04-08-82 Parks Comm MinutesKA-LISPELL CITY COUNCIL The PARKS, RECREATION $ AIRPORT Committee, !tby?�y;XEtX}§�1bX`OC met at City Hall Conterence Room for the purpose of conducting a tennis meeting. The meeting began at 4:00 P. M. KA.LISPELL MONTAM April 1 8 • -, 19 8 2 TO THE HONORABLE MYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CENTIM tW: In attendance were: Pieter Drent, Gayle Vidal, Ken Rupp, Lil Laidlaw, Tammy Holmes and Val Ellingson, Tammy Holmes reported —that the tennis group represented in this meeting had a desire to help serve as an Advisory' -Committee to help with tennis courts in what -- ever ways might be- beneficial to the City.- The group had visited each. of the courts and inventoried what improvements should be -considered for each court. She Tennis Co e o m o e .t o a ize_ and administer the Kalispell Summer Tennis Program. Pieter shared information with Ken about how the program had been organized in the past. It was agreed that Ken would study the materials and records left from past programs, then get together with t e m Parks Committee and Pieter at a later date to set up this sumer`s program, Pieter shared the information that two tennis assistant salaries have been written into t Zs- year's budget. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. Respectiul.ly submitted, Gayle J, Vidal', Chairman ms COMMi'ttee Cba1iman