01-20-83 Parks Comm MinutesCOPS NITTEE REPORT KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL The PARKS Committee, met on this date at 11:00 A. M. In attendance were Councilman O'Boyle, Palmer and Vidal, Mayor McDowell and Pieter Drent, Parks Superintendent. KALISPELL, MONTANA January 20 , 29 83. TO TEE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL GENTIMAEN: A draft of a proposal to re -write the Parks Dedication Ordinance was discussed. The committee agreed that the City Attorney be asked to prepare a re -written ordinance or resolution incorporating the committee's revisions to be presented for Council approval. Pieter reported on the need for a Change Order to be approved for the Dry Brid e Park project. The swale at the northeast end should be replaced with a pipeline in order to create a flat, more easily utilized and maintainable field. There are some addi- tional areas which need to be leveled and some piles of topsoil which should not be replaced until the earth has recompacted. The committee requested that Pieter and Dennis Carver, project engineer, write up a Change Order, detailing specifics to be presented for full Council approval, Pieter reported on the increasing difficulties he is experiencing in keeping up with._ (Continued) Respectfully submitted, Gayle J. Vidal Committee Chairman ms Parks Committee Page 2 January 20, 1983 the city tree management under our current ordinances and policies. At present we attempt to respond to city resident's individual re- quests for pruning, tree removal and care for trees along city boulevards. We have no overall plan or system of priorities for addressing tree problems and/or planning for healthy trees. For example, the existing ordinance requires that trees be planted at least 20' apart, but a healthy, mature maple tree needs at least 501. Because trees are not planted appropriately, problems are resulting which include visability problems at intersections, buckling of side- walks due to undermanaged root growth, obstruction of fire equipment by tall trees growing too close together and the risk of elms being attacked by Dutch Elm disease, The committee recommended that Pieter research and develop a com- prehensive tree management proposal to be presented to the Parks Committee for consideration. The meeting was adjourned at 1215 P. M.