08-11-83 Parks Comm MinutesThe Parks Committee meeting was held on Thursday, August 11, 1983, at the Conference Room at City Hall. In attendance were Chairman Vidal, Councilman Palmer, Parks Supt. Drent, Finance Director Swanson, Jerry Jones, liaison from the office of the County Commissioners and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black, representing the petitioners for mainten- ance of Parkview Terrace. Mrs. Black stated that property owners in the area felt the playground to be dangerous and wanted it more carefully maintained. Supt. Drent informed us that the area referred to was .3 acres received in lieu of park land. He stated that he previously lived in the area and as a citizen rather than as parks superintendent, attempted maintenance of the area. During this time hoses were stolen, fire hydrants turned on and all attempts of maintaining were thrwarted. Mrs. Black questioned why nearby areas were better maintained; she said that there was no grass, but abundant thistle growth. The metal on the swings should also be replaced. Supt. Drent stated that the equipment was checked 2-3 times a year. Chairman Vidal suggested that wood chips might be used since grass growth is out of the question without available water. Mrs. Black stated that one child had suffered a broken arm in a fall on the hard dirt and stated that she disagrees with Drent on maintenance of the area and would continue to petition for such. Chairman Vidal said that when she first became a council member she and Drent toured the area. Funds were not available for development and the equipment used there was scrounged from other parks. She thought it might be better to take the equipment out if it presented a safety hazard. Mrs. Black indicated that the neighborhood would be willing to maintain the park and asked about city approval for planting trees, using an irrigation system. Drent said that Peterson and Hawthorne Parks have lost their irrigation systems and that currently no spigot is in place in that park. C. Vidal stated that the Committee would seek other alternatives for now without water use. C. Palmer felt that the neighborhood should be given choices of what they wished to do with the area. He stated that we have over 200 acres of park land that the city is responsible for and with current economics, the pool situation, etc, we have many other problems. Mrs. Black asked about "children playing"signs being placed in the area. A list of possible improvements/changes which attempt to address the neighborhood con- cerns presented by the Blacks will be prepared by the Parks Superintendent and Parks Committee. M & M Black will be contacted as representatives of the neighborhood before final recommendations are made. Page 1 Parks Committee Minutes Page 2 August 11, 1983 Chairman Vidal read the 7/28/83 letter to the Mayor from the County Commissioners outlining their willingness to support a new pool complex and their provisions for the $100,000 Revenue Sharing commitment. She questioned what was meant by the term "new pool complex". Jerry Jones stated that budget problems prevented the Commissioners from attending this meeting and relayed the following information. The Commissioners do not want to move until a coordinated development plan is made for spending the money. No time deadline was involved, but they wanted the facility to be as perfect and right as can be, with a 10 year development plan between City and County. Chairman Vidal stated that something more specific is needed in wording. The pool will not be a "new pool complex", but rather, we will be refurbishing the old pool. She also referred to Item 5 in the provisions and stated that we do not intend to relocate the pool. Mr. Jones said that the Commissioners want to make sure that it is in the best locatiion for both city and county residents. Chairman Vidal remarked that her committee met with the Commissioners in June or July and it was understood that the location would not change. Superintendent Drent said that copies of reports were given to the Commissioners at that time. C. Palmer stated that he felt the county made their offer in good faith, but because of the deadline for the bond issue, there was not time to resolve the issue of meeting the County's criteria. He feels that the city should go for the full bond issue now. If later the County and City meet an agreement, the bond can simply be retired earlier. Regarding Item #4, re fees, Palmer felt there should be no difference in fees for city or county pool users. Discussion of fee charges followed. Supt. Drent stated that the operation of the swimming pool was not intended for profit but rather, as a public service and to keep the kids off the streets. $23,000 was lost in maintenance of the pool last year. 56% of the pool users live outside the city limits. Mr. Jones cited other recreational charges which are provided by the County at higher rates and the fees only covered maintenance costs. He stated that the County's philo- sophy was that if you want to play, pay! C. Vidal expressed concern about giving the County management rights for their $100,000 support. Jerry Jones stated that the County was not seeking total management rights. C. Palmer moved that the bond issue be presented to taxpayers for the full amount of $550,000.00 and the County could later contribute if they so desired. Seconded by Chairman Vidal. S. Drent stated that it was his understanding that the City Attorney felt that we could not accept the agreement on the County's terms. He said the last 4 years have been spent discussing the pool problems and the time has come to solve them. Discussion of the pool as a year round facility followed. Chairman Vidal said that this possibility had been considered but was not deemed as feasible. She stated that an application for BOR Grant will be made before November 1, options on that were being explored but we will not be notified of acceptance until January. Parks Committee Minutes Page 3 August 11, 1983 C. Vidal asked that Jerry Jones relay our thanks to the Commissioners for their con- sideration and regret that they could not attend today's meeting. She stated that she would like a joint meeting with the County Commissioners when possible. Supt. Drent stated that he had requested $50,000 in this fiscal budget for contin- gencies should the pool issue fail but this was not approved. He said that the pool can be filled sometime in September when the water will remain cool. City Attorney Neier arrived at the meeting at this point. He advised the committee that it would not be wise to accept the $100,000 from the County under the conditions imposed. The City has requested assistance from the County for capital improvements. The $100,000 offered by the County would be used entirely for construction of the im- provements proposed. No part of the County money would be used for maintenance and operation. However, the County wants to OK the fees charged by the City when they have made no contribution to maintenance and operation. The City should not accept funds for capital improvements and then allow those who give the funds to dictate how the maintenance and operation is handled. Capital improvement and maintenance and opera- tion are separate and should remain such. The fees generated by use are used for M&O and the City should not allow fees to be controlled by third parties not contributing to M&O. Chairman Vidal stated that a copy of the minutes would be sent to the Commissioners and they would be contacted about a future meeting. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 P. M.