02-16-84 Parks Comm Minutes0 • Conference Room PARKS COMMITTEE 3:00 P. M. February 16, 1984 Present: Chairman Springer, Councilma_a Manning and Nystul, Park Supt. Drent, Lee Tower, Airport Association President, and Rick Crone, Daily Interlake ra"Oo!'ter. Councilman Springer asked Supt. Drent for comments regarding park work. Drent stated th3.� he would like the Council to enact an ordinance covering r las and rag,alatio.-is on tree maintenance. Right now his crews are removing dead branches and marking trees that sho i d be z+amoved, but for £utuxe plans he needs to know if the traes are to be maizitai-ied by the city regulations or by requests fro.,2 residents. Who owns the trees? Councilman Springer asked Supt. Drent to obtain ordinances of a similar nature from othe,- cities so that the council can get some ideas. Supt. Drent asked tilat t;ie Coun��il decide whether or not they wish to resubmit the ge:iaral o''bl .at.ion bond for renovating the swim pool to the voters in the upcozLag June Primary Election. If they do, there are only a few days left to pass a resolution and infoim the Coiuity Election Department;,. s The Committee decided to meet on Monday, February 20th to look at the pool. Supt. Drent and DPW Hammer will also be there. AIRPORT RECONSTRUCTION Councilman Nystul reviewed the situation at the Airport. The airport is leased from the City for a 20 year period. The Association operates it and the City maintains some of their financial records. The Association is presently trying to upgrade the operation by charging some extra fees and resurfacing the runway. Verbally, the City agreed some years ago that if a piece of land, 2z acres in area, was sold, the proceeds would be used to upgrade the airport. About 45 days ago, bids were opened for the reconstruction. The bid has not been awarded because there are problems to consider. First, the low bid was in the amount of $179,601.85 - Schedule 1 - Runway Paving, $97,161.00, Schedule 2 - Ta-ciway Paving, $59,341.00 and Sonedule 3 - Crush Aggregate, $26,099.85. Secondly, they did not know how much the land would bring, so have had one appraisal of $175,000.00 and they hale hired Jacobson & Ryan to do a second. Since the sale of the land would not be enough to pay for the constriction and since they do not know if and when they can fild a buyer, the bid has not been awarded. Statutorily, we have budgetary authority to spend $175,000.00, but if anticipated revenue is not adequate the constractiion fire would have to be paid in registered warrants, which require interst, and we would not know for what length of time. After discussion with Mr. Tower, Councilman Springer moved to award Schedules 1 and 2. Tha Association will take care of Schedule 3 and the striping. Seconded by Councilman Nystul. Schedule 1 to be dona before June and Schsdala 2 after. Warrants are to be issued in several denoa-inatio_is rather than large amounts. Motion carried. Councilman Palmer suggested a letter be sent to all Rsaltors.notifyiag them that this land is for sale. Also, Finance Director Swanson submit a financial statement on the Airport. Fee schedule to be rev -;,.,:red by Councilman Springer. Meeting adjourned at 3:57 P. M.