interested in such a meeting, please send a representative to the April loth Flathead County Park Board Meeting. This meeting will be held at 225 Cemetery Road, Kalispell, Montana. The Park Board meeting will start at 9:30 a.m., however, the parks maintenance discussion is not scheduled until 10:30 a.m. If you have any Turther questions please contact me at 755-5300, extension #347. Sincerely, J ry ones Superintendent JPJ/dms • cc: Commissioners file March 21, 1984 PARKS COMMITTEE MEETING •The Parks Committee met on this date at_4:00 P.M. in the Conference Room. Present were Chairman Pat Springer, Committee members Nystul and Manning, Councilmen Ruiz and Schindler, Mayor McDowell, Water Supt. and KATZ member Hughes, Parks Supt. Drent, Past Parks Chairman and Kiwanis member Forrest Daley, Ken Siderius and Gary Rose, School District #5, Chamber of Commerce Manager Dick Hackendahl, Tom Day, representing both the Chamber and the Outlaw Inn, Ed Arneston, Lions Club, Ken Kentner, Downtown Lions and John Franklin, Glacier Lions. C. Springer stated the reason for the meeting was to put together some alternatives to present to the public concerning the hoped for pool reconstruction/construction, depend- ing on what the voters determine. At a previous meeting the City Council authorized the committee to proceed to put on the ballot the question of whether or not the commu- nity wanted to authorize expenditure of up to $550,000 for either a new pool or recon- struction of the existing pool. The ceiling is $550,000 and this may be a highside figure. Hope to arrive at alternatives to represent consensus of group on ideas from year around, all enclosed facility down to whatever, within the .dollar amount that is established. Ken S. stated that School District #5 just doesn't have the resources to participate financially. A _ _ Tom Day, asChamberof Commerce President, stated that his organization hasn't acted on a decision, but feels that they are more in favor of an enclosed, year around facility tied into the school system. On behalf of the Outlaw Inn, he stated that it was felt that a good year round sports complex with possibility of swim meets, etc. would be •better. He asked about earmarking funds now for such a facility rather than pouring money into a continually bad situation. A facility.is needed and they would support if voted in. C. Nystul stated that the decision was not a quick fix to the facility, the contemplated project with a new bath house is expected to last for 20 years. An outdoor facility for summer and smaller indoor for year round would be desirable but the city cannot afford to maintain and operate. The best approach for indoor pool would be thru FVCC. Discussion followed regarding tri-city area need for gymnasium type facility, having to go with what the city can afford, consensus from last election was that people want a facility. If the pool is redone, it cant in the foreseeable future be enclosed. The pool is used an average of 90 days, with 12,to 14,000 kids average use. C. Springer stated that the initial motion of the committee was to use the $550,000 figure, using the Smith study but with an amendment not to limit to that study, to look at other alternatives: type and location. The motion on the ballot is whether people want a pool and authorize expenditure up to $550,000. Since then it has been discovered that the figure may not be so high considering salvage from the bath house, getting rid of existing facility, this much is removed from the study projection. Estimated reduction of $120,000, Supt. Drent pointed out that the $550,000 figure came not from Mr. Smith but from a local architect. F. Daley commented that we should concentrate on the outdoor pool where it is now, the •deep end of the pool is alright, the shallow part should be redone with installation of new bath house and boiler system. Ratio of costs, building and mechanical were thought to be about 50/50. Maximum of BOR funding would be $50,000; however we are very low on their list. The County Commissioners offer of $100,000 must be accepted by June 1. Other groups are looking at it and it is Q U Parks Committee Meeting Page 2 March 21, 1984 assumed that the offer will expire; the renovation concept is acceptable to the County. Supt. Drent stated that according to national standards, a minimum population of 50,000 is required to support a year-round pool. He feels that Kalispell is not yet ready for a rear round pool. A Polson study indicates that unless a pool is covered and has classroom instruction, its use is not warranted. At the end of summer, swimmer's in- terest changes to other activities. Maintaining an outdoor pool requires 20,000 popu- lation, an average 2J-3% residents use the pool on an regular basis. Based on this, we would need at least an 8,100 sq. ft. pool. $50p000 would not build a pool large enough to serve. Figures on the Smith study have not been gone through thoroughly. Supt. Drent will compile figures for participants to take back to the various boards. K.Siderius stated that the next school board meeting would be on April 10. C. Springer stated that a cooperative group proposal is needed before the election. Maintenance costs should reduce. when the pool is fixed because of water loss, boiler problems, chlorine loss, etc. according to Supt. Drent. He stressed that the present design was done by people who were not pool experts: we need people who know pools! C. Ruiz questioned a KATZ proposal done sometime ago but,was. told that it was.totally unrealistic. Supt. Hughes stated that if eventually the college puts in an indoor pool, he felt that summer use of our outdoor pool would not be diminished. C. Springer stated that at this point the consensus is that Woodland Park is the wanted • location. To have the facility available in the shortest amount of town, the most econ- omical way is to reconstruct the pool we now have, recognizing that we probably won't have the prospect for recovering it. If people want that facility, the City will not give alternatives but rather, will come up with a specific proposal. The ballot is already set, we are tied into the wording of the amended resolution that was passed. It was felt that the jail issue would get voters out. Also, that the public should be educated both on what we can and cannot do. Wording can be changed on the proposal to County Commissioners before April 16. Mayor McDowell will call the Election office to veridy this date. Solicitation of bids for construction was discussed since the $550.,000 may not be a realistic figure. Time is a problem. It is doubtful that any firm in the state has the expertise to reconstruct the pool.. Meeting will be continued on Wednesday, April 11, at 4:00 P.M. This will allow for time is a special meeting is required. " Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P. M. ms