Ordinance 239 - Form of SID 105 BondsMDUATC11 M, 239. Dl!A!,,C'11, ",7132TIM TO A7D PRASCRIBE-M, Tau, %'M ol" 0PECI,`Ji DISTRICT PGALIST SPH- CIPLI., UPROV'IEI,dL",2 DlTRICT 110. 105, CITY OF KAI.I''PFLL, BEI I�L' 1ji'1CDAiiI1` 1'11!"7` LY THE Cl2Y �)P Tl,!I?, CITY OF Section 1. All Special Improvement bonds authorized to be issu- ed and delivered in p,,ayment of tine costs and ef,,,penseq incurred in 2i�,,king the im.oroveriients described in Hesolution no 3 9 ,, ov d uy n )P-r e lot'n. 1911, C.re<�tir.1?7 `'!Pecia-al Improverlent 'istrict NG. 105 of the City of' Kalispell, be dated July lot. 1911, sh,�ll be of the denoriinntion oP 41r500.0() each (except such bond as may be nece-,,sary for ,),uy fractionil part Of 4P500.0r) to complete any final payment under the srjnrr,-),ct for makinC� snid improve lent) and sh�o,ll bear a T -t the rate of.' 6% per annum, interest payable on the first day of ­,,,nuary in ouch year, and shall he due snd p,,ayable on or 'before, tqe first day ©f 0anua.ry, 1921, ;,,nd "all be registered rm% of date W,­ July 1st. 191.1 in t'ie Office of Lhe City Treasurer of tne City of Kalispell, Vlach of the sraid i)onds sha, a nave attached thereto ten interests cwjpons. The said bonds be si,­ned 'by the 7;'_%yor and the City Clerk sh&l have the Corporate Seal of bm City affixed thereto and the interest coupona attached to enhi of said bonds Eair U. he enrraved Pac-Simile signoW.Ir'eS of the �`cynr andthe City Clom, Bach bond shall be registered j..-, the office of the City Trensurar who shall sign his nvme on tim revistar' i,iml ench of said bonds. Rection 2, The bond- shall he in form and 3,anFun,�c, oi)bs tant I - ally WU follows: I'l T"ED '77)',_ i-F 27 0 W R I C, No. SPEMAJ, ITAPR0V1T,f!,,ET of the DIPTRTCT E07,0. City Of i a1 ispell, Strite of Uont: Special Improvement District ilo. lo5. ------------------------- * -------- 19,9,_ied by e thCity of Kallopell, Y_ont,,,una, to pay for grndinp-, and �. )r)rtion of ILain `;trees In said City =d lnyin,­ curb,.a, tnercon, W aceo-d,,)nce d tYa �esojuti()r I o, tt,e City 0011rlcil P,'M8ed and �[)Pmved My 10th., 1.911, creatim7 1:7epcial Improvement District No, 105, and the Ordinances of said City. -------------------------------------- Y T;�o City of Kniispell, a ".1uni6inal Corporation of - the Sta�,e of 1�cntan,i h(­reby promisee to pay to or be,,)rer 500.00 i n t_e t �',ates, vlithintproot there- _n%,,�fuj noney of t��e 1,j, i on from Pod after -11 e t firSt Jy r)l 111y, 1911, -i,t the rate of65`, per nnnutfi, payable annunlly, principal rind iateznst payable out o,., S-Pecial, im,droVer-ent TisVict No. 105 FunC provided for by ordinance of maid City axid not at t-ne n,'ficc trje City of said City. This bond is payable on ­' Leforo the lst. d::y of nuary, 1921, nd is, suk)ject 'Lo c� 11 fnofy tlie City 1requrer ort,3i,� City whenever be sufficirnL money in snid Fund to p,­y Lhe toF,-,00the,,° r11 un,);id bonds -.)f the s:me thir, bo­n0 _q one, vkicq are prior to th,s bond in niumericU order, over and above