Ordinance 240 - Special Improvement District 106,J3DL1,1A11C'X, NO. 240. 131 RDIVA&CE DIRRCTUG WD DECLM;,G THA7 A11 T111", COSTS ,]ND EX- MIMS (no il' ."PFMIJa.1, III SPt+�CIAL DISTRICT 110. 106, 101� KALISPIML, SHALL DT, ED APAIN13T 1"? PAID BY T111,', 1;,NTIRI' DI2�TRICT, Ej',,CH I,nl.,L ,)R Op LAND VITHIE SAID DISTRICT `CO BE ASSES") '�T) _F,')R THA'f IRART OF T111", ViUOLE CC T 'TIMI WS X,j',, D:17L"JU') '2-) TT,11i1, 1R(' DISTRICT, EXCLU�")IVE OF A -,A) P"ME'Lle PLACN33, A,141) PROVIDI',:C THAT SAID ��PFCIAI, BE PAID IN THM 10MAI A-11,I) PRO I.,_ FOR TW", 1S)SUj\1XE 01SPECIAL BONDS IN PAMV­",�T OF 'SUCH C'O'STS MD EXP.MES. he IT 0R,'1)Al_',!ED BY TliE CI'I'y OF TIFE CITY Section]., Lhat the entire cost and expense of -malting Llie ii-m,,)rove- ments provided for in Nesolution As. )90, provisionally idopted ond approved oil the Ist. d,,,.y of May, 1911, and finally adopted and approved on the l0tn day of Ilay 1911, creating Special Improvement District No. 106 of the City cf ralio �ell, hlontama, for the purpose of grad- ing u-nd Imming Main S,tramM in said City, -1.nd con,3'Gructj..�F curbs, sidew,11-,q :�r�d cronstalkm in s-id district, all in acenrdance with the specifications an file in the City Engineer's Office and with the Ordinance of the City of "alimpell, end providing that th.,it the Costs of conritructinF such improvenmeylts, inclur.jing coq,Ls 0' 5-treet and alley intermctions, Ph"31 be borne jid by tie; property 1,,it'h- in 0,..id Improvement District, shall be paid by the entire district descvibed in Lhe said i?esolution treating said Special Improvement District E0. 105; and that each lot or parcel of land WAin said district shill be assessed for that part of the ,,-jjoIe cost zunci expense wh i ch - il,'s areibe;rs to th'e area iif' the entire District exclusive of streets, alleys and _public places. Section 2. That all tAe costs and expense� incurred in making said improver,,ients shrll be paid by Spacial improvement District Bonds shall be of the denomination of '$'500.00, bearing interest at the rate of 6�� pear annum, and shall be in form fixed by an ordinance of said Ciy Council. °7ection j. 'Zli��t the raid !'jeci"l Assessments may be paid in 'Len (10) e4uol instalbmntn beinnin�7 wit -In �:ie year 1911. 1''ection 4. Irta.t all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in con- flict vlit, tbi,,3 Ordinance) be and tne s-,_a,Tqe are hereby repea"'Ied. Approved this 24th, day of july, A.D., 1911. Attest: 11.A.K'21,1DALJ,, Mayor. City Clerk,. State of hrontttna, County of Flat'inead, Be. City Pf Kalispell. I 11.A.Kendtill, City Clerk ofiYie , it, of Kai, iopell, Mont;"�,na, do hereby certify that oil t�le ay of - 1911. I caused the foregoing Ordinance to . be �4i� 11 K. �� � e�, ired in Ordin- 1111ce NO. 174 and that said Ordinance renained Pon _d , 01 0. period of five days, ,..tni t,,,int tJaere h�:,re been no changes or alteratiomq made tner­,in since the jmrsat,,e <md approval thereof' by L_,le City Coun- cil, nor in the recordicg thereof. recorded herein and t]ais certificate made this day Qfj,<4V/,,jL City Clerk.