sufficienL fund,` for the payment of interest on Il unpaid bonds A. said series. A (,ou,)on is 1vereto attached for each ins,',;,Clltyient of interest to menme lwref)n r lh,',11 be paid only on prese,-jtjti()n nnd surrender of such coupon, tO trace City Tre surer, but in t iis bond is wIM for Krawt befure !ts au turd ny, each t)no every coiA.pon int"est no accrued W. Ljj(� time this bond is p,­,yablc under s,,jcjj O31 be , M The i call- for apymerit of thlo bond or fo v.ny bond of the series of which 1s one be --ade by t(ie City Treasurer by publishing the V--Trie in th-C officinl nevispaper oL s;:.LJ City ruuminf, a,, &,,te upon w0ch ouch bond in pyable, nc vilnen sucli c,,11 s ::,ade for tz,-, i-),,,,y- ,nent f thsi bond imArest thereon olall on the &tY desirnaLed in cinch ivMce. This bond is Dne of a reried 7 in all, '3]pproximately, the joindpal PUn of lan, n MUSand dollan (10,000.00) iosl)ed in Improve,,nent District No. 105, )aynPnt for improvements in Special all of Wriich bonds are subject to the terns ,and con.ditioiis ,,t ,,-,Cre- in exprersec lmd z?re tYabie 11'1 riulneE ricer-1 ()rder, 1xith the lowest nurnoer. It is hereby certified and recited thNt M Wa suld WAngs re- Inired Q I)e e'one precedent of the ussu,-.nee of L­hiw bond -lve been properly done, happened and performed in the mn.nner pre,.cribed by t'nc laws of the State of Liontana and the re so utions ,end urdi,,,anc�r of t1ie City of Eali;.pell to the i�suancn thereof, 11,' the City of Kalispell WS c- sed tnese [)resents to be sirned by it's "ayor and attested itH City Clei,k alij se�-,,je(j with its corporate seal and the 0=0112 to the o Jay fac-simile s!gwAure3 of said aIny-0111 'Clerk, a of July, 1911, Attest: City Clerk. By S 1 9 d 0 S.- a i d bond nd shal 1 1,, n d t.) z-, e o vi, SFIXIA1; I11PQ(TTE121J-1T -District 11o. 10, of t,'ne .1 City of Kalis'pell, St-O,e of 0. Dated j0U-1y,TVst,-. 1,)11.-- Interest at 6,' pet, Annum. PAYABLE, 1111"UuAly. At trie fooioe of the CITY TR,EASUR�'M. In the City of Kaalopell. Regiott'red lst, clay of July, 1911. r. City Treau'urer. S Eection !hat said bonds shr-]l hr,,va attached tlaer-to ten(lo) interest cou,)OAS, Which zd c�)U�?ons be of the following f.'c)rrq except Coupon IiO-I. which siioll be for fi-Pteen doll -arc) ($15.00): SP!AMIU, IYPW,2`,'E1,TT DISTRICT NO. 105 l'u'rD. On the first day of january, THY, CITY OP KAI,ISPE,11, MON A, Promised to pay to the bnarm" uL Wie Office of L�ie City Tressurar Thirty 77 d j 710 . - Dollars, being one years i 7d7e- ,'17-d77y-­o­n-r,o­n of the 'bonds of SPECIAI. DISTRICT 1.iO. olisepll, nut of �.Pecial Improvement -L'igtricL 1,10 105 Fur(i, an �t,! WiBe; provided to at this coupon is subject t ; all the in the bond to which it i s rnnexed, G f Z Attest: or. MY Clerk. -------------------------------- Section 4. cone of the bo,�ads provided for herein be delivered except upon Vice order of the City Counzj,j. Pa.,-,,sed and ai)proved t',nis 24',h. d,:y of jUly, 1911. W. C. vuipps, Attest! I1,A.K!Ei'Dj1,7,j,, mayor. City Clerik.